flipphones Posted November 18, 2020 Share Posted November 18, 2020 Hi I have a very lightly edited script from ALLGUD that just changes some slots around, but matter what I try it just won't compile. I have all the source files for the requirements (json, skse, skyui), and other skse + json scripts I've tried compile just fine, so I'm completely befuddled here. Even unedited it won't compile so I have no idea what I'm missing. In any case I'd be very grateful if someone would give it a go compiling it on their end. Scriptname AGUD_System extends ReferenceAlias {All Geared Up Derivative - Adds support for displaying unequipped favorited and/or equipped items.} ;AGUv2.1.1 was refactored into AllGUD by Brian David ;############ ;Known Issues ;############ ;/ Bug: Equipping a favorited one-hand weapon in the left hand with 2 or more copies will attach a RH model to the Left-Hand object. Replicate: Obtain 2 copies of a 1H Weapon that has a sheathe in the vanilla game(aka not-staff), favorite it, equip in the LH Equipping without favoriting will not cause the RH model to appear. Cause: Unknown, bug is present in original mod as well. ...Dual-wield sheathes were not meant to be. The gates to Oblivion have been opened. The end of Tamriel is upon us. Notes: Is triggered on equipping the slot tied to the weapon. BUT is unrelated to the model that slot is using. assigning a null string to the modelpath still resulted in the 1stPerson model appearing. Fix: 1. Reloading That's it, avoid dual-wielding an object you have multiple copies of. /; ;############ ;Fixed Issues ;############ ;/ Bug: RH weapons using the wrong models (using the armor model instead of the hand item model) Cause: Skyrim native equip function is my best guess The weapon model uses whatever slot is occupying the corresponding skeleton node first, rather than the weapon slot What this means is, if you have a weapon model in an armor slot, let's say WeaponBack for a 2h weapon Then the handmodel will use the ARMOR slot, not the WEAPON. Therefore, when the ARMOR slot is unequipped, the model in the hand will disappear (become invisible) while the WEAPON model will remain sheathed This will be fixed on a reload, but more immersive solutions are available PlayerRef.QueueNiNodeUpdate() DOES NOT WORK. It doesn't list Weapon in the documentation as something that gets refreshed. Proposed Fixes: Method Not-Really-A-Solution-But-Doesn't-Involve-More-Work) Don't unequip the armor at all, results in duplicate weapon when weapon is drawn, but no other problems Method A) Unequip the relevent armor before the weapon is equipped Utilize a different set of hotkeys that allow time to unequip the armor slot BEFORE the weapon ever enters the hand. Hotkeys have a number of features iLoopIndex would have to replicate And integrating SkyUI's hotkeys wouldn't work with Categorized Favorites Menu, which iLoopIndex prefer over SkyUI's favorites menu Method B) Use a different skeleton node 1. Add a new skeleton node with a label specifically for weapon models as armors 2. Duplicate weapon nifs(and append their name in a pattern, such as TestGreatSwordArmor.nif) and assign them to use the new skeleton node 3. assign the model paths in THIS function to use the nifs that have the renamed style Cons: new mesh for every weapon? Talos save me... /; ;/ Bug: RH Scabbards remain on actors after unequipping the armor slot Cause: Native skyrim function Fix: rename the "Scb" Block of meshes to anything other than "Scb" /; ;/ Bug: Ranged weapons crash to desktop when assigned as armor Cause: Skinned armor doesn't work /; ;#################################################################################################################################################### ;Imported classes ;#################################################################################################################################################### Import Debug ;#################################################################################################################################################### ;Properties ;#################################################################################################################################################### ;MCM-Controls Bool Property bAllGUDMaintenance = True Auto ;MCM-Configurable Hotkeys Int Property iHKeyPWeapon = -1 Auto Int Property iHKeyPItem = -1 Auto Int Property iHKeyNPCItem = -1 Auto Int Property iHKeyNPCWeapon = -1 Auto ;Display Settings Bool Property bDisplayPWeapon = True Auto Bool Property bReAlignNodes = True Auto Bool Property bReScaleNodes = True Auto Bool Property bDisplayPMisc = True Auto Bool Property bRemoveMiscItemsWithoutArmor = False Auto Bool Property bRemoveWeaponsWithoutArmor = False Auto ;Shield Display Options Bool Property bShieldAccommodateBackpack = True Auto Bool Property bShieldAccommodateCloak = True Auto Bool Property bShieldHide = False Auto ;Betcha 0% of users use this option Bool Property bShieldOnArm = False Auto Keyword Property kKYWDDisplayArmor Auto FormList Property kFLSTBannedWeapons Auto Formlist Property kFLSTBannedKeywords Auto ;Visualized inventory ;List of items that will trigger the display model FormList Property kFLSTBackpacks Auto FormList Property kFLSTCoins Auto FormList Property kFLSTIngredients Auto FormList Property kFLSTPotionsHealth Auto FormList Property kFLSTPotionsMagicka Auto FormList Property kFLSTPotionsStamina Auto FormList Property kFLSTScrolls Auto FormList Property kFLSTTorches Auto FormList Property kFLSTLutes Auto FormList Property kFLSTFlutes Auto FormList Property kFLSTElderScrolls Auto FormList Property kFLSTWhitePhials Auto ;List of relevant potion effects! FormList Property kFLSTRestoreHealth Auto FormList Property kFLSTRestoreMagicka Auto FormList Property kFLSTRestoreStamina Auto ;Spells for applying magic effects that display the art objects with the models for the misc objects. Spell Property kSPELPlayerItems Auto ;NPC-visualization-related properties GlobalVariable Property gvbDisplayNPCWeapons Auto GlobalVariable Property gvbDisplayNPCItems Auto Spell Property kSPELAllGUDCloak Auto Armor Property kAllGUDNPCWeaponRight Auto Armor Property kAllGUDNPCWeaponLeft Auto Armor Property kAllGUDNPCShield Auto ; Quest Property AGUDMCM Auto ;Use this line when opening Property list in CK, and comment out MCM functions before compiling. AGUD_MCM Property AGUDMCM Auto ;Use this line for actual builds ;#################################################################################################################################################### ;Variables ;#################################################################################################################################################### Float fVersion ;Slot arrays Armor[] Property kSlotVisual Auto ;Armors used to display items on the player character, defined in the .esp Armor[] kSlotVisualDisabled ;Time-out for visual slots Form[] kSlotItem ;Forms of items displayed in the different slots Form[] kSlotItemLocked ;Forms of items locked through the MCM String[] sSlotModel ;Model path for restoring from a session String[] sSlotLockedModel ;Model of locked-items ;Bool[] bSlotAlternateTextures ;NOPE, setting this up would be impossible. Any alt texture weapons/shields are getting a seperate plugin patch. Bool[] bSlotEquipped ;If the slot should be in an equipped or unequipped state on update Bool[] bSlotUpdateFlagged ;If the slot was recently equipped or unequipped, set after bSlotEquipped Bool[] bSlotLocked ;Restores sSlotLockedModel on unequip, set in the MCM menu Bool[] bSlotHiddenInFirstPerson Int[] iSlotMasks ;The slotmask each item type is assigned Int[] iSlotMaskIndex ;List of SlotMasks that aren't claimed by vanilla equipment. Popular slots for other mods have been noted Int[] iSlotMaskIndexDefaults ;Defaults for the above, can be changed via json file. ;Player-related Actor PlayerRef Race kPlayerRace Bool bPlayerFemale ;Int iSlotMaskTail = 0x00000400 ;Adjust shield position if wornForm in tail-slot matches wornForm in cloak-slot Int iSlotMaskCloak = 0x00010000 ;Adjust shield position if wornForm in tail-slot matches wornForm in cloak-slot Bool bWearingCloak = False Int iSlotMaskBackpack = 0x00020000 Bool bWearingBackpack = False Bool bWearingBackItem = False Int iSlotMaskTorso = 0x00000004 ;XPMSE Restyle variables Bool bTwoHMeleeIsGreatsword Bool bTwoHRangeIsBow Bool bXPMSEInstalled Bool bECEInstalled String[] sWeaponTargetNodes String[] sWeaponDefaultTargetNodes String[] sWeaponDefaultNodes Float[] fWeaponNodeScale Int[] iXPMSEWeaponTypes String[] sXPMSEStyleKeys String[] sXPMSEDagger String[] sXPMSESword String[] sXPMSEAxe String[] sXPMSEMace String[] sXPMSEGreatsword String[] sXPMSEPolearm String[] sXPMSEBow String[] sXPMSECrossBow ;Other Compatibility ;Hotkeys Int iHotkeyFavorites ;for registering in inventory ;States Bool bInventoryProcessed = False ;For installing mid-playthrough Bool bWeaponDrawn = False ;Whether or not weapons are drawn Bool bUpdateFavoritesList = False ;True when the player has (un)favorited one or more items Bool bProcessingUpdate = False ;True while UpdateSlots() is running Bool bUpdateQueued = False ;True when items are equipped/unequipped/unfavorited/removed Bool bProcessingHandUpdate = False Bool bHandUpdateQueued = False ;Items in slots and items currently equipped in the player's hands Form kLeftHand ;Form of item currently equipped in the player's Left hand Int iSlotLeftHand = -1 String sLeftHandDrawn = "" String sLeftHandSheathed = "" Int iSlotMaskLeftHand = 0x00000200 Form kRightHand ;Form of item currently equipped in the player's Right hand Int iSlotRightHand = -1 ;Races to check for Race kRaceWerebeast Race kRaceVampireLord Bool bWasNonHuman = False ;Misc SoundDescriptor kSNDRUnequipArmor Float fAttenuation Int iVariance Keyword kKWDAPotion ;Important Numbers Int iSlotCount = 13 Int iSlotIrrelevant = -1 Int iSlotStaff = 4 Int iSlot2HMelee = 5 Int iSlotRange = 6 Int iSlotLeftStart = 7 Int iSlotLeftStaff = 11 Int iSlotShield = 12 Int iSlotMaskIndexNPCLeft Int iSlotMaskIndexNPCRight ;Indexes for sWeaponDefaultNodes Int iNodeSword = 0 Int iNodeDagger = 1 Int iNodeAxe = 2 Int iNodeMace = 3 Int iNodeTwoHMelee = 4 Int iNodeRange = 5 Int iNodePolearm = 6 Int iNodeCrossBow = 7 ;JContainers String jAllGUDFileExtension = "AllGUD/PersistantVariables.json" String jAllGUDDefaultSlots = "AllGUD/DefaultSlots.json" String jbForceReEquip = "bForceReEquip" ;Current Triggers: Player Death. ;##################### ;MCM Related Functions There were some issues when trying to make these arrays properties for the MCM. Whatever, it's not broken, would be more work to enter them into the .esp ;##################### Int Function GetiSlotMaskIndex(Int aiSlot) Return iSlotMaskIndex[aiSlot] EndFunction Form Function GetkSlotItem(Int aiSlot) Return kSlotItem[aiSlot] EndFunction String Function GetkSlotItemName(Int aiSlot) If(kSlotItem[aiSlot] != None) Return kSlotItem[aiSlot].GetName() EndIf Return "" EndFunction Form Function GetkSlotLockedItem(Int aiSlot) Return kSlotItemLocked[aiSlot] EndFunction String Function GetkSlotLockedItemName(Int aiSlot) If(kSlotItemLocked[aiSlot] != None) Return kSlotItemLocked[aiSlot].GetName() EndIf Return "" EndFunction Bool Function GetbSlotLocked(Int aiSlot) Return bSlotLocked[aiSlot] EndFunction Bool Function GetbSlotFPHidden(Int aiSlot) Return bSlotHiddenInFirstPerson[aiSlot] EndFunction Function SaveSlotMaskDefaults() Int jAllGUD = JArray.objectWithInts(iSlotMaskIndex) JValue.writeToFile(jAllGUD, JContainers.userDirectory() + jAllGUDDefaultSlots) Int iLoopIndex While(iLoopIndex < iSlotCount) iSlotMaskIndexDefaults[iLoopIndex] = iSlotMaskIndex[iLoopIndex] iLoopIndex += 1 EndWhile EndFunction Function TogglebSlotHiddenFP(Int aiSlot) bSlotHiddenInFirstPerson[aiSlot] = !bSlotHiddenInFirstPerson[aiSlot] If(bCameraFirstPerson) If(bSlotHiddenInFirstPerson[aiSlot]) UnequipSlot(aiSlot) Else EquipSlot(aiSlot) EndIf EndIf EndFunction Function TogglebSlotLocked(Int aiSlot) bSlotLocked[aiSlot] = !bSlotLocked[aiSlot] If(bSlotLocked[aiSlot]) kSlotItemLocked[aiSlot] = kSlotItem[aiSlot] If(bWeaponDrawn && (aiSlot >= iSlotLeftStart) && (aiSlot == iSlotLeftHand)) sSlotLockedModel[aiSlot] = sLeftHandSheathed Else sSlotLockedModel[aiSlot] = sSlotModel[aiSlot] EndIf ;Competition is cleared on UpdateHandObjects, so it shouldn't be necessary here. ; ClearCompetition(aiSlot) Else kSlotItemLocked[aiSlot] = None sSlotLockedModel[aiSlot] = None EndIf EndFunction Function TogglePlayerWeaponDisplay() bDisplayPWeapon = !bDisplayPWeapon ;Trace("Displaying Weapons? " + bDisplayPWeapon) If(bDisplayPWeapon) EquipSlots() Else UnequipSlots() EndIf EndFunction Function TogglePlayerMisc() bDisplayPMisc = !bDisplayPMisc ;Trace("Displaying Misc? " + bDisplayPMisc) If(bDisplayPMisc) VisualizePlayer() Else RemovePlayerVisuals() EndIf EndFunction Function ToggleWeaponsRequireTorsoArmor() bRemoveWeaponsWithoutArmor = !bRemoveWeaponsWithoutArmor If(bRemoveWeaponsWithoutArmor) If!PlayerRef.GetWornForm(iSlotMaskTorso) && bDisplayPWeapon TogglePlayerWeaponDisplay() EndIf EndIf EndFunction Function ToggleItemsRequireTorsoArmor() bRemoveMiscItemsWithoutArmor = !bRemoveMiscItemsWithoutArmor If!PlayerRef.GetWornForm(iSlotMaskTorso) If(!bRemoveMiscItemsWithoutArmor) VisualizePlayer() Else RemovePlayerVisuals() EndIf EndIf EndFunction Function SetSlotMaskForNPCSlot(Bool abRightGear, Int aiSlotMaskIndex) If(aiSlotMaskIndex >= 0) Int iOldSlotMask If abRightGear iOldSlotMask = iSlotMasks[iSlotMaskIndexNPCRight] Else iOldSlotMask = iSlotMasks[iSlotMaskIndexNPCLeft] EndIf Int iNewSlotMask = iSlotMasks[aiSlotMaskIndex] If(iOldSlotMask != iNewSlotMask) gvbDisplayNPCWeapons.SetValue(0) If abRightGear iSlotMaskIndexNPCRight = aiSlotMaskIndex kAllGUDNPCWeaponRight.SetSlotMask(iNewSlotMask) kAllGUDNPCWeaponRight.GetNthArmorAddon(0).SetSlotMask(iNewSlotMask) Else iSlotMaskIndexNPCLeft = aiSlotMaskIndex kAllGUDNPCWeaponLeft.SetSlotMask(iNewSlotMask) kAllGUDNPCWeaponLeft.GetNthArmorAddon(0).SetSlotMask(iNewSlotMask) kAllGUDNPCShield.SetSlotMask(iNewSlotMask) kAllGUDNPCShield.GetNthArmorAddon(0).SetSlotMask(iNewSlotMask) If(iNewSlotMask != 0x000000000) kAllGUDNPCShield.AddSlotToMask(iSlotMaskLeftHand) ;Removes NPC Shield because AA slotmask doesn't have priority. EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf EndFunction Function RegisterCompetitiveSlots(Int aiSlot) ;Used JContainers for this because other stuff required it, but could be replaced with SKSE's Utility.CreateIntArray if necessary ;Utility.CreateIntArray would be slightly slower here since you'd still have to store the competition somewhere while counting them to find array size. ; Storing them would be ugly. They would be faster, since no middle man, so probably look into it later. #TODO Int jaCompetitiveSlots = JArray.object() Int iLoopIndex = 0 While(iLoopIndex < iSlotCount) If(aiSlot != iLoopIndex && iSlotMaskIndex[aiSlot] == iSlotMaskIndex[iLoopIndex]) JArray.addInt(jaCompetitiveSlots, iLoopIndex) EndIf iLoopIndex += 1 EndWhile JValue.writeToFile(jaCompetitiveSlots, JContainers.userDirectory() + "AllGUD/Competing Slots/Slot"+aiSlot+".json") EndFunction ;############################## ;Initialization and maintenance ;############################## Event OnInit() ;Trace("AllGUD-OnInit Event") RegisterForSingleUpdate(2.0) EndEvent Event OnPlayerLoadGame() ;Trace("AllGUD-Load Game Event") ;Model path and form slots are not saved between game sessions. ;All armor slots must be unequipped before models will appear. (even if they weren't equipped? shrug) Maintenance() ;Visuals first CompatibilityMaitenance() ;Compatibility Second EndEvent Event OnUpdate() ;Trace("AllGUD-Updating") bAllGUDMaintenance = True fVersion = 1.55 PlayerRef = Game.GetPlayer() ;Someone had a problem with not having display at start so... bDisplayPWeapon = True bDisplayPMisc = True kSlotItem = New Form[13] kSlotItemLocked = New Form[13] kSlotVisualDisabled = New Armor[13] ;All the free slots iSlotMasks = New Int[16] iSlotMasks[0] = 0x00000000 ;-1 The "DISABLED" Slot iSlotMasks[1] = 0x00004000 ;44 RH Sword iSlotMasks[2] = 0x00008000 ;45 RH Dagger iSlotMasks[3] = 0x00010000 ;46 CLOAKS iSlotMasks[4] = 0x00020000 ;47 BACKPACKS iSlotMasks[5] = 0x00040000 ;48 BACK-LEFT-HIP (Bandolier, Equippable Tomes, Warmonger Armory, etc) iSlotMasks[6] = 0x00080000 ;49 RH Mace/Axe ;50 Decapitation-related Left-Hand Rings (Have not tested if using these for the player would cause problems) ;51 Decapitation-related Left-Hand Rings (Have not tested if using these for the player would cause problems) iSlotMasks[7] = 0x08000000 ;52 RH Staff LEFT-SIDE-HIP (Bandolier) iSlotMasks[8] = 0x00800000 ;53 TORSO (Bandolier) iSlotMasks[9] = 0x01000000 ;54 2H Melee iSlotMasks[10] = 0x02000000 ;55 BACK-RIGHT-HIP iSlotMasks[11] = 0x04000000 ;56 LH Sword/Dagger/Mace/Axe iSlotMasks[12] = 0x00400000 ;57 FRONT-RIGHT-HIP iSlotMasks[13] = 0x10000000 ;58 FRONT-LEFT-HIP iSlotMasks[14] = 0x20000000 ;59 LH Staff/2H Range RIGHT-SIDE-HIP (Bandolier) iSlotMasks[15] = 0x40000000 ;60 Shield bSlotEquipped = New Bool[13] bSlotUpdateFlagged = New Bool[13] bSlotLocked = New Bool[13] sSlotModel = New String[13] sSlotLockedModel = New String[13] bSlotHiddenInFirstPerson = New Bool[13] iSlotMaskIndexDefaults = New Int[13] ; -1 = -1 Irrelevant iSlotMaskIndexDefaults[0] = 1 ;RH Sword iSlotMaskIndexDefaults[1] = 2 ;RH Dagger iSlotMaskIndexDefaults[2] = 6 ;RH War Axe iSlotMaskIndexDefaults[3] = 6 ;RH Mace iSlotMaskIndexDefaults[4] = 7 ;RH Staff iSlotStaff iSlotMaskIndexDefaults[5] = 9 ;2H Melee iSlotMaskIndexDefaults[6] = 14 ;2H Range iSlotMaskIndexDefaults[7] = 11 ;LH Sword iSlotLeftStart iSlotMaskIndexDefaults[8] = 11 ;LH Dagger iSlotMaskIndexDefaults[9] = 11 ;LH War Axe iSlotMaskIndexDefaults[10] = 11 ;LH Mace iSlotMaskIndexDefaults[11] = 14 ;LH Staff iSlotLeftStaff iSlotMaskIndexDefaults[12] = 15 ;Shield iSlotShield ;Load user-defined defaults If(JContainers.fileExistsAtPath(JContainers.userDirectory() + jAllGUDDefaultSlots)) Int jAllGUD = JValue.readFromFile(JContainers.userDirectory() + jAllGUDDefaultSlots) iLoopIndex = 0 While iLoopIndex < JArray.count(jAllGUD) iSlotMaskIndexDefaults[iLoopIndex] = JArray.getInt(jAllGUD, iLoopIndex) iLoopIndex += 1 EndWhile EndIf iSlotMaskIndex = New Int[13] Int iLoopIndex = 0 While(iLoopIndex < iSlotCount) iSlotMaskIndex[iLoopIndex] = iSlotMaskIndexDefaults[iLoopIndex] iLoopIndex += 1 EndWhile iSlotMaskIndexNPCLeft = 1 iSlotMaskIndexNPCRight = 15 ;Only kSNDRUnequipArmor can prevent unequip noise spam If(kSNDRUnequipArmor == None) kSNDRUnequipArmor = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x0003E60B, "Skyrim.esm") as SoundDescriptor EndIf ;Get Werebeast Race If(kRaceWerebeast == None) kRaceWerebeast = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x000CDD84, "Skyrim.esm") as Race EndIf If(kKWDAPotion == None) kKWDAPotion = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x0008cdec, "Skyrim.esm") as Keyword EndIf kPlayerRace = PlayerRef.GetRace() bPlayerFemale = PlayerRef.GetActorBase().GetSex() bWearingCloak = NonAllGUDInSlot(iSlotMaskCloak) bWearingBackpack = NonAllGUDInSlot(iSlotMaskBackpack) If(bWearingCloak || bWearingBackpack) bWearingBackItem = True EndIf InitializeXPMSERestyleData() CompatibilityMaitenance() Maintenance() VisualizePlayer() ; AddTestArmory() ;One of these days I'll leave this thing uncommented when compiling EndEvent Function Maintenance() ;Trace("AllGUD-Performing Maintenance") Trace("AllGUD is currently running version "+ fVersion) bAllGUDMaintenance = True ;Protect gvbDisplayNPCWeapons from change by player bPlayerFemale = PlayerRef.GetActorBase().GetSex() ;Remove NPC Models since they'll incorrectly load up with whatever the last model was. gvbDisplayNPCWeapons.SetValue(0) Int iLoopIndex = 0 ;Mute unequip noises for slotmask and model update fAttenuation = kSNDRUnequipArmor.GetDecibelAttenuation() iVariance = kSNDRUnequipArmor.GetDecibelVariance() ; kSNDRUnequipArmor.SetDecibelAttenuation(100.0) ; kSNDRUnequipArmor.SetDecibelVariance(0) ;Quick, check for death Int jAllGUD If(JContainers.fileExistsAtPath(JContainers.userDirectory() + jAllGUDFileExtension)) jAllGUD = JValue.readFromFile(JContainers.userDirectory() + jAllGUDFileExtension) If(JMap.getInt(jAllGUD, jbForceReEquip)) ;Trace("AllGUD Forcing a ReEquip") JMap.SetInt(jAllGUD, jbForceReEquip, 0) JValue.writeToFile(jAllGUD, JContainers.userDirectory() + jAllGUDFileExtension) While(iLoopIndex < iSlotCount) UnequipSlot(iLoopIndex) bSlotUpdateFlagged[iLoopIndex] = True iLoopIndex += 1 EndWhile EndIf EndIf ;Version Updates since 1.0 If(fVersion < 1.55) bSlotHiddenInFirstPerson = New Bool[13] If(kKWDAPotion == None) kKWDAPotion = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x0008cdec, "Skyrim.esm") as Keyword EndIf kFLSTPotionsHealth.Revert() kFLSTPotionsMagicka.Revert() kFLSTPotionsStamina.Revert() bInventoryProcessed = False If(fVersion < 1.51) iSlotMaskCloak = 0x00010000 If(fVersion < 1.5) If iSlotLeftHand < iSlotLeftStart iSlotLeftHand = iSlotIrrelevant EndIf ;1.4 was an MCM Update for the most part. If(fVersion < 1.3) ;Refresh cloak to get the new spells PlayerRef.RemoveSpell(kSPELAllGUDCloak) Utility.Wait(0.2) PlayerRef.AddSpell(kSPELAllGUDCloak, False) iSlotMaskIndexNPCLeft = 1 iSlotMaskIndexNPCRight = 15 ;Fix incorrect equation from previous versions Bool bDisplayNPCItems = gvbDisplayNPCItems.GetValueInt() as Bool gvbDisplayNPCItems.SetValue(bDisplayNPCItems as Int) If(fVersion < 1.21) InitializeXPMSERestyleData() If(fVersion < 1.1) EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf fVersion = 1.55 Trace("AllGUD updated to version " + fVersion) EndIf ;Reregister for player-race UnregisterForAllMenus() UnregisterForAnimations() UnregisterForCameraState() UnregisterForAllKeys() If(kPlayerRace != kRaceWerebeast && kPlayerRace != kRaceVampireLord) RegisterForMenus() RegisterForAnimations() RegisterForCameraState() RegisterToggleKeys() EndIf RemovePlayerVisuals() ;Ensure the player has the armors used for displaying the weapons ;Unequip every armor slot and reset path and slotmasks to saved data ;Don't flag as not-equipped, so they can be requipped just by flagging them for an update iLoopIndex = 0 While(iLoopIndex < iSlotCount) ;Add missing slots If(kSlotVisual[iLoopIndex]) Int iCount = PlayerRef.GetItemCount(kSlotVisual[iLoopIndex]) If(iCount == 0) PlayerRef.AddItem(kSlotVisual[iLoopIndex], 1, True) ElseIf(iCount > 1) PlayerRef.RemoveItem(kSlotVisual[iLoopIndex], (iCount - 1), True) EndIf EndIf ;Compare SlotMask Int iAssignedSlotMask = iSlotMasks[iSlotMaskIndex[iLoopIndex]] ;Legibility ;Trace("AllGUD Assigning " + iAssignedSlotMask + " to "+ iLoopIndex) If(iAssignedSlotMask == 0x00000000) DisableSlot(iLoopIndex) Else If(kSlotVisual[iLoopIndex].GetSlotMask() != iAssignedSlotMask) If(iLoopIndex == iSlotShield) Int iBaseSlotMask = kSlotVisual[iLoopIndex].RemoveSlotFromMask(iSlotLeftHand) If(iBaseSlotMask != iAssignedSlotMask) UnequipSlot(iLoopIndex) bSlotUpdateFlagged[iLoopIndex] = True kSlotVisual[iLoopIndex].SetSlotMask(iAssignedSlotMask) kSlotVisual[iLoopIndex].GetNthArmorAddon(0).SetSlotMask(iAssignedSlotMask) EndIf Else UnequipSlot(iLoopIndex) bSlotUpdateFlagged[iLoopIndex] = True kSlotVisual[iLoopIndex].SetSlotMask(iAssignedSlotMask) kSlotVisual[iLoopIndex].GetNthArmorAddon(0).SetSlotMask(iAssignedSlotMask) EndIf EndIf EndIf ;Compare Model If(kSlotVisual[iLoopIndex]) If(sSlotModel[iLoopIndex] != kSlotVisual[iLoopIndex].GetNthArmorAddon(0).GetModelPath(False, False)) UnequipSlot(iLoopIndex) kSlotVisual[iLoopIndex].GetNthArmorAddon(0).SetModelPath(sSlotModel[iLoopIndex], False, False) bSlotUpdateFlagged[iLoopIndex] = True EndIf EndIf RegisterCompetitiveSlots(iLoopIndex) iLoopIndex += 1 EndWhile If(iSlotLeftHand == iSlotShield) ;;; ;If iSlotLeftHand == iSlotShield AddShieldLeftHandSlotMask() ;Block the Shield on arm if not drawn ;EndIf If(bWeaponDrawn) UnequipSlot(iSlotShield) bSlotEquipped[iSlotShield] = False bSlotUpdateFlagged[iSlotShield] = True EndIf EndIf ;Realign new skeleton nodes with the default positions ReWeighNodes(True) ReScaleNodes() ; kSNDRUnequipArmor.SetDecibelVariance(iVariance) ; kSNDRUnequipArmor.SetDecibelAttenuation(fAttenuation) ;Get relevant States ;Shouldn't these be saved anyways? bWeaponDrawn = PlayerRef.IsWeaponDrawn() bCameraFirstPerson = (Game.GetCameraState() == 0) UpdateHandObjects() UpdateSlots() ;Load default slot masks from user-defined file. ;Don't save them to current slot masks, player can reset them from the MCM. If(JContainers.fileExistsAtPath(JContainers.userDirectory() + jAllGUDDefaultSlots)) jAllGUD = JValue.readFromFile(JContainers.userDirectory() + jAllGUDDefaultSlots) iLoopIndex = 0 While iLoopIndex < JArray.count(jAllGUD) iSlotMaskIndexDefaults[iLoopIndex] = JArray.getInt(jAllGUD, iLoopIndex) iLoopIndex += 1 EndWhile Else ;If user has deleted the file, reset to the normal defaults iSlotMaskIndexDefaults[0] = 1 ;RH Sword iSlotMaskIndexDefaults[1] = 2 ;RH Dagger iSlotMaskIndexDefaults[2] = 6 ;RH War Axe iSlotMaskIndexDefaults[3] = 6 ;RH Mace iSlotMaskIndexDefaults[4] = 7 ;RH Staff iSlotStaff iSlotMaskIndexDefaults[5] = 9 ;2H Melee iSlotMaskIndexDefaults[6] = 14 ;2H Range iSlotMaskIndexDefaults[7] = 11 ;LH Sword iSlotLeftStart iSlotMaskIndexDefaults[8] = 11 ;LH Dagger iSlotMaskIndexDefaults[9] = 11 ;LH War Axe iSlotMaskIndexDefaults[10] = 11 ;LH Mace iSlotMaskIndexDefaults[11] = 14 ;LH Staff iSlotLeftStaff iSlotMaskIndexDefaults[12] = 15 ;Shield iSlotShield EndIf ;Reset Slot Masks for NPC Slots ;RightHand Int iAssignedSlotMask = iSlotMasks[iSlotMaskIndexNPCRight] Int iCurrentSlotMask = kAllGUDNPCWeaponRight.GetSlotMask() If(iCurrentSlotMask != iAssignedSlotMask) kAllGUDNPCWeaponRight.SetSlotMask(iAssignedSlotMask) kAllGUDNPCWeaponRight.GetNthArmorAddon(0).SetSlotMask(iAssignedSlotMask) EndIf ;LeftHand iAssignedSlotMask = iSlotMasks[iSlotMaskIndexNPCLeft] iCurrentSlotMask = kAllGUDNPCShield.RemoveSlotFromMask(iSlotMaskLeftHand) If(iCurrentSlotMask != iAssignedSlotMask) kAllGUDNPCWeaponLeft.SetSlotMask(iAssignedSlotMask) kAllGUDNPCWeaponLeft.GetNthArmorAddon(0).SetSlotMask(iAssignedSlotMask) kAllGUDNPCShield.SetSlotMask(iAssignedSlotMask) kAllGUDNPCShield.GetNthArmorAddon(0).SetSlotMask(iAssignedSlotMask) EndIf If(iAssignedSlotMask != 0x000000000) kAllGUDNPCShield.AddSlotToMask(iSlotMaskLeftHand) ;Removes NPC Shield because AA slotmask doesn't have priority. EndIf bAllGUDMaintenance = False ;All done ;Safe for NPCs to have their gear show up again. AGUDMCM.ReloadItemVisualization() VisualizePlayer() EndFunction Function CompatibilityMaitenance() ;Trace("AllGUD-Performing Compatibility & Variable Maintenance") RegisterForModEvent("AllGUDMCM_Closed", "OnAllGUDConfigClose") ;When installing mid-playthrough, add any modded scrolls, ingredients, & restorative potions If(!bInventoryProcessed) Int iLoopIndex = 0 Int iSize = PlayerRef.GetNumItems() While(iLoopIndex < iSize) Form kForm = PlayerRef.GetNthForm(iLoopIndex) If(kForm as Potion) If kForm.HasKeyword(kKWDAPotion) MagicEffect kMGEF = (kForm as Potion).GetNthEffectMagicEffect(0) If(kFLSTRestoreHealth.Find(kMGEF) >= 0) kFLSTPotionsHealth.AddForm(kForm) ElseIf(kFLSTRestoreMagicka.Find(kMGEF) >= 0) kFLSTPotionsMagicka.AddForm(kForm) ElseIf(kFLSTRestoreStamina.Find(kMGEF) >= 0) kFLSTPotionsStamina.AddForm(kForm) EndIf EndIf ElseIf(kForm as Scroll) kFLSTScrolls.AddForm(kForm) ElseIf(kForm as Ingredient) kFLSTIngredients.AddForm(kForm) EndIf iLoopIndex += 1 EndWhile bInventoryProcessed = True EndIf If(Game.GetModByName("Dawnguard.esm") != 255) ;Get Elderscrolls, if only it was this easy, disabling questitem display kFLSTElderScrolls.AddForm(Game.GetFormFromFile(0x020118F9, "Dawnguard.esm") as Book) kFLSTElderScrolls.AddForm(Game.GetFormFromFile(0x02011A13, "Dawnguard.esm") as Book) ;Get Vampire Lord Race If(kRaceVampireLord == None) kRaceVampireLord = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x0200283A, "Dawnguard.esm") as Race EndIf ;Fill out the ingredient list kFLSTIngredients.AddForm(Game.GetFormFromFile(0x000059ba, "Dawnguard.esm") as Ingredient) kFLSTIngredients.AddForm(Game.GetFormFromFile(0x000183b7, "Dawnguard.esm") as Ingredient) kFLSTIngredients.AddForm(Game.GetFormFromFile(0x0000b097, "Dawnguard.esm") as Ingredient) kFLSTIngredients.AddForm(Game.GetFormFromFile(0x000185fb, "Dawnguard.esm") as Ingredient) kFLSTIngredients.AddForm(Game.GetFormFromFile(0x00002a78, "Dawnguard.esm") as Ingredient) EndIf If(Game.GetModByName("HearthFires.esm") != 255) ;More ingredients kFLSTIngredients.AddForm(Game.GetFormFromFile(0x0000f1cc, "HearthFires.esm") as Ingredient) kFLSTIngredients.AddForm(Game.GetFormFromFile(0x00003545, "HearthFires.esm") as Ingredient) EndIf If(Game.GetModByName("Dragonborn.esm") != 255) kFLSTBannedWeapons.AddForm(Game.GetFormFromFile(0x0001ce02, "Dragonborn.esm") as Weapon) kFLSTBannedWeapons.AddForm(Game.GetFormFromFile(0x0001ce03, "Dragonborn.esm") as Weapon) kFLSTBannedWeapons.AddForm(Game.GetFormFromFile(0x00023f6c, "Dragonborn.esm") as Weapon) EndIf ;Campfire Compatibility ;Also when will that one guy release Campfire Additional Backpack? q.q If(Game.GetModByName("Campfire.esm") != 255) FormList kFLSTCampfireBackpacks = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x0202C274, "Campfire.esm") as FormList Int iLoopIndex = 0 While(iLoopIndex < kFLSTCampfireBackpacks.GetSize()) kFLSTBackpacks.AddForm(kFLSTCampfireBackpacks.GetAt(iLoopIndex)) iLoopIndex += 1 EndWhile EndIf ;BardsLute Compatibility If(Game.GetModByName("DDD-BardsLute.esp") != 255) kFLSTLutes.AddForm(Game.GetFormFromFile(0x00000d62, "DDD-BardsLute.esp")) EndIf ;Coin Replacer Redux Compatibility If(Game.GetModByName("SkyrimCoinReplacerRedux.esp") != 255) kFLSTCoins.AddForm(Game.GetFormFromFile(0x00001000, "SkyrimCoinReplacerRedux.esp")) kFLSTCoins.AddForm(Game.GetFormFromFile(0x00001001, "SkyrimCoinReplacerRedux.esp")) kFLSTCoins.AddForm(Game.GetFormFromFile(0x00005109, "SkyrimCoinReplacerRedux.esp")) EndIf ;XPMSE Compatibility, event registeration, probably won't be needed if it ever gets these nodes If(Game.GetModByName("XPMSE.esp") != 255) RegisterForModEvent("XPMSE_ReStyleComplete", "OnXPMSERestyle") RegisterForModEvent("XPMSE_MCMClose", "OnXPMSEMCMClose") RegisterForModEvent("XPMSE_WeaponUpdate", "OnRacemenuWeaponUpdate") bXPMSEInstalled = True Else bXPMSEInstalled = False UnregisterForModEvent("XPMSE_ReStyleComplete") UnregisterForModEvent("XPMSE_MCMClose") UnregisterForModEvent("XPMSE_WeaponUpdate") EndIf ;ECE Compatibility If(Game.GetModByName("EnhancedCharacterEdit.esp") != 255) bECEInstalled = True; Else bECEInstalled = False; EndIf If(Game.GetModByName("Bound Armory Extravaganza.esp") != 255) kFLSTBannedKeywords.AddForm(Game.GetFormFromFile(0x00028a42, "Skyrim.esm") as Keyword) kFLSTBannedKeywords.AddForm(Game.GetFormFromFile(0x000510be, "Skyrim.esm") as Keyword) kFLSTBannedKeywords.AddForm(Game.GetFormFromFile(0x00084d1d, "Skyrim.esm") as Keyword) Else kFLSTBannedKeywords.RemoveAddedForm(Game.GetFormFromFile(0x00028a42, "Skyrim.esm") as Keyword) kFLSTBannedKeywords.RemoveAddedForm(Game.GetFormFromFile(0x000510be, "Skyrim.esm") as Keyword) kFLSTBannedKeywords.RemoveAddedForm(Game.GetFormFromFile(0x00084d1d, "Skyrim.esm") as Keyword) EndIf EndFunction Function InitializeXPMSERestyleData() ;Last updated for XPMSE 4.51 ;Initialize the XPMSE-restyle-related arrays ;TODO use XPMSE Properties instead of these constants. But muh arrays! Cuts down on runtime checks, which happen quite a bit. sWeaponDefaultNodes = New String[8] ;Constant, names of the vanilla skeleton nodes. sWeaponDefaultNodes[iNodeSword] = "WeaponSword" sWeaponDefaultNodes[iNodeDagger] = "WeaponDagger" sWeaponDefaultNodes[iNodeAxe] = "WeaponAxe" sWeaponDefaultNodes[iNodeMace] = "WeaponMace" sWeaponDefaultNodes[iNodeTwoHMelee] = "WeaponBack" sWeaponDefaultNodes[iNodeRange] = "WeaponBow" sWeaponDefaultNodes[iNodePolearm] = "WeaponBack" sWeaponDefaultNodes[iNodeCrossBow] = "WeaponCrossBow" sWeaponTargetNodes = New String[8] ;Used to track what skeleton ninode the armor should have as a destination. sWeaponTargetNodes[iNodeSword] = "MOV WeaponSwordDefault" sWeaponTargetNodes[iNodeDagger] = "MOV WeaponDaggerDefault" sWeaponTargetNodes[iNodeAxe] = "MOV WeaponAxeDefault" sWeaponTargetNodes[iNodeMace] = "MOV WeaponMaceDefault" sWeaponTargetNodes[iNodeTwoHMelee] = "MOV WeaponBackDefault" sWeaponTargetNodes[iNodeRange] = "MOV WeaponBowDefault" sWeaponTargetNodes[iNodePolearm] = "MOV WeaponBackAxeMaceDefault" sWeaponTargetNodes[iNodeCrossBow] = "MOV WeaponCrossBowDefault" sWeaponDefaultTargetNodes = New String[8] ;Default XPMSE Skeleton nodes sWeaponDefaultTargetNodes[iNodeSword] = "MOV WeaponSwordDefault" sWeaponDefaultTargetNodes[iNodeDagger] = "MOV WeaponDaggerDefault" sWeaponDefaultTargetNodes[iNodeAxe] = "MOV WeaponAxeDefault" sWeaponDefaultTargetNodes[iNodeMace] = "MOV WeaponMaceDefault" sWeaponDefaultTargetNodes[iNodeTwoHMelee] = "MOV WeaponBackDefault" sWeaponDefaultTargetNodes[iNodeRange] = "MOV WeaponBowDefault" sWeaponDefaultTargetNodes[iNodePolearm] = "MOV WeaponBackAxeMaceDefault" sWeaponDefaultTargetNodes[iNodeCrossBow] = "MOV WeaponCrossBowDefault" fWeaponNodeScale = New Float[8] ;Used to trace the scale the skeleton node should have as a destination. Int iLoopIndex = 0 While(iLoopIndex < fWeaponNodeScale.Length) fWeaponNodeScale[iLoopIndex] = 1.0 iLoopIndex += 1 EndWhile iXPMSEWeaponTypes = New Int [8] ;When XPMSE calls its restyle event, it pushes the XPMSEWeaponType. Use this to compare and find what node we're working with. iXPMSEWeaponTypes[iNodeDagger] = 2 iXPMSEWeaponTypes[iNodeSword] = 1 iXPMSEWeaponTypes[iNodeAxe] = 3 iXPMSEWeaponTypes[iNodeMace] = 4 iXPMSEWeaponTypes[iNodeTwoHMelee] = 5 iXPMSEWeaponTypes[iNodeRange] = 7 iXPMSEWeaponTypes[iNodePolearm] = 6 iXPMSEWeaponTypes[iNodeCrossBow] = 12 sXPMSEStyleKeys = New String[17] ;no Left-hand keys, Unsupported style keys are commented out. ; sXPMSEStyleKeys[0] = "" sXPMSEStyleKeys[1] = "RMWSword" sXPMSEStyleKeys[2] = "RMWDagger" sXPMSEStyleKeys[3] = "RMWAxe" sXPMSEStyleKeys[4] = "RMWMace" sXPMSEStyleKeys[5] = "RMWTwohandedSword" sXPMSEStyleKeys[6] = "RMWTwohandedAxe" sXPMSEStyleKeys[7] = "RMWBow" ; sXPMSEStyleKeys[8] = "RMWStaff" ; sXPMSEStyleKeys[9] = "RMFMagic" ; sXPMSEStyleKeys[10] = "RMWShield" ; sXPMSEStyleKeys[11] = "" sXPMSEStyleKeys[12] = "RMWCrossbow" ; sXPMSEStyleKeys[13] = "RMFShout" ; sXPMSEStyleKeys[14] = "RMWQuiver" ; sXPMSEStyleKeys[15] = "RMWBolt" ; sXPMSEStyleKeys[16] = "" sXPMSEDagger = New String[3] sXPMSEDagger[0] = "MOV WeaponDaggerDefault" sXPMSEDagger[1] = "MOV WeaponDaggerBackHip" sXPMSEDagger[2] = "MOV WeaponDaggerAnkle" sXPMSESword = New String[6] sXPMSESword[0] = "MOV WeaponSwordDefault" sXPMSESword[1] = "MOV WeaponSwordOnBack" sXPMSESword[2] = "MOV WeaponSwordSWP" sXPMSESword[3] = "MOV WeaponSwordFSM" sXPMSESword[4] = "MOV WeaponSwordLeftHip" sXPMSESword[5] = "MOV WeaponSwordNMD" sXPMSEAxe = New String[3] sXPMSEAxe[0] = "MOV WeaponAxeDefault" sXPMSEAxe[1] = "MOV WeaponAxeReverse" sXPMSEAxe[2] = "MOV WeaponAxeOnBack" sXPMSEMace = New String[1] sXPMSEMace[0] = "MOV WeaponMaceDefault" sXPMSEGreatsword = New String[3] sXPMSEGreatsword[0] = "MOV WeaponBackDefault" sXPMSEGreatsword[1] = "MOV WeaponBackSWP" sXPMSEGreatsword[2] = "MOV WeaponBackFSM" sXPMSEPolearm = New String[3] sXPMSEPolearm[0] = "MOV WeaponBackAxeMaceDefault" sXPMSEPolearm[1] = "MOV WeaponBackAxeMaceSWP" sXPMSEPolearm[2] = "MOV WeaponBackAxeMaceFSM" sXPMSEBow = New String[4] sXPMSEBow[0] = "MOV WeaponBowDefault" sXPMSEBow[1] = "MOV WeaponBowChesko" sXPMSEBow[2] = "MOV WeaponBowBetter" sXPMSEBow[3] = "MOV WeaponBowFSM" sXPMSECrossBow = New String[2] sXPMSECrossBow[0] = "MOV WeaponCrossBowDefault" sXPMSECrossBow[1] = "MOV WeaponCrossBowChesko" EndFunction Event OnDeath(Actor akKiller) ;Trace("AllGUD Player has died") ;When player dies, all the geared up weapons fall off. ;When the game is reloaded, the geared up weapons retain the position they had on death. ;Player must be forced to unequip them using a method that persists through loadgame. ;Solution: Use JContainers to write a Bool to a file that can be read onloadgame. ; Alternatives ; Unequip geared up armors. Looked incredibly silly as the weapons vanished from the world. ; Find what mesh flag allows the NordHero Bow I was testing with to NOT become physics enabled, and apply it to the other meshes. Rejected, cause I found the scattering weapons to be hilarious. ; Keep a record in the plugin and store information to it using a variable that doesn't reset on loadgame, like modelpath. Has potential? I think I saw another mod doing this. Int jAllGUD = JMap.object() JMap.SetInt(jAllGUD, jbForceReEquip, 1) JValue.writeToFile(jAllGUD, JContainers.userDirectory() + jAllGUDFileExtension) EndEvent ;############################### ;Equipping and unequipping items ;############################### Event OnObjectEquipped(Form akBaseObject, ObjectReference akReference) ;Trace("AllGUD Object equipped: " + akBaseObject.GetName()) Int iSlot = GetAllGUDItemSlot(akBaseObject) If(iSlot > iSlotIrrelevant) UpdateHandObjects() ElseIf(akBaseObject as Armor) Armor akABaseObject = akBaseObject as Armor If!akABaseObject.HasKeyword(kKYWDDisplayArmor) If bWasNonHuman bWasNonHuman = False EquipSlots() VisualizePlayer() EndIf If(Math.LogicalAnd(akABaseObject.GetSlotMask(),iSlotMaskTorso) == iSlotMaskTorso) ReWeighNodes(False) If PlayerRef.GetWornForm(iSlotMaskTorso) If bRemoveMiscItemsWithoutArmor If!