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power helmet Interface idea


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Heres some screenshot mockups I made back when I was in my 3d Game Design program.


I proposed basically the same idea, except in-helmet HUD items would be blurred with an active depth-of-field, however still visible at the sides with perhepheral(sp) vision.

If you were to 'press pause' or 'go into your menu' it would bring the in-helmet display into focus, but blur out the world around you.


You could technically play still with the HUD blurred, it would just be more or less read with the corners of your eyes anyways, and only ever really critical to read if you were injured and bodyparts were flashing red, etc.


No HUD at all (classic mode):



Helmet HUDs enabled (Hud Not in focus):



Helmet HUDs enabled (Hud in focus):




Different environment showing the effects of a non-supported weapon on the Suit/Helmet's Hud. (ie. An Oblivion sword is not sensor-supported by the Suit's computer, so it comes up as 'N/A' because it has no weapon data) Also notice temperature changes are read out in real time as are headings.




Finally, the left and right bumper buttons (on a game controller) (or left and right shift buttons perhaps (or just clickable with the mouse)) would activate the inventory and status management screens which would give readouts of your Suit and your vitals as they were read by the suit in real time)






Speaking of Republic commando, that was one of my main inspirations for my mockups lol

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Bump for even greater justice.


I've been yearning for a mod like this for quite some time now, I personally hate that there's no change between a motorcycle helmet and a high-tech power helmet (in terms of first-person visuals).


There were a slew of great ideas being tossed around up above, has anyone been working on any of them?

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