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1st Person Arm View Issue


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Okay, I tried everything.


In 1st Person view, only the LEFT arm is suddenly seen. I thought it might have been due to updating:

* Fores New Idles in Skyrim SE - FNIS SE


Yes, I redid: GenerateFNISforUsers Skyrim SE to update the game as per instruction.


So I went back to prior version and nope, still only the left arm is visible.


I even started a clean new game ... and still there when I get into Helgen Keep.


So I turned OFF all mods and only DLC's active and started a clean game only using the Default Skyrim SE Launcher and once I get into Helgen Keep .. it is only the left arm visible.


I even did the Clean -




Then I followed:




And shut down my computer and restarted for Steam to redo the above files and it was done.


So any thoughts, I'm not really excited about deleting and reinstalling Skyrim SE ... but that is my last resort.



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When you disabled all of your mods, did you still try and launch Skyrim through your mod manager? If so, try launching Skyrim directly from it's install location. Once you get to the main menu, go into the console and type: coc riverwood so you skip the cart ride intro and see if your arms are still missing. Does this happen with both male and female characters? Also, which mod manager are you using?

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- Reload game with no MODS just DLC's only.


- COC to Riverwood did not work, until I got into Helgen Keep, for which then well.


- Only left hand seen Male or Female.


- Nexus Mod Manager - Current Version.

... This 'bug' just started mid game.


Okay, I think I've determined that it's an .INI file and I have no idea which one, as INI's are "not my thing".


But I used Joy Of Perspective ( have not used that for over a year now ) and it fixed it and all is good now. That is why I think it has something to do with some .ini setting that got changed, though again admittedly I have no idea ....


THANKS for the help - it got me thinking a bit 'outside the box'.


I see you live in the USA - so I HOPE YOU HAVE A HAPPY THANKSGIVNG!!

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