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A little scripting help, please


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After a rather long hiatus, I have decided to come back to FO4 modding for the purpose of finishing my Spectacle Island Institute mod. Sadly, what little progress I had made learning scripting seems to have disappeared from my memory banks. Here’s what I’d like to be able to do:

1. When a player or NPC enters a certain trigger box a door will open if and only if the workshop is owned by the player. If the workshop is NOT owned by player, then a message will be echoed out informing the player they need to acquire the workshop before they can gain access. As mentioned this is for Spectacle Island.

2. When a player or NPC leaves the trigger box the door will close.

Seems simple enough, right? I can get the door to open and close but unfortunately, I can’t figure out the conditional part of the requirement.

Scriptname SpecIslandInstReborn:AOCDTriggerOnCondition extends ObjectReference Const

{A trigger that watches for a target to enter and exit the trigger volume and opens and closes the door if the workshop is owned by player}

Group Required_Properties

ObjectReference property myDoor01 auto const mandatory

{The door that we want to open/close when entering/exiting the trigger.}

Message Property OwnershipChallengeMessage Auto Const Mandatory


Event OnTriggerEnter(ObjectReference akActionRef)

; Get the workshop reference for Spectacle Island

; Test to see if the workshop is owned by the player

; Conditional IF

; IF workshop on Spectacle Island is owned by the player then

; open the door



;inform the player they need to own the workshop in order to enter




Event OnTriggerLeave(ObjectReference akActionRef)

; close the door



I would assume I need to link the trigger box to the Spectacle Island workshop and then use a function or two thereafter. From SKK50's response to another thread I saw what appears to be the solution; however, my attempts to implement it was unsuccessful.

- ObjectReference WorkshopREF = Self.GetLinkedRef(pWorkshopItemKeyword)

- If ((WorkshopREF as WorkshopScript).OwnedByPlayer == FALSE)

I couldn't decipher the *Self." Sad, I know.

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As I said I forgot a lot, including how to read the error reports. I am happy to report the following script seems to work.


Scriptname SpecIslandInstReborn:AOCDTriggerOnCondition extends ObjectReference Const
Group Required_Properties
ObjectReference Property myDoor01 Auto Const Mandatory
Quest Property pWorkshopParent Auto Const Mandatory
Keyword Property pWorkshopItemKeyword Auto Const Mandatory
Message Property OwnershipChallengeMessage Auto Const Mandatory
Event OnTriggerEnter(ObjectReference akActionRef)
ObjectReference WorkshopREF = self.GetLinkedRef(pWorkshopItemKeyword)
; Check to see if workshop is owned by player
If ((WorkshopREF as WorkshopScript).OwnedByPlayer == TRUE)
; open the door
;inform the player they need to own the workshop in order to enter
Event OnTriggerLeave(ObjectReference akActionRef)
; close the door
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