(PlayerRef.HasSpell(kSPELPlayerItems)) VisualizePlayer() EndIf EndIf If bRemoveWeaponsWithoutArmor && !bDisplayPWeapon TogglePlayerWeaponDisplay() EndIf EndIf ElseIf(Math.LogicalAnd(akABaseObject.GetSlotMask(),iSlotMaskCloak) == iSlotMaskCloak) If(!bWearingCloak) bWearingCloak = NonAllGUDInSlot(iSlotMaskCloak) If(bWearingCloak) If(!bWearingBackItem) bWearingBackItem = True UpdateShieldSlot() EndIf EndIf EndIf ElseIf(Math.LogicalAnd(akABaseObject.GetSlotMask(),iSlotMaskBackpack) == iSlotMaskBackpack) If(!bWearingBackpack) bWearingBackpack = NonAllGUDInSlot(iSlotMaskBackpack) If(bWearingBackpack) If(!bWearingBackItem) bWearingBackItem = True UpdateShieldSlot() EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf EndEvent Event OnObjectUnequipped(Form akBaseObject, ObjectReference akReference) ;Keeps the most recent Unequipped favorited item on your person. ;Trace("AllGUD Object unequipped: " + akBaseObject.GetName()) Int iSlot = GetAllGUDItemSlot(akBaseObject) If(iSlot > iSlotIrrelevant) ;Do i need a better way to prevent the geared up weapons from triggering this? UpdateHandObjects() ElseIf(akBaseObject as Armor) ;Main Body Slot If(Math.LogicalAnd((akBaseObject as Armor).GetSlotMask(),iSlotMaskTorso) == iSlotMaskTorso) ReWeighNodes(False) If !PlayerRef.GetWornForm(iSlotMaskTorso) If bRemoveMiscItemsWithoutArmor RemovePlayerVisuals() EndIf If bRemoveWeaponsWithoutArmor && bDisplayPWeapon TogglePlayerWeaponDisplay() EndIf EndIf ElseIf(Math.LogicalAnd((akBaseObject as Armor).GetSlotMask(),iSlotMaskCloak) == iSlotMaskCloak) If(bWearingCloak) bWearingCloak = NonAllGUDInSlot(iSlotMaskCloak) If(!bWearingCloak) If(!bWearingBackpack) bWearingBackItem = False UpdateShieldSlot() EndIf EndIf EndIf ElseIf(Math.LogicalAnd((akBaseObject as Armor).GetSlotMask(),iSlotMaskBackpack) == iSlotMaskBackpack) If(bWearingBackpack) bWearingBackpack = NonAllGUDInSlot(iSlotMaskBackpack) If(!bWearingBackpack) If(!bWearingCloak) bWearingBackItem = False UpdateShieldSlot() EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf EndEvent Function UpdateHandObjects(Bool bForceUpdate = False) If(bProcessingHandUpdate) bHandUpdateQueued = True ;Trace("AllGUD Hand Update in process, update is queued") Else bProcessingHandUpdate = True ; kSNDRUnequipArmor.SetDecibelAttenuation(100.0) ; kSNDRUnequipArmor.SetDecibelVariance(0) Bool bEquipmentChange = bForceUpdate Int iLoopIndex ;Trace("AllGUD Updating Hand Objects") Form kCurrentHand = PlayerRef.GetEquippedObject(1) ;Check Right Hand If(kRightHand != kCurrentHand) ;Compare to saved hand bEquipmentChange = True If(kRightHand != None) ;Remove previous hand object if it exists RemoveHandObject(iSlotRightHand, kRightHand) iSlotRightHand = iSlotIrrelevant EndIf kRightHand = kCurrentHand iSlotRightHand = GetAllGUDItemSlot(kRightHand) ;Get the item slot for model and storage If(iSlotRightHand > iSlotIrrelevant && kSlotVisual[iSlotRightHand]) ;Filter out fists or none, and disabled kSlotItem[iSlotRightHand] = kRightHand sSlotModel[iSlotRightHand] = FillSpecificPath(iSlotRightHand, kRightHand, False) kSlotVisual[iSlotRightHand].GetNthArmorAddon(0).SetModelPath(sSlotModel[iSlotRightHand], False, False) If(iSlotRightHand == iSlotStaff && !bWeaponDrawn) ;Only display slot immediately if a sheathed staff bSlotEquipped[iSlotRightHand] = True EquipSlot(iSlotRightHand) ;v2.0 Else ;Otherwise, unequip slot bSlotEquipped[iSlotRightHand] = False UnequipSlot(iSlotRightHand) ;v2.0 EndIf bSlotUpdateFlagged[iSlotRightHand] = True ;Clear alt slot if 1-hand If((PlayerRef.GetItemCount(kRightHand) == 1) && (iSlotRightHand <= iSlotStaff)) Int iAltSlot = iSlotRightHand + iSlotLeftStart If(kRightHand == kSlotItem[iAltSlot]) ClearSlot(iAltSlot) EndIf EndIf ;Clear Slots that share the same SlotMask, for consistent displays between saving and loading. ClearCompetition(iSlotRightHand) EndIf EndIf kCurrentHand = PlayerRef.GetEquippedObject(0) ;Check Left Hand If(kLeftHand != kCurrentHand) ;Compare to saved hand bEquipmentChange = True If(kLeftHand != None) ;Remove previous hand object if it exists RemoveHandObject(iSlotLeftHand, kLeftHand) iSlotLeftHand = iSlotIrrelevant EndIf kLeftHand = kCurrentHand iSlotLeftHand = GetAllGUDItemSlot(kLeftHand) ;Get item slot for model and storage If(iSlotLeftHand > iSlotIrrelevant && iSlotLeftHand <= iSlotStaff) iSlotLeftHand += iSlotLeftStart ;adjust slot number for one-handers EndIf If(iSlotLeftHand >= iSlotLeftStart && kSlotVisual[iSlotLeftHand]) ;Filter out fists, none, or 2h kSlotItem[iSlotLeftHand] = kLeftHand sLeftHandSheathed = FillSpecificPath(iSlotLeftHand, kLeftHand, True) sLeftHandDrawn = FillSpecificPath(iSlotLeftHand, kLeftHand, False) If(iSlotLeftHand == iSlotShield) AddShieldLeftHandSlotMask() EndIf If(bWeaponDrawn) sSlotModel[iSlotLeftHand] = sLeftHandDrawn If(iSlotLeftHand == iSlotShield) ;;; ;Unequip slot if it's a readied shield ?or staff? bSlotEquipped[iSlotLeftHand] = False UnequipSlot(iSlotLeftHand) ;v2.0 Else ;Display for all other left hands bSlotEquipped[iSlotLeftHand] = True EquipSlot(iSlotLeftHand) ;v2.0 EndIf Else ;Display if sheathed sSlotModel[iSlotLeftHand] = sLeftHandSheathed bSlotEquipped[iSlotLeftHand] = True EquipSlot(iSlotLeftHand) ;v2.0 EndIf kSlotVisual[iSlotLeftHand].GetNthArmorAddon(0).SetModelPath(sSlotModel[iSlotLeftHand], False, False) bSlotUpdateFlagged[iSlotLeftHand] = True ;Clear alt slot if 1-hand If((PlayerRef.GetItemCount(kLeftHand) == 1) && (iSlotLeftHand <= iSlotLeftStaff)) Int iAltSlot = iSlotLeftHand - iSlotLeftStart If(kLeftHand == kSlotItem[iAltSlot]) ClearSlot(iAltSlot) EndIf EndIf ;Clear Slots that share the same SlotMask ClearCompetition(iSlotLeftHand) Else iSlotLeftHand = iSlotIrrelevant EndIf EndIf ; kSNDRUnequipArmor.SetDecibelAttenuation(fAttenuation) ; kSNDRUnequipArmor.SetDecibelVariance(iVariance) ;Trace("AllGUD Right hand contains " + kRightHand +" in slot: " + iSlotRightHand) ;Trace("AllGUD Left hand contains " + kLeftHand +" in slot: " + iSlotLeftHand) bProcessingHandUpdate = False If(bHandUpdateQueued) ;Utility.WaitMenuMode(0.1) bHandUpdateQueued = False UpdateHandObjects(bEquipmentChange) ElseIf(bEquipmentChange) UpdateSlots() EndIf EndIf EndFunction Function RemoveHandObject(Int aiSlot, Form akBaseObject) If(aiSlot > iSlotIrrelevant && akBaseObject != None) ;Trace("AllGUD Removing "+ akBaseObject.GetName() +" from 'Currently Equipped' status in slot: "+ aiSlot) Int iItemCount = PlayerRef.GetItemCount(akBaseObject) If(aiSlot == iSlotShield) RemoveShieldLeftHandSlotMask() EndIf Int iAltSlot = aiSlot ;This is fine since bSlotLocked[aiSlot] is checked before iAltSlot, and therefore won't matter for non 1h's (And won't produce out of bounds error in the log) If(aiSlot <= iSlotStaff) iAltSlot = aiSlot + iSlotLeftStart ElseIf((aiSlot >= iSlotLeftStart) && (aiSlot <= iSlotLeftStaff)) iAltSlot = aiSlot - iSlotLeftStart EndIf If(bSlotLocked[aiSlot]) ;RESET Slot to the Locked-in weapon ;Trace("AllGUD User has Locked-in slot " + aiSlot) If((iAltSlot != aiSlot) && (iItemCount == 1) && (kSlotItem[iAltSlot] == kSlotItemLocked[aiSlot])) ;Weapon is being used in the other hand. ClearSlot(aiSlot); Else ;Restore the locked-in item If(kSlotItemLocked[aiSlot] == None) ClearSlot(aiSlot) Else kSlotItem[aiSlot] = kSlotItemLocked[aiSlot] sSlotModel[aiSlot] = sSlotLockedModel[aiSlot] kSlotVisual[aiSlot].GetNthArmorAddon(0).SetModelPath(sSlotModel[aiSlot], False, False) bSlotEquipped[aiSlot] = True bSlotUpdateFlagged[aiSlot] = True ;Don't think it needs to clear competition since it shouldn't get set? ; ClearCompetition(aiSlot) EndIf EndIf ;Alt Slot is locked-in to the same weapon, with only 1 copy ElseIf(bSlotLocked[iAltSlot] && (kSlotItemLocked[iAltSlot] == akBaseObject) && (iItemCount == 1)) ;Clear this slot ClearSlot(aiSlot) ;Equip other slot kSlotItem[iAltSlot] = kSlotItemLocked[iAltSlot] sSlotModel[iAltSlot] = sSlotLockedModel[iAltSlot] kSlotVisual[iAltSlot].GetNthArmorAddon(0).SetModelPath(sSlotModel[iAltSlot], False, False) bSlotEquipped[iAltSlot] = True bSlotUpdateFlagged[iAltSlot] = True ElseIf(Game.IsObjectFavorited(akBaseObject)) ;DISPLAY this weapon, unless it's competing with a Locked-in slot Bool bNotInOtherHand = True ;Because of the order of UpdateHandObjects, check for opposite hand if itemcount is one (mainly because left-hand. TODO: change the order of operations to make this check unnecessary?). If(iItemCount == 1) If(aiSlot <= iSlotStaff) If(akBaseObject == kLeftHand) bNotInOtherHand = False EndIf ElseIf(aiSlot >= iSlotLeftStart && aiSlot <= iSlotLeftStaff) If(akBaseObject == kRightHand) bNotInOtherHand = False EndIf EndIf EndIf If(bNotInOtherHand) ;Trace("AllGUD " + akBaseObject.GetName() + " was a favorited weapon in slot " + aiSlot) If(aiSlot >= iSlotLeftStart && kSlotVisual[aiSlot]) ;Set model to sheathed in case it was currently the drawn model sSlotModel[aiSlot] = sLeftHandSheathed kSlotVisual[aiSlot].GetNthArmorAddon(0).SetModelPath(sSlotModel[aiSlot], False, False) EndIf ;EquipSlot(aiSlot) ;Do Not do this. Keep it to UpdateSlots in case of competition bSlotEquipped[aiSlot] = True bSlotUpdateFlagged[aiSlot] = True ;Attempt to fix dual-wielding staves producing artifact model of RH when sheathing. ; If(aiSlot == iSlotStaff) ; If(iSlotLeftHand == iSlotLeftStaff) ; UnequipSlot(iSlotLeftHand) ; bSlotUpdateFlagged[iSlotLeftHand] = True ; EndIf ; EndIf ;Did not work. ;This ClearCompetition is special, If it finds a locked-in slot, clear current slot and equip that one If(!JContainers.fileExistsAtPath(JContainers.userDirectory() + "AllGUD/Competing Slots/Slot"+aiSlot+".json")) RegisterCompetitiveSlots(aiSlot) EndIf Int jaCompetitiveSlots = JValue.readFromFile(JContainers.userDirectory() + "AllGUD/Competing Slots/Slot"+aiSlot+".json") Int iLoopIndex = 0 While(iLoopIndex < JArray.Count(jaCompetitiveSlots)) Int iCompetitionSlot = JArray.getInt(jaCompetitiveSlots, iLoopIndex) If(bSlotLocked[iCompetitionSlot]) ;Competing Slot is Locked-in ;Trace(iCompetitionSlot + " is Locked-in") ClearSlot(aiSlot) ;Clear the current slot instead ;Equip the Locked-in Slot. bSlotEquipped[iCompetitionSlot] = True bSlotUpdateFlagged[iCompetitionSlot] = True iLoopIndex = iSlotCount ;Stop the Loop ElseIf(iCompetitionSlot < iSlotLeftStart) ;Clear the competing slots. If(kSlotItem[iCompetitionSlot] != kRightHand) ClearSlot(iCompetitionSlot) EndIf ElseIf(kSlotItem[iCompetitionSlot] != kLeftHand) ClearSlot(iCompetitionSlot) EndIf iLoopIndex += 1 EndWhile ;/ PRE DYNAMIC ARRAY Int iLoopIndex = 0 While(iLoopIndex < iSlotCount) If((iSlotMaskIndex[aiSlot] == iSlotMaskIndex[iLoopIndex]) && (aiSlot != iLoopIndex)) ;Trace("AllGUD -RemoveHandObject SlotMaskIndex match found between slots " + aiSlot + " and " + iLoopIndex) If(bSlotLocked[iLoopIndex]) ;Competing Slot is Locked-in ;Trace(iLoopIndex + " is Locked-in") ClearSlot(aiSlot) ;Clear the current slot instead ;Equip the Locked-in Slot. bSlotEquipped[iLoopIndex] = True ; EquipSlot(iLoopIndex) ;v2.0 bSlotUpdateFlagged[iLoopIndex] = True iLoopIndex = iSlotCount ;Stop the Loop ElseIf(iLoopIndex < iSlotLeftStart) ;Clear the competing slots. If(kSlotItem[iLoopIndex] != kRightHand) ClearSlot(iLoopIndex) EndIf ElseIf(kSlotItem[iLoopIndex] != kLeftHand) ClearSlot(iLoopIndex) EndIf EndIf iLoopIndex += 1 EndWhile /; EndIf Else ;Trace("AllGUD " + akBaseObject.GetName() + " was not a favorite. Clearing slot " + aiSlot) ClearSlot(aiSlot) ;RESTORE Locked-in Slot. Only restores if Locked-in and not the most recently unequipped favorited weapon because I imagine it'll be easier for the user to customize their loadout? If(!JContainers.fileExistsAtPath(JContainers.userDirectory() + "AllGUD/Competing Slots/Slot"+aiSlot+".json")) RegisterCompetitiveSlots(aiSlot) EndIf Int jaCompetitiveSlots = JValue.readFromFile(JContainers.userDirectory() + "AllGUD/Competing Slots/Slot"+aiSlot+".json") Int iLoopIndex = 0 While(iLoopIndex < JArray.Count(jaCompetitiveSlots)) Int