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Mundane Armor mod.


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One of the things that bugged the heck out of me every since Oblivion launched is
the armor and weapon scaling. Seeing every other jagoff in the world run around
with daedric and glass armor hurt the immersion in a big way for me. After
complaining about it for years I've decided to do something about it. My plan
is to rearrange and replace the armors and weapons in almost every tier. I
won't be changing the stats since I think that will throw the game balance into
chaos. Here is a list of my proposed swaps.


Light/Heavy: Rare



Leather/Banded Armor

Hardened Leather/Halfplate

Brigandine/Steel Chitin/Orc

Chain/Fullplate Aleyid(Elven)/Dwarf

Mithril/Ebony Glass/Daedra





Pigiron/Hunting Bow

Iron/Short Bow

Steel/Horn Bow

True silver/Long Bow Aleyid

???/??? Dwarf

Spell Steel/Composite Bow Glass

Ebony/Warbow Daedric


Starting at tier 4 alternate rare armors will also become available. As the name suggest tthese items will be much harder to find than those on the standard list. Most likely rare items will only apear on bosses or in boss chests. I plan to borrow from a number of pre existing mods for any new meshes or textures. I welcome any comments tips or suggestion.


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Not meaning to dissuade you in the slightest, but similar has been done in Maskars Oblivion Overhaul. You could have a look for ideas or to compare your idea to what's been done there.

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