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dawnguard crashes c++ error


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Since I entered the soul cairn in dawnguard, my game crashes frequently with a c++ error even now that I'm back in skyrim. It still happens when all my mods are off, and I've updated my graphics drivers and c++ libraries. Everytime I validate my Steam files for Skyrim it finds a file missing and it says that it will reaquire the file, but when I validate again the file is still missing. I've done a complete uninstall and reinstall and am still having the same problem with this file going missing as soon as I play a game with dawnguard installed where the character is past the soul cairn quest.


Thanks :)

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if it's the runtime error 6025 pure virtual function call, you can buy a new rig and you will still have it :P here after is my answer on the same kind of post



if it's the "r6025 error virtual function call" it's probably from the
DG dlc, i get it every time with Serana or during the auriel bow quest,
mostly during all the main quest, i play also since the very 1st day of
release and never ever crashed or have a single problem with the
.....Vanilla game :P


1/dont uninstall mods, skyrim or steam, it doesn't change anything,
ré installing your runtime library either, be sure you have the last one
*2010* , the same for the hardware, driver or whatever , then go there:


https://support.stea...=9828-SFLZ-9289 check this list (i'm running 60 of these process on normal profile)



i've made a "spécial" W7 profile without all the bunch of scrap in
MSconfig, (all the drivers was up to date) and no more r6025 error, it's
from one of the auto update soft which is running background who get
this error.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Ok seems steam is replacing my skyrim ini files in my saved games folder.

for some reason my PC is somehow replacing them with a back up ..

I made a separate file and made a back set of the originals and deleted the files myself restarted the game and a new default set were created and it seems to have stoped the error after one long game pause I haven't had the error again.

No idea what happen but it seems to have been fixed for now.

Edited by 5thhors
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  • 1 month later...

I'm not sure if this is related to the same issue, I also get the runtime error now randomly after visiting the Soul Cairn in Dawnguard. I noticed the bug where when you walk near the giant crystals the soul drain permanently attaches itself to you, even if you eat a soul husk. I thought the problem dissapeared when I left the Cairn, but every now and then at certain places in the game usually near doors or cracks in the area, I can still hear the sound of the soul drain effect. I've noticed weird glowing edges on objects when I hear the noise too. Don't know if I can get a screen shot of it or not.

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