iCompetitionSlot = JArray.getInt(jaCompetitiveSlots, iLoopIndex) If(bSlotLocked[iCompetitionSlot]) ;Competing Slot is Locked-in ;Trace(iCompetitionSlot + " is Locked-in") ClearSlot(aiSlot) ;Clear the current slot instead ;Equip the Locked-in Slot. bSlotEquipped[iCompetitionSlot] = True bSlotUpdateFlagged[iCompetitionSlot] = True iLoopIndex = iSlotCount ;Stop the Loop EndIf iLoopIndex += 1 EndWhile ;/ PRE DYNAMIC ARRAY Int iLoopIndex = 0 While(iLoopIndex < iSlotCount) If((iSlotMaskIndex[aiSlot] == iSlotMaskIndex[iLoopIndex]) && (aiSlot != iLoopIndex)) ;Trace("AllGUD -RemoveHandObject SlotMaskIndex match found between slots " + aiSlot + " and " + iLoopIndex) If(bSlotLocked[iLoopIndex]) ;Competing Slot is Locked-in If((iSlotMaskIndex[iLoopIndex] != iSlotMaskIndex[iSlotRightHand]) && (iSlotMaskIndex[iLoopIndex] != iSlotMaskIndex[iSlotLeftHand])) bSlotEquipped[iLoopIndex] = True ; EquipSlot(iLoopIndex) ;v2.0 bSlotUpdateFlagged[iLoopIndex] = True EndIf ;Equip the other Slot iLoopIndex = iSlotCount ;Stop the Loop EndIf EndIf iLoopIndex += 1 EndWhile /; EndIf EndIf EndFunction Bool Function NonAllGUDInSlot(Int aiSlotMask) If(PlayerRef.GetWornForm(aiSlotMask)) Return !PlayerRef.GetWornForm(aiSlotMask).HasKeyword(kKYWDDisplayArmor) EndIf Return False EndFunction ;#################################################################################################################################################### ;Sheathing and drawing weapons ;#################################################################################################################################################### Event OnAnimationEvent(ObjectReference akSource, string asEventName) Bool bNewDrawState = (PlayerRef.IsWeaponDrawn() || (asEventName == "BeginWeaponDraw")) ;"WeaponDraw" is needed because Left-Hand only weapons don't trigger "BeginWeaponDraw" ; Trace(" AllGUD Animation Event " + asEventName + " " + bWeaponDrawn + " " + bNewDrawState) If(bWeaponDrawn != bNewDrawState) bWeaponDrawn = bNewDrawState ; kSNDRUnequipArmor.SetDecibelAttenuation(100.0) ; kSNDRUnequipArmor.SetDecibelVariance(0) UpdateHandObjects() ;Easier to fix any issues by drawing/sheathing than equipping/unequipping If(iSlotRightHand == iSlotStaff && kSlotVisual[iSlotRightHand]) ;Only RH that needs to change is Staff ;Model was already set when it was equipped If(bWeaponDrawn) bSlotEquipped[iSlotRightHand] = False UnequipSlot(iSlotRightHand) ;v2.0 Else bSlotEquipped[iSlotRightHand] = True EquipSlot(iSlotRightHand) ;v2.0 EndIf bSlotUpdateFlagged[iSlotRightHand] = True EndIf If(iSLotLeftHand > iSlotIrrelevant && kSlotVisual[iSlotLeftHand]) ;All LH slots need to change something. If(bWeaponDrawn) If(iSlotLeftHand == iSlotShield) ;;; bSlotEquipped[iSlotLeftHand] = False UnequipSlot(iSlotLeftHand) ;v2.0 Else sSlotModel[iSlotLeftHand] = sLeftHandDrawn bSlotEquipped[iSlotLeftHand] = True EquipSlot(iSlotLeftHand) ;v2.0 EndIf Else If(iSlotLeftHand != iSlotShield) sSlotModel[iSlotLeftHand] = sLeftHandSheathed EndIf bSlotEquipped[iSlotLeftHand] = True EquipSlot(iSlotLeftHand) ;v2.0 EndIf kSlotVisual[iSlotLeftHand].GetNthArmorAddon(0).SetModelPath(sSlotModel[iSlotLeftHand], False, False) bSlotUpdateFlagged[iSlotLeftHand] = True EndIf ; kSNDRUnequipArmor.SetDecibelAttenuation(fAttenuation) ; kSNDRUnequipArmor.SetDecibelVariance(iVariance) EndIf UpdateSlots() ;Keeping it here slows things down generally, but speeds up accuracte gearups EndEvent Function RegisterForAnimations() RegisterForAnimationEvent(PlayerRef, "BeginWeaponDraw") RegisterForAnimationEvent(PlayerRef, "WeaponDraw") RegisterForAnimationEvent(PlayerRef, "WeaponSheathe") EndFunction Function UnregisterForAnimations() UnregisterForAnimationEvent(PlayerRef, "BeginWeaponDraw") UnregisterForAnimationEvent(PlayerRef, "WeaponDraw") UnregisterForAnimationEvent(PlayerRef, "WeaponSheathe") EndFunction ;#################################################################################################################################################### ;Race switching ;#################################################################################################################################################### Event OnRaceSwitchComplete() ;Trace("AllGUD Race switch completed") Race kNewPlayerRace = PlayerRef.GetRace() ;Trace("New race: " + kNewPlayerRace.GetName()) ; If((kNewPlayerRace == kRaceWerebeast) || (kNewPlayerRace == kRaceVampireLord)) ; ClearSlots() ;Clearing someone's saved preferences would be rude. ; EndIf UnregisterForAllMenus() UnregisterForAnimations() UnregisterForCameraState() UnregisterToggleKeys(False) If(kPlayerRace != kRaceVampireLord) UnequipSlots() RemovePlayerVisuals() EndIf If((kNewPlayerRace != kRaceWerebeast) && (kNewPlayerRace != kRaceVampireLord)) ;Trace("AllGUD Player Turned into one of the default races") bPlayerFemale = PlayerRef.GetActorBase().GetSex() RegisterForMenus() RegisterForAnimations() RegisterForCameraState() RegisterToggleKeys() bCameraFirstPerson = (Game.GetCameraState() == 0) ReWeighNodes(True) ReScaleNodes() ReloadSlotMasks() If(kPlayerRace != kRaceWerebeast) EquipSlots() ;Slots won't be equipped right away after werewolf AGUDMCM.ReloadPlayerItemModels() VisualizePlayer() Else bWasNonHuman = True ;Slots will be equipped after entering the inventory/container menu. EndIf EndIf kPlayerRace = kNewPlayerRace EndEvent ;############# ;Menu and Keys ;############# Event OnMenuOpen(string asMenuName) UnregisterToggleKeys(False) If(asMenuName == "RaceSex Menu") ; UnequipSlots() ;Testing leaving weapons on ; RemovePlayerVisuals() Else If(Game.UsingGamepad()) iHotkeyFavorites = Input.GetMappedKey("Jump") Else iHotkeyFavorites = Input.GetMappedKey("Toggle POV") EndIf RegisterForKey(iHotkeyFavorites) EndIf EndEvent Event OnMenuClose(string asMenuName) RegisterToggleKeys() If(asMenuName == "RaceSex Menu") If(kPlayerRace == PlayerRef.GetRace()) ;Race did not change, therefore raceswitch did not trigger ;If player race or sex was changed in the racemenu, then changed back, visualization spell and equipslots would have to be reequipped UnregisterForAnimations() UnregisterForCameraState() bPlayerFemale = PlayerRef.GetActorBase().GetSex() bCameraFirstPerson = (Game.GetCameraState() == 0) bWeaponDrawn = PlayerRef.IsWeaponDrawn() RegisterForAnimations() RegisterForCameraState() ReWeighNodes(True) ReScaleNodes() ReloadSlotMasks() EquipSlots() AGUDMCM.ReloadPlayerItemModels() RemovePlayerVisuals() VisualizePlayer() EndIf Else If(bUpdateFavoritesList) ClearUnfavorites() EndIf UnregisterForKey(iHotkeyFavorites) If bWasNonHuman ;Keep it in OnMenuClose because equipping looks better when time isn't paused. bWasNonHuman = False EquipSlots() VisualizePlayer() EndIf EndIf EndEvent Event OnAllGUDConfigClose(Bool abUpdatePlayerVisuals, Bool abUpdateNPCVisuals, Bool abUpdateNPCWeapons) ;DON'T WAIT/UPDATE THEM IN THE MCM, SLOWS DOWN MCM PAGE SWAPS Utility.Wait(1.0) ;waitmenumode doesn't work? If(abUpdatePlayerVisuals) AGUDMCM.RefreshPlayerItems() EndIf If(abUpdateNPCVisuals) AGUDMCM.RefreshNPCItems() EndIf If(abUpdateNPCWeapons) AGUDMCM.RefreshNPCWeapons() EndIf EndEvent Event OnKeyDown(int aiKey) If(!UI.IsTextInputEnabled()) If(aiKey == iHotkeyFavorites) bUpdateFavoritesList = True UnregisterForKey(iHotkeyFavorites) EndIf If(aiKey == iHKeyPWeapon) TogglePlayerWeaponDisplay() EndIf If(aiKey == iHKeyPItem) TogglePlayerMisc() EndIf If(aiKey == iHKeyNPCItem) AGUDMCM.ToggleNPCItems() EndIf If(aiKey == iHKeyNPCWeapon) AGUDMCM.ToggleNPCWeapons() EndIf EndIf EndEvent Function UnregisterToggleKeys(Bool abReRegister) UnregisterForAllKeys() If(abReRegister) RegisterToggleKeys() EndIf EndFunction Function RegisterToggleKeys() RegisterForKey(iHKeyPWeapon) RegisterForKey(iHKeyPItem) RegisterForKey(iHKeyNPCItem) RegisterForKey(iHKeyNPCWeapon) EndFunction Function ClearUnfavorites() bUpdateFavoritesList = False Int iLoopIndex = 0 While(iLoopIndex < iSlotCount) If(kSlotItem[iLoopIndex]) If(!Game.IsObjectFavorited(kSlotItem[iLoopIndex])) If(iLoopIndex < iSlotLeftStart) If(kSlotItem[iLoopIndex] != kRightHand) ;Not the handobject ClearSlot(iLoopIndex) ;Trace("AllGUD Slot " + iLoopIndex + " will be unequipped, because it is no longer favorited") EndIf Else If(kSlotItem[iLoopIndex] != kLeftHand) ;Not the handobject ClearSlot(iLoopIndex) ;Trace("AllGUD Slot " + iLoopIndex + " will be unequipped, because it is no longer favorited") EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf If(kSlotItemLocked[iLoopIndex]) If(!Game.IsObjectFavorited(kSlotItemLocked[iLoopIndex])) bSlotLocked[iLoopIndex] = False kSlotItemLocked[iLoopIndex] = None sSlotLockedModel[iLoopIndex] = None EndIf EndIf iLoopIndex += 1 EndWhile UpdateSlots() EndFunction Function RegisterForMenus() RegisterForMenu("InventoryMenu") RegisterForMenu("ContainerMenu") RegisterForMenu("RaceSex Menu") EndFunction ;################### ;Inventory Functions ;Don't think i can use an inventory filter? Unless I had a formlist of every friggin weapon, shield, potion, scroll, ingredient etc added by any mod ever? ;################### Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseObject, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer) ;Trace("AllGUD Item added: " + akBaseObject.GetName() + " (" + aiItemCount + ")") ;Add forms for item visualization so as to support and new items added by mods If(kFLSTCoins.HasForm(akBaseObject)) ElseIf(akBaseObject as Ingredient) kFLSTIngredients.AddForm(akBaseObject) ElseIf(akBaseObject as Potion) If(akBaseObject.HasKeyword(kKWDAPotion)) MagicEffect kMGEF = (akBaseObject as Potion).GetNthEffectMagicEffect(0) If(kFLSTWhitePhials.HasForm(akBaseObject)) kFLSTPotionsHealth.RemoveAddedForm(akBaseObject) kFLSTPotionsMagicka.RemoveAddedForm(akBaseObject) kFLSTPotionsStamina.RemoveAddedForm(akBaseObject) ElseIf(kFLSTRestoreHealth.HasForm(kMGEF)) kFLSTPotionsHealth.AddForm(akBaseObject) ElseIf(kFLSTRestoreMagicka.HasForm(kMGEF)) kFLSTPotionsMagicka.AddForm(akBaseObject) ElseIf(kFLSTRestoreStamina.HasForm(kMGEF)) kFLSTPotionsStamina.AddForm(akBaseObject) EndIf EndIf ElseIf(akBaseObject as Scroll) kFLSTScrolls.AddForm(akBaseObject) EndIf ;Do these formlists grow too large as play continues? Should the list be popped at some point? EndEvent Event OnItemRemoved(Form akBaseObject, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akDestContainer) ;Trace("AllGUD Item removed: " + akBaseObject.GetName() + " (" + aiItemCount + ")") Int iSlot = GetAllGUDItemSlot(akBaseObject) Int iRemainingCount = PlayerRef.GetItemCount(akBaseObject) If(iSlot > iSlotIrrelevant) ;Is it a weapon/shield If(iRemainingCount == 0) ;If all items were removed If(kSlotItemLocked[iSlot] == akBaseObject) bSlotLocked[iSlot] = False kSlotItemLocked[iSlot] = None sSlotLockedModel[iSlot] = None EndIf If(kSlotItem[iSlot] == akBaseObject) ;Is in RH ClearSlot(iSlot) ;Trace("AllGUD Slot " + iSlot + " will be unequipped, because there are no remaining copies") EndIf If(iSlot <= iSlotStaff) ;If it's a 1h, need to check LH as well iSlot += iSlotLeftStart If(kSlotItem[iSlot] == akBaseObject) ;Is in LH ClearSlot(iSlot) ;Trace("AllGUD Slot " + iSlot + " will be unequipped, because there are no remaining copies") EndIf EndIf ElseIf(iRemainingCount == 1) ;Exactly one left If(iSlot <= iSlotStaff) ;and it's a 1h weapon Int iAltSlot = iSlot iAltSlot = iSlot + iSlotLeftStart If((kSlotItem[iSlot] == akBaseObject) && (kSlotItem[iAltSlot] == akBaseObject)) ;and is in both LH and RH slots If(kLeftHand == akBaseObject) ;If it's currently in the LH, remove from RH ClearSlot(iSlot) ;Trace("AllGUD Slot " + iSlot + " will be unequipped, because there is only one copy and it is in the left hand") Else ;Remove from Left otherwise ClearSlot(iAltSlot) ;Trace("AllGUD Slot " + iAltSlot + " will be unequipped, because there is only one copy and the right slot takes priority") EndIf EndIf If((kSlotItemLocked[iSlot] == akBaseObject) && (kSlotItemLocked[iAltSlot] == akBaseObject)) ;and is in both LH and RH slots If(kLeftHand == akBaseObject) ;If it's currently in the LH, remove from RH bSlotLocked[iSlot] = False kSlotItemLocked[iSlot] = None sSlotLockedModel[iSlot] = None Else ;Remove from Left otherwise bSlotLocked[iAltSlot] = False kSlotItemLocked[iAltSlot] = None sSlotLockedModel[iAltSlot] = None EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf UpdateSlots() ;Add the display