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CBBE skin for UNPB body?


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So here's a conundrum that's been bothering me. I LOVE the CBBE body, with the great texture, the gorgeous faces, and the easy to use controls. Unfortunately, the clothing options are rather limited, and getting things to "jiggle" can be a bit of a headache. On the other hand, the UNBP body comes with built in jiggle, and has more clothing options (both refitted and original) than I could ever hope to try one! This time, however, the problem is reversed....I can't STAND the texture (everyone looks lake wax sculptures!), and getting a decent face to match up is a chore. So, my question is, does anyone know of a mod that can combine the best of both? The body of UNPB so that I can use all the clothing options, but the skin and faces of the CBBE body that I so love? If not, any ideas on how I can get a decent looking UNPB clothing compatible body without resorting to hours of configuration (which I just plain suck at)? Thanks for any help you might be able to offer!

Edited by tm2dragon
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