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Oblivion crashes upon entering Bruma

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On my main save, whenever I enter Bruma, whether fast-travel or walking through the front gates, it crashes. I tried it on other characters and it's no problem. I have the companion mod (or had the companion mod), and I think that's what's the issue. I left a companion in my house because I find companions worthless. That was last night. I haven't been to Bruma since, either, so now whenever I enter it, my game crashes during loading.

I removed the mod completely, though, and even tried messing with all the mods I've added since last night (only a few). I can't seem to do anything to get Bruma to load... Again, this is only on my main file. All my secondary characters get into Bruma just fine.


Is there any way to like, revert Bruma back to what it was? Like, purge anything that isn't supposed to be there? :/


I'll keep messing with my files and try to find the problem... Thanks :'D


[EDIT] Okay, I didn't find out the problem, but I fixed it with "Windom Earle_s Oblivion Crash Prevention System" and my game's working the same again :'D

Edited by icantfeelmyarms
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While 'Update my Statue' is a good mod, you have to be able to get into Bruma first.

This sounds like the old Bruma custom race change bug that happens when you change your race/sex/face after the statue is placed.


Here is a fix that removes the statue - it allows you back in, but the statue will be gone permanently.



Here is another one that may allow you to keep the statue. But I haven't used it myself. One user says to activate it, go into the city and see if the statue is the way you want it - then leave the city and deactivate it. Supposedly the statue will stay that way.



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While 'Update my Statue' is a good mod, you have to be able to get into Bruma first.

This sounds like the old Bruma custom race change bug that happens when you change your race/sex/face after the statue is placed.


Here is a fix that removes the statue - it allows you back in, but the statue will be gone permanently.



Here is another one that may allow you to keep the statue. But I haven't used it myself. One user says to activate it, go into the city and see if the statue is the way you want it - then leave the city and deactivate it. Supposedly the statue will stay that way.




Thanks a lot man :'D I used that last one that changes the statue. Totally works now with no crash. It's weird, because I changed my race only after the crash had started being a problem (changed it as in fixed my messed up face).


This mod was cool though... My statue looked retarded, because it showed some mod sword I had in my inventory (that wasn't even equipped at the time...) and my wrists were gone for some reason... So I'm glad I was able to change it :P

Although... after I changed it, deactivated the mod and went to look at it, my statue showed that I was wearing the Gray Fox's mask, even though I didn't have it equipped (but it was in my inventory). Then, I changed it again after removed the mask from my inventory, and now I'm holding my sword as usual, but I'm also holding a torch and it's going through my sword :/

I'll figure it out though... Thanks for the link!


Also, Nephenee, I'll use that mod you linked! That seems awesome, and a lot less trouble than exiting, deactivating and re-loading Oblivion... Thanks ;D

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The game has some peculiarities about what it puts on your statue. Here's a quote from the UESP Wiki page for the Great Gate quest:


The game determines the "best" items - not just the most expensive items - taking into account enchantments; for example, the Dark Brotherhood Black Hand Robe has zero value but will take precedence over many other items, including some magical armor.

Read the linked page for more details.

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  • 6 years later...

You should not rely on weOCPS, it can stop crashes, but it could bake the problem into your savegame.

Out of curiosity, do you have the statue in Bruma from the main quest? Thats a frequent cause of crashes when trying to enter the city.


If so, try using Update My Statue: http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/3428 to fix it.



Need new links or name of mods , these links no longer work. thanks.

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