armor back if it was somehow removed ;Moved this check to just prior to un/equip in updateslots ; ElseIf(akBaseObject as Armor) ; If((kSlotVisual.Find(akBaseObject as Armor) >= 0)) ; If(PlayerRef.GetItemCount(akBaseObject) == 0) ; PlayerRef.AddItem(akBaseObject) ; EndIf ; EndIf EndIf EndEvent Function AddTestArmory() ;Gives a full set of weapons for testing Notification("Adding the complimentary test armory") Int OnlyOne = 1 Int DualWeapon = 2 Int Arrows = 10 Form TestDagger = Game.GetForm(0x0001397e) Form TestSword = Game.GetForm(0x00012eb7) Form TestWarAxe = Game.GetForm(0x00013790) Form TestMace = Game.GetForm(0x00013982) Form TestStaff = Game.GetForm(0x000be121) Form TestGreatSword = Game.GetForm(0x0001359d) Form TestBattleAxe = Game.GetForm(0x00013980) Form TestArrow = Game.GetForm(0x0001397d) Form TestBow = Game.GetForm(0x00013985) Form TestShield = Game.GetForm(0x00012eb6) Form MatchingArmor = Game.GetForm(0x00012e49) Form MatchingBoots = Game.GetForm(0x00012e4b) Form MatchingGloves = Game.GetForm(0x00012e46) Form MatchingHelmet = Game.GetForm(0x00012e4d) If(Game.GetModByName("Dawnguard.esm") != 255) Form TestCrossbow = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x02000801, "Dawnguard.esm") Form SteelBolts = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x02000bb3, "Dawnguard.esm") If(PlayerRef.GetItemCount(SteelBolts) < Arrows) PlayerRef.AddItem(SteelBolts, Arrows, true) EndIf If(PlayerRef.GetItemCount(TestCrossbow) < OnlyOne) PlayerRef.AddItem(TestCrossbow, OnlyOne, true) EndIf EndIf If(Game.GetModByName("Campfire.esm") != 255) Form RandoBackpack = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x0202c260, "Campfire.esm") If(PlayerRef.GetItemCount(RandoBackpack) < OnlyOne) PlayerRef.AddItem(RandoBackpack, OnlyOne, true) EndIf Form RandoCloak = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x0203fa9c, "Campfire.esm") If(PlayerRef.GetItemCount(RandoCloak) < OnlyOne) PlayerRef.AddItem(RandoCloak, OnlyOne, true) EndIf EndIf If(PlayerRef.GetItemCount(TestDagger) < DualWeapon) PlayerRef.AddItem(TestDagger, DualWeapon, true) EndIf If(PlayerRef.GetItemCount(TestSword) < DualWeapon) PlayerRef.AddItem(TestSword, DualWeapon, true) EndIf If(PlayerRef.GetItemCount(TestWarAxe) < DualWeapon) PlayerRef.AddItem(TestWarAxe, DualWeapon, true) EndIf If(PlayerRef.GetItemCount(TestMace) < DualWeapon) PlayerRef.AddItem(TestMace, DualWeapon, true) EndIf If(PlayerRef.GetItemCount(TestStaff) < DualWeapon) PlayerRef.AddItem(TestStaff, DualWeapon, true) EndIf If(PlayerRef.GetItemCount(TestGreatSword) < OnlyOne) PlayerRef.AddItem(TestGreatSword, OnlyOne, true) EndIf If(PlayerRef.GetItemCount(TestBattleAxe) < OnlyOne) PlayerRef.AddItem(TestBattleAxe, OnlyOne, true) EndIf If(PlayerRef.GetItemCount(TestBow) < OnlyOne) PlayerRef.AddItem(TestBow, OnlyOne, true) EndIf If(PlayerRef.GetItemCount(TestArrow) < Arrows) PlayerRef.AddItem(TestArrow, Arrows, true) EndIf If(PlayerRef.GetItemCount(TestShield) < OnlyOne) PlayerRef.AddItem(TestShield, OnlyOne, true) EndIf If(PlayerRef.GetItemCount(MatchingArmor) < OnlyOne) PlayerRef.AddItem(MatchingArmor, OnlyOne, true) EndIf If(PlayerRef.GetItemCount(MatchingHelmet) < OnlyOne) PlayerRef.AddItem(MatchingHelmet, OnlyOne, true) EndIf If(PlayerRef.GetItemCount(MatchingBoots) < OnlyOne) PlayerRef.AddItem(MatchingBoots, OnlyOne, true) EndIf If(PlayerRef.GetItemCount(MatchingGloves) < OnlyOne) PlayerRef.AddItem(MatchingGloves, OnlyOne, true) EndIf ;Misc Items Form Torch = Game.GetForm(0x0001d4ec) If(PlayerRef.GetItemCount(Torch) < OnlyOne) PlayerRef.AddItem(Torch, OnlyOne, true) EndIf Form HealthPot = Game.GetForm(0x00039be5) If(PlayerRef.GetItemCount(HealthPot) < OnlyOne) PlayerRef.AddItem(HealthPot, OnlyOne, true) EndIf Form MagickPot = Game.GetForm(0x00039be7) If(PlayerRef.GetItemCount(MagickPot) < OnlyOne) PlayerRef.AddItem(MagickPot, OnlyOne, true) EndIf Form StaminaPot = Game.GetForm(0x00039cf3) If(PlayerRef.GetItemCount(StaminaPot) < OnlyOne) PlayerRef.AddItem(StaminaPot, OnlyOne, true) EndIf Form RandomScroll = Game.GetForm(0x000a44aa) If(PlayerRef.GetItemCount(RandomScroll) < OnlyOne) PlayerRef.AddItem(RandomScroll, OnlyOne, true) EndIf Form Nirnroot = Game.GetForm(0x000b701a) If(PlayerRef.GetItemCount(Nirnroot) < OnlyOne) PlayerRef.AddItem(Nirnroot, OnlyOne, true) EndIf Form DaedraHeart = Game.GetForm(0x0003ad5b) If(PlayerRef.GetItemCount(DaedraHeart) < OnlyOne) PlayerRef.AddItem(DaedraHeart, OnlyOne, true) EndIf Form Gold = Game.GetForm(0x0000000f) If(PlayerRef.GetItemCount(Gold) < 100) PlayerRef.AddItem(Gold, 100, true) EndIf Form Lute = Game.GetForm(0x000dabab) If(PlayerRef.GetItemCount(Lute) < OnlyOne) PlayerRef.AddItem(Lute, OnlyOne, true) EndIf Form Flute = Game.GetForm(0x000daba7) If(PlayerRef.GetItemCount(Flute) < OnlyOne) PlayerRef.AddItem(Flute, OnlyOne, true) EndIf ;Quest Items Form WhitePhial = Game.GetForm(0x0010201e) If(PlayerRef.GetItemCount(WhitePhial) < OnlyOne) PlayerRef.AddItem(WhitePhial, OnlyOne, true) EndIf Form ElderScroll = Game.GetForm(0x0002d513) If(PlayerRef.GetItemCount(ElderScroll) < OnlyOne) PlayerRef.AddItem(ElderScroll, OnlyOne, true) EndIf Form AzurasStar = Game.GetForm(0x00063b27) If(PlayerRef.GetItemCount(AzurasStar) < OnlyOne) PlayerRef.AddItem(AzurasStar, OnlyOne, true) EndIf ;Trace("AllGUD- Test Armory added") EndFunction ;############## ;Slot Functions ;############## Int Function GetAllGUDItemSlot(Form akBaseObject) ; Default Step1 Step2 Step3 Step4 Step 5 AfterFunctionReturns FINAL ;-1 N/A Fist Irrelevant Irrelevant ;0 Fist Sword RH Sword ;1 Sword Dagger RH Dagger ;2 Dagger WarAxe RH WarAxe ;3 WarAxe Mace RH Mace ;4 Mace GSword null Staff RH Staff ;5 GSword BA & WH 2HMelee 2H Melee ;6 BAxe&WHam Bow 2HRange 2H Range ;7 Bow Staff Null LH Sword LH Sword ;8 Staff XBow Null LH Dagger LH Dagger ;9 XBow LH WarAxe LH WarAxe ;10 LH Mace LH Mace ;11 LH Staff LH Staff ;12 Shield Shield Int iSlotMisplacedStaff = 7 If(akBaseObject) ;Bound Weapon? No ty If(kFLSTBannedWeapons.HasForm(akBaseObject)) Return iSlotIrrelevant EndIf Int iLoopIndex = 0 While(iLoopIndex < kFLSTBannedKeywords.GetSize()) If(akBaseObject.HasKeyword(kFLSTBannedKeywords.GetAt(iLoopIndex) as Keyword)) Return iSlotIrrelevant EndIf iLoopIndex += 1 EndWhile Weapon kWeapon = akBaseObject as Weapon If(kWeapon) int iSlot = kWeapon.GetWeaponType() iSlot -= 1 ;Remove Fists If(iSlot == iSlotStaff) ;Adjust greatsword to 2h Slot iSlot += 1 ElseIf(iSlot == iSlotMisplacedStaff) iSlot = iSlotStaff ;Set Staff to 4 ElseIf(iSlot > iSlot2HMelee) iSlot = iSlotRange ;Any Remaining Weapons are Bows/Crossbows EndIf ;Trace("AllGUD " + akBaseObject.GetName() + " is assigned to slot " + iSlot) Return iSlot Else Armor kArmor = akBaseObject as Armor If(kArmor) If(kArmor.IsShield()) Return iSlotShield EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf Return iSlotIrrelevant EndFunction Function UpdateSlots() ;Trace("AllGUD Update Slots Called") If(bProcessingUpdate) ;Trace("AllGUD Update already running, new update queued") bUpdateQueued = True Else bProcessingUpdate = True Int iLoopIndex = 0 ;Mute both equip & unequip noises for the duration ; Float fAttenuation = kSNDRUnequipArmor.GetDecibelAttenuation() ; Int iVariance = kSNDRUnequipArmor.GetDecibelVariance() ; kSNDRUnequipArmor.SetDecibelAttenuation(100.0) ; kSNDRUnequipArmor.SetDecibelVariance(0) While(iLoopIndex < iSlotCount) If(bSlotUpdateFlagged[iLoopIndex] && kSlotVisual[iLoopIndex]) ;Does having the armor count check here add too much delay to change? If(bSlotEquipped[iLoopIndex]) ;Equip it EquipSlot(iLoopIndex) ;XPMSE-restyle Distinct Weapon-type positions if(bReAlignNodes && bXPMSEInstalled) ;Displayed weapon may differ last restyled weapon. ;Only necessary for WeaponBack and WeaponBow(2HMelee and 2HRange) If(iLoopIndex == iSlot2HMelee || iLoopIndex == iSlotRange) Weapon kWeapon = kSlotItem[iLoopIndex] as Weapon If(iLoopIndex == iSlot2HMelee) ;GreatSword/Polearms If(bTwoHMeleeIsGreatsword) If(kWeapon.GetWeaponType() == 6) ;Polearm WeaponType bTwoHMeleeIsGreatsword = False UpdateNiNode(iNodeTwoHMelee) EndIf ElseIf(kWeapon.GetWeaponType() == 5) ;Greatsword WeaponType bTwoHMeleeIsGreatsword = True UpdateNiNode(iNodeTwoHMelee) EndIf ElseIf(iLoopIndex == iSlotRange) ;Bows/Crossbows If(bTwoHRangeIsBow) If(kWeapon.GetWeaponType() == 9) ;XBow WeaponType bTwoHRangeIsBow = False UpdateNiNode(iNodeRange) EndIf ElseIf(kWeapon.GetWeaponType() == 7) ;Bow WeaponType bTwoHRangeIsBow = True UpdateNiNode(iNodeRange) EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf Else ;Unequip it UnequipSlot(iLoopIndex) EndIf bSlotUpdateFlagged[iLoopIndex] = False EndIf iLoopIndex += 1 EndWhile ; kSNDRUnequipArmor.SetDecibelVariance(iVariance) ; kSNDRUnequipArmor.SetDecibelAttenuation(fAttenuation) bProcessingUpdate = False ;Recursion if a new update was queued If(bUpdateQueued) ;Allow time for slot changes to happen Utility.WaitMenuMode(0.1) bUpdateQueued = False UpdateSlots() EndIf EndIf EndFunction Function EquipSlot(Int aiSlot) ;If(!bRemoveWeaponsWithoutArmor || PlayerRef.GetWornForm(iSlotMaskTorso)) ;This is a lot of checks.. Maybe use a state for this If((aiSlot > iSlotIrrelevant) && (bDisplayPWeapon)) If(PlayerRef.GetItemCount(kSlotVisual[aiSlot]) == 0) PlayerRef.AddItem(kSlotVisual[aiSlot], 1, true) EndIf ;Trace("AllGUD Equipping slot at index " + aiSlot) If(aiSlot == iSlotShield) If((bShieldHide && bWearingBackItem) || (bShieldOnArm && (iSlotLeftHand == iSlotShield))) ;Trace("AllGUD Actually, nevermind, not equipping shield due to back problems or personal preference") ;Don't think i need this section? kSNDRUnequipArmor.SetDecibelAttenuation(100.0) kSNDRUnequipArmor.SetDecibelVariance(0) PlayerRef.UnequipItemEx(kSlotVisual[aiSlot]) ;Unequip here in case this was called as a result of UpdateShieldSlot() kSNDRUnequipArmor.SetDecibelVariance(iVariance) kSNDRUnequipArmor.SetDecibelAttenuation(fAttenuation) Else PlayerRef.EquipItemEx(kSlotVisual[aiSlot]) EndIf ElseIf(kSlotVisual[aiSlot]) ;Volume control used to be here, but was moved upstream to updateslots() ;Attempting different equipitem commands to avoid the RH model on LH Weapon bug ;Notes, do not pass True for any "prevent unequip" argument as it interferes with updating the model on draw/sheathe PlayerRef.EquipItemEx(kSlotVisual[aiSlot]) ;#0: Displays RH mesh ;Soo no difference between any of them with regards to the RH model on LH DW bug. EndIf EndIf EndFunction Function UnequipSlot(Int aiSlot) If(aiSlot > iSlotIrrelevant) If(kSlotVisual[aiSlot]) kSNDRUnequipArmor.SetDecibelAttenuation(100.0) kSNDRUnequipArmor.SetDecibelVariance(0) ;Muting sound fx used to be here, but was moved to updateslots() ;not muting the sound fx also allows changing the slotmask through mcm to audibly indicate that something has changed ;Trace("AllGUD Unequipping " + kSlotVisual[aiSlot].GetName()) PlayerRef.UnequipItemEx(kSlotVisual[aiSlot]) ;Works best? No visuals seem out of place ; PlayerRef.UnequipItemSlot(iSlotMasks[iSlotMaskIndex[aiSlot]]) ;This method does not work well at all ; PlayerRef.UnequipItemEx(kSlotVisual[aiSlot]) kSNDRUnequipArmor.SetDecibelVariance(iVariance) kSNDRUnequipArmor.SetDecibelAttenuation(fAttenuation) EndIf EndIf EndFunction Function EquipSlots() ;Trace("AllGUD Equipping slots") Int iLoopIndex=0 While(iLoopIndex < iSlotCount) If(kSlotItem[iLoopIndex]) bSlotEquipped[iLoopIndex] = True ;Trace("AllGUD Slot " + iLoopIndex + " will be equipped, because all slots with objects are being equipped") bSlotUpdateFlagged[iLoopIndex] = True EndIf iLoopIndex += 1 EndWhile UpdateSlots() EndFunction Function UnequipSlots() ;Trace("AllGUD Unequipping slots") ; Float fAttenuation = kSNDRUnequipArmor.GetDecibelAttenuation() ; Int iVariance = kSNDRUnequipArmor.GetDecibelVariance() Int iLoopIndex = 0 While(iLoopIndex < iSlotCount) ;DO NOT flag or update slots here, to preserve the current display for when EquipSlots is called. ;Trace("AllGUD Slot " + iLoopIndex + " will be unequipped, because all slots are being unequipped") UnequipSlot(iLoopIndex) iLoopIndex += 1 EndWhile EndFunction Function DisableSlot(Int aiSlot) If(aiSlot > iSlotIrrelevant) If(kSlotVisual[aiSlot]) ClearSlot(aiSlot) kSlotVisualDisabled[aiSlot] = kSlotVisual[aiSlot] kSlotVisual[aiSlot] = None ;Trace("AllGUD Disabled Slot " + aiSlot) EndIf EndIf EndFunction Function EnableSlot(Int aiSlot) If(aiSlot > iSlotIrrelevant) If(kSlotVisualDisabled[aiSlot]) kSlotVisual[aiSlot] = kSlotVisualDisabled[aiSlot] kSlotVisualDisabled[aiSlot] = None ;Trace("AllGUD Enabled Slot "+ aiSlot) ClearSlot(aiSlot) EndIf EndIf EndFunction Function ClearSlot(Int aiSlot) ;Removes the currently saved weapon from kSlotItem ;Trace("AllGUD Clearing Slot "+ aiSlot) If(aiSlot > iSlotIrrelevant) ;valid slot sSlotModel[aiSlot] = "" bSlotEquipped[aiSlot] = False bSlotUpdateFlagged[aiSlot] = True If(kSlotItem[aiSlot] && kSlotVisual[aiSlot]) ;Object exists ;Trace("AllGUD " + kSlotItem[aiSlot].GetName() + " was kept in slot "+ aiSlot) ;Used to check if slot was hand object or not, but that has been moved upstream prior to the ClearSlot call kSlotItem[aiSlot] = None kSlotVisual[aiSlot].GetNthArmorAddon(0).SetModelPath("", False, False) EndIf EndIf EndFunction Function ClearSlots() ;Trace("AllGUD Clearing All Slots") Int iLoopIndex = 0 While(iLoopIndex < iSlotCount) If(iLoopIndex<iSlotLeftStart) If(kRightHand != kSlotItem[iLoopIndex] || kRightHand == None) ClearSlot(iLoopIndex) EndIf Else If(kLeftHand != kSlotItem[iLoopIndex] || kLeftHand == None) ClearSlot(iLoopIndex) EndIf EndIf bSlotLocked[iLoopIndex] = False kSlotItemLocked[iLoopIndex] = None sSlotLockedModel[iLoopIndex] = "" iLoopIndex += 1 EndWhile UpdateSlots() EndFunction Function ClearCompetition(Int aiSlot) ;Trace("AllGUD Clearing slots that share a slot mask with " + aiSlot) If(!JContainers.fileExistsAtPath(JContainers.userDirectory() + "AllGUD/Competing Slots/Slot"+aiSlot+".json")) RegisterCompetitiveSlots(aiSlot) EndIf Int jaCompetitiveSlots = JValue.readFromFile(JContainers.userDirectory() + "AllGUD/Competing Slots/Slot"+aiSlot+".json") Int iLoopIndex = 0 While(iLoopIndex < JArray.Count(jaCompetitiveSlots)) Int iCompetitionSlot = JArray.getInt(jaCompetitiveSlots, iLoopIndex) If(iCompetitionSlot < iSlotLeftStart) If(kSlotItem[iCompetitionSlot] != kRightHand) If(bSlotLocked[iCompetitionSlot]) UnequipSlot(iCompetitionSlot) ;If UpdateSlots is always called at some point after ClearCompetition, remove this line. bSlotEquipped[iCompetitionSlot] = False bSlotUpdateFlagged[iCompetitionSlot] = True Else ClearSlot(iCompetitionSlot) EndIf EndIf ElseIf(kSlotItem[iCompetitionSlot] != kLeftHand) If(bSlotLocked[iCompetitionSlot]) UnequipSlot(iCompetitionSlot) ;If UpdateSlots is always called at some point after ClearCompetition, remove this line. bSlotEquipped[iCompetitionSlot] = False bSlotUpdateFlagged[iCompetitionSlot] = True Else ClearSlot(iCompetitionSlot) EndIf EndIf iLoopIndex += 1 EndWhile ;/ PRE DYNAMIC ARRAY Int iLoopIndex = 0 While(iLoopIndex < iSlotCount) If(aiSlot != iLoopIndex && iSlotMaskIndex[aiSlot] == iSlotMaskIndex[iLoopIndex]) If(iLoopIndex < iSlotLeftStart) If(kSlotItem[iLoopIndex] != kRightHand) If(bSlotLocked[iLoopIndex]) UnequipSlot(iLoopIndex) ;If UpdateSlots is always called at some point after ClearCompetition, remove this line. bSlotEquipped[iLoopIndex] = False bSlotUpdateFlagged[iLoopIndex] = True Else ClearSlot(iLoopIndex) EndIf EndIf ElseIf(kSlotItem[iLoopIndex] != kLeftHand) If(bSlotLocked[iLoopIndex]) UnequipSlot(iLoopIndex) ;If UpdateSlots is always called at some point after ClearCompetition, remove this line. bSlotEquipped[iLoopIndex] = False bSlotUpdateFlagged[iLoopIndex] = True Else ClearSlot(iLoopIndex) EndIf EndIf EndIf iLoopIndex += 1 EndWhile /; EndFunction ;################### ;Slot Mask Functions ;################### Function SetSlotMaskForSlot(Int aiSlot, Int aiSlotMaskIndex) If((aiSlot > iSlotIrrelevant) && (aiSlotMaskIndex >= 0)) JContainers.removeFileAtPath(JContainers.userDirectory() + "AllGUD/Competing Slots/Slot"+aiSlot+".json") Int iOldSlotMask = iSlotMasks[iSlotMaskIndex[aiSlot]] Int iNewSlotMask = iSlotMasks[aiSlotMaskIndex] If(iOldSlotMask != iNewSlotMask) iSlotMaskIndex[aiSlot] = aiSlotMaskIndex ;Trace("AllGUD Slot "+aiSlot+"'s slot mask changed, unequipping slot") UnequipSlot(aiSlot) ;Doesn't flag it unequipped because updateslots will reequip it If(iOldSlotMask == 0x00000000) ;Enabling EnableSlot(aiSlot) EndIf If(kSlotVisual[aiSlot]) If(iOldSlotMask != 0x00000000) kSlotVisual[aiSlot].RemoveSlotFromMask(iOldSlotMask) kSlotVisual[aiSlot].GetNthArmorAddon(0).RemoveSlotFromMask(iOldSlotMask) EndIf If(iNewSlotMask != 0x00000000) kSlotVisual[aiSlot].AddSlotToMask(iNewSlotMask) kSlotVisual[aiSlot].GetNthArmorAddon(0).AddSlotToMask(iNewSlotMask) EndIf EndIf If(iNewSlotMask == 0x00000000) ;Disabling DisableSlot(aiSlot) EndIf bSlotUpdateFlagged[aiSlot] = True EndIf EndIf EndFunction Function ReloadSlotMasks() ;Trace("AllGUD Reload All Slot Masks") Int iLoopIndex = 0 While(iLoopIndex < iSlotCount) Int iAssignedSlotMask = iSlotMasks[iSlotMaskIndex[iLoopIndex]] ;Legibility ;Trace("AllGUD Assigning " + iAssignedSlotMask + " to "+ iLoopIndex) If(iAssignedSlotMask == 0x00000000) DisableSlot(iLoopIndex) Else;Obviously kSlotVisual exists here if it hasn't been disabled If(kSlotVisual[iLoopIndex].GetSlotMask() != iAssignedSlotMask) UnequipSlot(iLoopIndex) bSlotUpdateFlagged[iLoopIndex] = True EndIf kSlotVisual[iLoopIndex].SetSlotMask(iAssignedSlotMask) kSlotVisual[iLoopIndex].GetNthArmorAddon(0).SetSlotMask(iAssignedSlotMask) EndIf iLoopIndex += 1 EndWhile If(iSlotLeftHand == iSlotShield && !bWeaponDrawn) AddShieldLeftHandSlotMask() EndIf EndFunction Function ResetSlotMaskIndexes() Int iLoopIndex = 0 While(iLoopIndex < iSlotCount) SetSlotMaskForSlot(iLoopIndex, iSlotMaskIndexDefaults[iLoopIndex]) iLoopIndex += 1 EndWhile iLoopIndex = 0 While(iLoopIndex < iSlotCount) ClearCompetition(iLoopIndex) iLoopIndex += 1 EndWhile EndFunction ;Shield slot ArmorAddon uses iSlotMaskLeftHand to block the shield from appearing on the arm. Function AddShieldLeftHandSlotMask() If(kSlotVisual[iSlotShield]) kSlotVisual[iSlotShield].GetNthArmorAddon(0).AddSlotToMask(iSlotMaskLeftHand) ElseIf(kSlotVisualDisabled[iSlotShield]) kSlotVisualDisabled[iSlotShield].GetNthArmorAddon(0).AddSlotToMask(iSlotMaskLeftHand) EndIf EndFunction Function RemoveShieldLeftHandSlotMask() If(kSlotVisual[iSlotShield]) kSlotVisual[iSlotShield].GetNthArmorAddon(0).RemoveSlotFromMask(iSlotMaskLeftHand) ElseIf(kSlotVisualDisabled[iSlotShield]) kSlotVisualDisabled[iSlotShield].GetNthArmorAddon(0).RemoveSlotFromMask(iSlotMaskLeftHand) EndIf EndFunction ;############### ;Model Functions ;############### String Function AppendModelPath(String asTarget, String asSuffix) ;"OnBack" Regular shield ;"OnBackClk" Shield, when cloak is equipped ;"Left" Weapon ;"Sheath" Weapon ;"Right" Staff specific String sBase = StringUtil.Substring(asTarget, 0, (StringUtil.GetLength(asTarget) - 4)) sBase = sBase + asSuffix + ".nif" Return sBase EndFunction String Function FillSpecificPath(Int aiSlot, Form akBaseObject, Bool bSheathed) String sPath = "" If(aiSlot > iSlotIrrelevant) If(aiSlot == iSlotShield) ;Shield uses DSR Models sPath = (akBaseObject as Armor).GetNthArmorAddon(0).GetModelPath(False, False) If(bWearingBackItem) ;If(bShieldHide) ;Hiding shield logic handled elsewhere ; sPath = "" ;ElseIf(bShieldAccommodate) If(bShieldAccommodateBackpack && bWearingBackpack) sPath = AppendModelPath(sPath, "OnBackClk") ElseIf(bShieldAccommodateCloak && bWearingCloak) sPath = AppendModelPath(sPath, "OnBackClk") Else sPath = AppendModelPath(sPath, "OnBack") EndIf Else sPath = AppendModelPath(sPath, "OnBack") EndIf Else sPath = (akBaseObject as Weapon).GetModelPath() If(aiSlot >= iSlotLeftStart) ;Left-Handed weapons Use DSR Models If(bSheathed) sPath = AppendModelPath(sPath, "Left") Else sPath = AppendModelPath(sPath, "Sheath") EndIf ElseIf(aiSlot == iSlotStaff) ;RH Staff gets a DSR model sPath = AppendModelPath(sPath, "Right") ElseIf(aiSlot < iSlotLeftStart) ;New model path to avoid duplicate/invisible weapon & scabbard artifacts sPath = AppendModelPath(sPath, "Armor") EndIf EndIf EndIf ;Trace("AllGUD Final model path is: " + sPath) Return sPath EndFunction ;################ ;Shield Functions ;################ Function UpdateShieldSlot() ;Trace("AllGUD Shield Display Conditions changed, updating model") If(iSlotLeftHand == iSlotShield) sLeftHandSheathed = FillSpecificPath(iSlotShield, kLeftHand, False) sSlotModel[iSlotShield]=sLeftHandSheathed ElseIf(kSlotItem[iSlotShield]) sSlotModel[iSlotShield]=FillSpecificPath(iSlotShield, kSlotItem[iSlotShield], False) EndIf kSlotVisual[iSlotShield].GetNthArmorAddon(0).SetModelPath(sSlotModel[iSlotShield], False, False) If(bSlotEquipped[iSlotShield]) bSlotUpdateFlagged[iSlotShield] = True UpdateSlots() EndIf EndFunction ;/ Function SetBoolSetting(String asParam, Bool abValue) If(asParam == "ShieldAccommodate") If(bShieldAccommodate != abValue) bShieldAccommodate = abValue UpdateShieldSlot() EndIf ElseIf(asParam == "ShieldHide") If(bShieldHide != abValue) bShieldHide = abValue If(bShieldHide) bSlotEquipped[iSlotShield] = False ;Trace("AllGUD " + iSlotShield + " will be unequipped, because ShieldHide was enabled") Else bSlotEquipped[iSlotShield] = True ;Trace("AllGUD " + iSlotShield + " will be equipped, because ShieldHide was disabled") EndIf bSlotUpdateFlagged[iSlotShield] = True UpdateSlots() EndIf EndIf EndFunction /; ;############### ;Spell Functions ;############### Bool bCameraFirstPerson = True Event OnPlayerCameraState(int iOldState, int iNewState) If(iNewState == 0) bCameraFirstPerson = True RemovePlayerVisuals() kSNDRUnequipArmor.SetDecibelAttenuation(100.0) kSNDRUnequipArmor.SetDecibelVariance(0) Int iLoopIndex = 0 While(iLoopIndex < iSlotCount) If(bSlotHiddenInFirstPerson[iLoopIndex] && bSlotEquipped[iLoopIndex] && kSlotVisual[iLoopIndex]) PlayerRef.UnequipItemEx(kSlotVisual[iLoopIndex]) EndIf iLoopIndex += 1 EndWhile kSNDRUnequipArmor.SetDecibelVariance(iVariance) kSNDRUnequipArmor.SetDecibelAttenuation(fAttenuation) EndIf If(iOldState == 0) bCameraFirstPerson = False ;Trace("AllGUD- Camera was in first person and must now refresh hiteffect visuals to properly reflect current light and shadows") ;Is there a way to do this per hit effect without having to reapply it? ;Firstly, what's the issue with them? ;the first few are fine, the ones after those all act like they have different... normals? ;Don't see anything in MagicEffect script VisualizePlayer() Int iLoopIndex = 0 While iLoopIndex < iSlotCount If(bSlotHiddenInFirstPerson[iLoopIndex] && bSlotEquipped[iLoopIndex] && kSlotVisual[iLoopIndex]) PlayerRef.EquipItemEx(kSlotVisual[iLoopIndex]) EndIf iLoopIndex += 1 EndWhile EndIf EndEvent Function VisualizePlayer() ;Does not refresh, using this assumes SPELs have been removed already PlayerRef.AddSpell(kSPELAllGUDCloak, False) ;Reapply the cloak in case it was ever removed. Just in case. If(!bCameraFirstPerson && bDisplayPMisc) If(!bRemoveMiscItemsWithoutArmor || PlayerRef.GetWornForm(iSlotMaskTorso)) PlayerRef.AddSpell(kSPELPlayerItems, False) EndIf EndIf EndFunction Function RemovePlayerVisuals() PlayerRef.RemoveSpell(kSPELPlayerItems) EndFunction ;################ ;NiNode Functions ;################ Function UpdateNiNode(Int aiNode) Bool bNodeUpdateRequired = False String sWeaponArmorNode String sScaleKey = "AllGUD" ;For weapon nodes that support multiple styles for specific weapon types ;Keep track of which of the specific weapon type is equipped, and update the node to that style. If((aiNode == iNodePolearm) || (aiNode == iNodeTwoHMelee)) sWeaponArmorNode = sWeaponDefaultNodes[iNodeTwoHMelee]+"Armor" If(bTwoHMeleeIsGreatsword || !bXPMSEInstalled) aiNode = iNodeTwoHMelee Else aiNode = iNodePolearm EndIf ElseIf((aiNode == iNodeCrossBow) || (aiNode == iNodeRange)) sWeaponArmorNode = sWeaponDefaultNodes[iNodeRange]+"Armor" If(bTwoHRangeIsBow || !bXPMSEInstalled) aiNode = iNodeRange Else aiNode = iNodeCrossBow EndIf Else sWeaponArmorNode = sWeaponDefaultNodes[aiNode]+"Armor" EndIf If(bReScaleNodes && (bXPMSEInstalled || bECEInstalled)) ;No other rescale supported at this time. If bECEInstalled NetImmerse.SetNodeScale(PlayerRef, sWeaponArmorNode, fWeaponNodeScale[aiNode], False) NetImmerse.SetNodeScale(PlayerRef, sWeaponArmorNode, fWeaponNodeScale[aiNode], True) ;Check the Scale ElseIf(NiOverride.GetNodeTransformScale(PlayerRef, False, bPlayerFemale, sWeaponArmorNode, sScaleKey) != fWeaponNodeScale[aiNode]) NiOverride.AddNodeTransformScale(PlayerRef, False, bPlayerFemale, sWeaponArmorNode, sScaleKey, fWeaponNodeScale[aiNode]) NiOverride.AddNodeTransformScale(PlayerRef, True, bPlayerFemale, sWeaponArmorNode, sScaleKey, fWeaponNodeScale[aiNode]) bNodeUpdateRequired = True EndIf Else If(NiOverride.HasNodeTransformScale(PlayerRef, False, bPlayerFemale, sWeaponArmorNode, sScaleKey)) NiOverride.RemoveNodeTransformScale(PlayerRef, False, bPlayerFemale, sWeaponArmorNode, sScaleKey) NiOverride.RemoveNodeTransformScale(PlayerRef, True, bPlayerFemale, sWeaponArmorNode, sScaleKey) fWeaponNodeScale[aiNode] = 1 bNodeUpdateRequired = True EndIf EndIf If(bReAlignNodes && bXPMSEInstalled) ;No other restyle supported at this time ;Check the Style If(NiOverride.GetNodeDestination(PlayerRef, False, bPlayerFemale, sWeaponArmorNode) != sWeaponTargetNodes[aiNode]) If(NetImmerse.HasNode(PlayerRef, sWeaponTargetNodes[aiNode], False)) ;Skeleton has the node NiOverride.SetNodeDestination(PlayerRef, False, bPlayerFemale, sWeaponArmorNode, sWeaponTargetNodes[aiNode]) NiOverride.SetNodeDestination(PlayerRef, True, bPlayerFemale, sWeaponArmorNode, sWeaponTargetNodes[aiNode]) Else NiOverride.RemoveNodeDestination(PlayerRef, False, bPlayerFemale, sWeaponArmorNode) NiOverride.RemoveNodeDestination(PlayerRef, True, bPlayerFemale, sWeaponArmorNode) EndIf bNodeUpdateRequired = True EndIf Else ;Remove XPMSE transformations If(NiOverride.GetNodeDestination(PlayerRef, False, bPlayerFemale, sWeaponArmorNode) != sWeaponDefaultTargetNodes[aiNode]) If(NetImmerse.HasNode(PlayerRef, sWeaponDefaultTargetNodes[aiNode], False)) ;Skeleton has the node NiOverride.SetNodeDestination(PlayerRef, False, bPlayerFemale, sWeaponArmorNode, sWeaponDefaultTargetNodes[aiNode]) NiOverride.SetNodeDestination(PlayerRef, True, bPlayerFemale, sWeaponArmorNode, sWeaponDefaultTargetNodes[aiNode]) Else NiOverride.RemoveNodeDestination(PlayerRef, False, bPlayerFemale, sWeaponArmorNode) NiOverride.RemoveNodeDestination(PlayerRef, True, bPlayerFemale, sWeaponArmorNode) EndIf bNodeUpdateRequired = True EndIf EndIf ;Get proper position and current positions. Float[] fNewTransformPosition = new Float[3] Float[] fOldTransformPosition = new Float[3] ;Update Position & Scale If(bNodeUpdateRequired) NiOverride.UpdateNodeTransform(PlayerRef, False, bPlayerFemale, sWeaponArmorNode) NiOverride.UpdateNodeTransform(PlayerRef, True, bPlayerFemale, sWeaponArmorNode) ;Attempts at setting an [x,y,z] transformation did not pan out, so set the new local position manually. If(bReAlignNodes) NetImmerse.GetNodeLocalPosition(PlayerRef, sWeaponDefaultNodes[aiNode], fNewTransformPosition, False) NetImmerse.GetNodeLocalPosition(PlayerRef, sWeaponArmorNode, fOldTransformPosition, False) NetImmerse.SetNodeLocalPosition(PlayerRef, sWeaponArmorNode, fNewTransformPosition, False) NetImmerse.GetNodeLocalPosition(PlayerRef, sWeaponDefaultNodes[aiNode], fNewTransformPosition, True) NetImmerse.GetNodeLocalPosition(PlayerRef, sWeaponArmorNode, fOldTransformPosition, True) NetImmerse.SetNodeLocalPosition(PlayerRef, sWeaponArmorNode, fNewTransformPosition, True) EndIf ElseIf(bReAlignNodes) ;Update for armor un/equip or character weight change. ;Third Person NetImmerse.GetNodeLocalPosition(PlayerRef, sWeaponDefaultNodes[aiNode], fNewTransformPosition, False) NetImmerse.GetNodeLocalPosition(PlayerRef, sWeaponArmorNode, fOldTransformPosition, False) If(fNewTransformPosition != fOldTransformPosition) NetImmerse.SetNodeLocalPosition(PlayerRef, sWeaponArmorNode, fNewTransformPosition, False) EndIf ;First Person NetImmerse.GetNodeLocalPosition(PlayerRef, sWeaponDefaultNodes[aiNode], fNewTransformPosition, True) NetImmerse.GetNodeLocalPosition(PlayerRef, sWeaponArmorNode, fOldTransformPosition, True) If(fNewTransformPosition != fOldTransformPosition) NetImmerse.SetNodeLocalPosition(PlayerRef, sWeaponArmorNode, fNewTransformPosition, True) EndIf EndIf ;Any reason to move first-person models? ; NiOverride.SetNodeDestination(PlayerRef, True, bPlayerFemale, sWeaponArmorNode, sWeaponTargetNodes[aiNode]) ; NiOverride.UpdateNodeTransform(PlayerRef, True, bPlayerFemale, sWeaponArmorNode) EndFunction Function ReWeighNodes(Bool bXPMSEUpdate) ;Skeleton nifs, how do they even. Am I right? Int iLoopIndex = 0 Int iLoopTotal = sWeaponDefaultNodes.Length If !bXPMSEInstalled iLoopTotal = iNodePolearm ;The start of distinct weapon styles. EndIf While(iLoopIndex < iLoopTotal) If(bReAlignNodes && bXPMSEUpdate && bXPMSEInstalled) CheckXPMSEStyle(iXPMSEWeaponTypes[iLoopIndex]) EndIf UpdateNiNode(iLoopIndex) ;Style may not change, but position may change in racemenu or due to armor iLoopIndex += 1 EndWhile EndFunction Function ReScaleNodes() Int iLoopIndex = 0 While iLoopIndex < sWeaponDefaultNodes.Length CheckWeaponScale(iLoopIndex) iLoopIndex += 1 EndWhile EndFunction Function CheckXPMSEStyle(Int aiWeaponType) If(sXPMSEStyleKeys[aiWeaponType] != "") Int iTargetStyle = -1 Int iWeaponNodeIndex String sNewWeaponStyle ;XPMSE properties are a mess. Decided to maintain Style arrays instead. iTargetStyle = NiOverride.GetBodyMorph(PlayerRef, sXPMSEStyleKeys[aiWeaponType], "XPMSE") as Int If iTargetStyle>0 iTargetStyle -= 1 EndIf ;Daggers If(aiWeaponType == iXPMSEWeaponTypes[iNodeDagger]) iWeaponNodeIndex = iNodeDagger sNewWeaponStyle = sXPMSEDagger[iTargetStyle] ;Swords ElseIf(aiWeaponType == iXPMSEWeaponTypes[iNodeSword]) iWeaponNodeIndex = iNodeSword sNewWeaponStyle = sXPMSESword[iTargetStyle] ;Axes ElseIf(aiWeaponType == iXPMSEWeaponTypes[iNodeAxe]) iWeaponNodeIndex = iNodeAxe sNewWeaponStyle = sXPMSEAxe[iTargetStyle] ;Maces ElseIf(aiWeaponType == iXPMSEWeaponTypes[iNodeMace]) iWeaponNodeIndex = iNodeMace sNewWeaponStyle = sXPMSEMace[iTargetStyle] ;2h Swords ElseIf(aiWeaponType == iXPMSEWeaponTypes[iNodeTwoHMelee]) iWeaponNodeIndex = iNodeTwoHMelee sNewWeaponStyle = sXPMSEGreatsword[iTargetStyle] ;2h BAxe&WHam ElseIf(aiWeaponType == iXPMSEWeaponTypes[iNodePolearm]) iWeaponNodeIndex = iNodePolearm sNewWeaponStyle = sXPMSEPolearm[iTargetStyle] ;Bow ElseIf(aiWeaponType == iXPMSEWeaponTypes[iNodeRange]) iWeaponNodeIndex = iNodeRange sNewWeaponStyle = sXPMSEBow[iTargetStyle] ;Crossbow ElseIf(aiWeaponType == iXPMSEWeaponTypes[iNodeCrossBow]) iWeaponNodeIndex = iNodeCrossBow sNewWeaponStyle = sXPMSECrossBow[iTargetStyle] EndIf If(sWeaponTargetNodes[iWeaponNodeIndex] != sNewWeaponStyle) sWeaponTargetNodes[iWeaponNodeIndex] = sNewWeaponStyle UpdateNiNode(iWeaponNodeIndex) EndIf EndIf EndFunction Function CheckWeaponScale(Int aiNode) ;Calculate the Scale ;Unlike Styles, which can be set from the MCM, Scales can only change from racemenu. ;Therefore, it doesn't get checked On[Journal]MenuClose Float fNodeScale String NiNodeRightHand = "NPC R Hand [RHnd]" String NiNodeLeftHand = "NPC L Hand [LHnd]" Int iNodeScaleSource = aiNode If(bReScaleNodes) If(aiNode == iNodePolearm) iNodeScaleSource = iNodeTwoHMelee ElseIf(aiNode == iNodeCrossBow) iNodeScaleSource = iNodeRange EndIf If bECEInstalled fNodeScale = NetImmerse.GetNodeScale(PlayerRef, sWeaponDefaultNodes[iNodeScaleSource], False) Else If(NiOverride.HasNodeTransformScale(PlayerRef, False, bPlayerFemale, sWeaponDefaultNodes[iNodeScaleSource], "RMWPlugin")) fNodeScale = NiOverride.GetNodeTransformScale(PlayerRef, False, bPlayerFemale, sWeaponDefaultNodes[iNodeScaleSource],"RMWPlugin") If(NiOverride.HasNodeTransformScale(PlayerRef, False, bPlayerFemale, sWeaponDefaultNodes[iNodeScaleSource], "RSMPlugin")) fNodeScale *= NiOverride.GetNodeTransformScale(PlayerRef, False, bPlayerFemale, sWeaponDefaultNodes[iNodeScaleSource],"RSMPlugin") EndIf Else fNodeScale = 1.0 EndIf EndIf Else fNodeScale = 1.0 EndIf If(fWeaponNodeScale[aiNode] != fNodeScale) fWeaponNodeScale[aiNode] = fNodeScale UpdateNiNode(aiNode) EndIf EndFunction Event OnXPMSERestyle(Int aiWeaponType) ;Trace("AllGUD Detected XPMSE Restyle") CheckXPMSEStyle(aiWeaponType) EndEvent Event OnRacemenuWeaponUpdate() ;...It doesn't include what weapon was changed..........................................whyyyyyyy? ReWeighNodes(True) ReScaleNodes() EndEvent Event OnXPMSEMCMClose(int aiWhatEvenIsThisFor) Int iLoopIndex = 0 While iLoopIndex < iXPMSEWeaponTypes.Length CheckXPMSEStyle(iXPMSEWeaponTypes[iLoopIndex]) iLoopIndex += 1 EndWhile EndEvent Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
flipphones Posted November 18, 2020 Author Share Posted November 18, 2020 or this might be easier Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IsharaMeradin Posted November 19, 2020 Share Posted November 19, 2020 What is the compiler error that you are getting? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
flipphones Posted November 19, 2020 Author Share Posted November 19, 2020 (edited) Lots, I think it around 50 lines, most of which were along the lines of "variable NiOverride is undefined". Googling led me to some threads about Racemenu, which I have no idea what has to do with allgud at all, (and I don't use), but I installed those scripts sources anyway to no avail :huh:. Such a mystery Because I'm stubborn I even decompiled the actual compiled PEX and then tried to recompile that, but of course no difference. (Although interestingly the actual script was quite diffrent, for example the hex numbers for the bodyslots became decimals) Edited November 19, 2020 by flipphones Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IsharaMeradin Posted November 19, 2020 Share Posted November 19, 2020 The script posted above uses NiOverride in several locations but it is not defined. I have no idea if it is supposed to be referring to a script or a function. Either way, the compiler needs to know what NiOverride is supposed to be before your script can be compiled. The NetImmerse stuff that NiOverride comes from is included in the RaceMenu mod and may contain updated versions of the files. But you said you already tried that... :confused: My recommendation at this time would be to ask the original author, if possible, what is needed to properly compile the script with your adjustments. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
flipphones Posted November 19, 2020 Author Share Posted November 19, 2020 Son of a b&@*$. Needed the source files from here. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/37481?tab=descriptionWhich I only found because I re-combed the rabbit hole of the requirements and the requirements of the requirements, and in the requirementception of xpmse I saw this as a requirement. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NexusComa2 Posted November 20, 2020 Share Posted November 20, 2020 This is a very complicated script. Your 1st stumbling block is very easy to spot. I don't mean to be rude but clearly this isn't your work. Decompliling others scripts may be a way to understand a technique but it should never be used as a direct copy. Unless stated that is ok by the original author. There is no way you could release this and be sure you're not breaking the game in some unknown way. You need to re-wright this in your own style. That way you will understand what is totally going on and be sure you're not introducing fatal unknown errors to the game. It would also allow you to trim away the fat so to speak. Pointing your script directly at your task. This is like picking up a brush and repainting a rembrandt trying to use his style as you go. Again don't mean to sound rude ... I hope you understand where I am coming from. Programing is an exact science. There is no kind of works or sort of works to it. You need to completely understand what you are dealing with including resources used. For all you know this script could be based off a simple hack that was changed in the original resource ... leaving you with impossible bugs to track down. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
flipphones Posted November 20, 2020 Author Share Posted November 20, 2020 It works, I just need more source files, see the last post. After all I simply changed some values for the slots. It was already doable in the MCM but I wanted it to be the default and the ones posted wasn't the decompiled version, that was just something else I tried out of desperation in case there were any differences in the supplied source vs what was actually compiled Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NexusComa2 Posted November 20, 2020 Share Posted November 20, 2020 Great. I did notice all the rems. That's a huge re-wright. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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