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New redguard armor


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I have a idea for a new armor it would take hothtrooper's redguard knight mod and turn it into something like this the armor worn by the Khassaki (metal guy) in this picture http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m9opemOAhX1qh0rtuo1_1280.jpg.

you see while the redguards wear lots of clothing they don't wear alot of armor even though the area they are in "white run", seems to have moderate temperature.


Using this picture as a example i propose someone change the chain shirt to a vanilla plate cuirass or a metal grey scaled armor while keeping the chain kilt.

then making the pants and arms complete chainmail, making the gauntlets and boots plated leather.

then changing the normal cloth hood to a chain hood while keeping the spike.

i would prefer it stand alone as while i have immersive armors it's always good to give people a choice.

I need this for turning the vale into a hold.

thanks ahead of time, fishy sticks.

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