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Need mod fix Gildergreen missing after Blessings of Nature


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I completed the Blessings of Nature after taking back the sap (not the sapling), and now my Gildergreen is completely missing when I enter Whiterun. It is in the Whiterun in the main Skyrim worldspace, just not when you enter through the city gates or fast travel.. I believe this is due to my once yse of the Open Cities mod. The author claims this isn't from his mod but several have reported it. I no longer use this mod and haven't for a while, but the problem persist. I need a fix for this. I seems simple enough. Just a mod to return the Gildergreen back to it's vanilla spot, post-quest.

Edited by dinky2012
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I think you'd need to be the one to do it, see, this isn't a problem for me or a lot of others, so it's likely something to do with the mods you've installed. It's not too hard, just go to the creation kit, select all the mods you use as plugin or active files, and add the Gildergreen to the Whiterun worldspace.

Edited by Guest
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I tried but I am extremely unclear when it comes to loading up any areas or worldspaces. I have edited values for objects before but never had success with anything other than that. I see this as more of a favor and can understand if no one wants to do this. We can all agree that the Gildergreen is a major landmark in Whiterun and now mine, and a few others, are gone. I know for a fact a few other people have had this happen so I know I won't be the only one to benefit from this.

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As with similar problems with skyrim modding, if you installed a mod that made something mess up, even if you removed it before it visibly messed up, its still going to be in your game, so it still has the potential to mess up, because the engine doesnt have the ability to clean junk data or whatever, and it'll take a reinstall or a fix mod to fix the problem...

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Seems the issue now is that I had used the MarkForDelete command on the Gildergreen in the main Skyrim worldspace, and while I can add the original dead Gildergreen back to Whiterun (or even the sapling), the healthy version will not show up using the same methods. Is there a way to undo the MarkForDelete command on that reference or will I be better off redownloading the Skyrim.esm?

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I did some more research on the MarkForDelete command. It apparently flags that item as deleted from your savegame, so after a cleanup it is gone. Only option is to load up an old save from before the command was saved. I found a recent save, found the tree still in the worldspace, and was able to add it back to Whiterun, while still keeping it in the worldspace, so you can see the tree from outside the walls. Mission successful.

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ive had this glitch yesterday and ended up here searching for an answer in google. I just fixed it by uninstalling unofficial skyrim patch, save the game, enable unofficial skyrim patch and loading the game. hope it works for you too

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