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Skyrim Bloodlines - Morrowind Clans will be back I SWEAR!


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I just got my hands on Dragonborn DLC and since I got a vampire-fetish I thaught why not re-establish Morrowind Vapire Clans.

In case you didn't know about it (like me for the past 7 years) or never actually played Morrowind because of your age. YES Morrowind does have vampire clans. Volkihar from dawnguard DLC is not the only clan out there in Elder Scrolls Universe.

In Morrowind you have these:

-Clan Aundae: A vampire Mages Guild - if you know something about Clan Tremere from VTM universe you know what I mean.

-Clan Berne: A vampire Dark Brotherhood ... or should I say Morag Tong since we're talking Morrowind - all about stealth, murder and theft.

-Clan Quarra: A vampire Fighters Guild - not much to explain, strength and honor.

I just wanted to inform the community, maybe someone is already working on this and a possible cooperation may appear. I have gone a long way and I FINALLY learned to make quests. I studied the clans and even passed Morrowind recently to get the idea. Here I would like to state that this mod will treat you LIKE AN ADULT:

-Nobody is going to hold your hand the entire playthrough with objective dots and map markers; you follow a quest, not a friggin dot on the screen. You must think, you must read objective info and dialouges carefully, just like you did in Morrowind. Of course there will be a solution for dummies, because people tend to think I write too criptic.

-YOU CAN FAIL QUESTLINES. Nobody in that mod will be essential. You accidentaly kill someone, you fail certain detail in a quest that is stated in the objective text and you will not be able to continue, and you must deal with the consequences of your actions. For example, quest failure and you will be excluded permanently form the clan.

-Some items will be more valuable than you can sell and will be one of a kind. This will give the item a value that is not expressed in gold. Moreover I think of making certain hidden quest if you decide to hand over these items to some NPC. On the other hand you will receive a potentially looking trash with no value but there will be an NPC who will exchange you that item for a skill or wealth. The only thing is; you will not receive EVEN A SCRAP of a hint on "who, where and how."

-It won't be easy to get INTO a particular clan and there will be consequences. All clans are initially hostile towards other vampires and mortals. You need to complete a hidden quest for any of the clans, to make their members not to attack you on sight and start working your way up their hierarchy. This means the other clans will hate you, and you will be permanently banned from completing their questlines, they will always be hostile to you. You will only be given a common book that you may buy at any librarian that will give you a hint on what to do.

-Each clan of course will have its pros and cons. For example, Each Clan Aundae rank will give you buffs in certain magic related stuff and you will be given a single useful spell for starters. But you will also receive penalties in other physical/stealth areas. Advancement will be optional so you will always have to deal with the consequences of YOUR CHOICE.

Edited by Galejro
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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

The main problem with large quest mods, or mods that involve many NPC's, isn't the scripting or even a time issue, it's the dialogue that's a problem. It's a long winded process writing dialogue, getting voices actors and then linking them to the actors. I suppose you could cut corners and not have any spoken dialogue, but it ruins to feel of the mod.


I'd like to see these clans created though. Good-luck to whoever takes it on.

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  • 6 months later...

/casts raise dead


I've considered doing a mod like this, but you have to admit that the Creation Kit is a nightmare to navigate. It's certainly better than some other editors out there, but let's get real - generating enough NPCs to create 3 factions worth caring about is at least 30 NPCs, each with their own dialogue trees, multiple quests, and personalities... You totally could have an entire clan of "mute" vampires to reduce the voice acting to 2 factions, but even then, you'd have to make that mute-clan very gesture-oriented in order to make their clan interesting, and Skyrim really doesn't have good tools for that. Dialogue is definitely the largest issue, but even just scripting NPCs to have the right routines and objectives at the right times is a royal pain. Doing each clan justice would probably require a least a few unique spells/abilities per clan, as well, which would be another annoying undertaking.


I think it's a more managable task to sit down and try to write three vampire companions, than three vampire clans. That way, you can pour your effort into making each one very reactive, and you can throw in three or four quests per each one - I think people would enjoy a mod like that just as much and it would be feasible for a single person to develop. That's what I'm setting out to do, but even something like this won't be easy.


Finally... if someone is interested in attempting a mod like the OP is describing, I would highly suggest they get some kind of an SVN/GIT going. Yeah, right, I know that getting the creation kit into a state for that is... a task in itself (I don't even know how the CK resolves conflicts if two pepole work on the mod at once, or what kind of functionality exists there)... but at the very least, starting a code repoistory for the mod's progress would mean it'd have the potential for someone else to pick it up and finish it, or for more people to sit down and contribute.

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