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Settlement and Location: CK Bug


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I cannot describe this as something else than a CK bug that can't be traced but maybe someone had a similar experience



So I set up a workshop in a custom worldspace. Please note that that I did over 70 settlements already so it's not the usual "I followed a bad tutorial" thing.


Yet despite setting up everything right the following things occur



-The Map Marker:

In the CK using "Using Location Name" it displays "My Location Name"

In the game however the marker displays "My Worldspace Name"


-The Settlement

The Settlement has the 20% bug which means some kind of corruption in the addlocation initialization



My main assumption is that there's a broken link between the cells and the location that the CK can't fix or screws up. Any ideas?



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Run Workshop Ownership Utilities Detect local Workshop Keyword issues and post the debug log. It also tests locations & map markers.


Run Workshop Ownership Utilities Detect Workshop parent issues and post the debug log that will show registration issues.

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Here's what I got

[11/19/2020 - 06:53:48PM] SKK_WUTestWorkshopKeywords_41126 log opened (PC-64)
[11/19/2020 - 06:53:48PM] SKK_WUTestWorkshopKeywordsScript,[workshopscript < (150E2D0B)>],[Cell <TMCommunity02 (15005F43)>],ERROR Workshop Location [Location < (150DE70C)>] has no location MapMarkerRefType
[11/19/2020 - 06:53:48PM] SKK_WUTestWorkshopKeywordsScript,[workshopscript < (150E2D0B)>],[Cell <TMCommunity02 (15005F43)>],WARNING workshop that is External and not WorkshopParent registered has no MapMarker
[11/19/2020 - 06:53:48PM] SKK_WUTestWorkshopKeywordsScript,[workshopscript < (150E2D0B)>],[Cell <TMCommunity02 (15005F43)>],WARNING Exterior workshop not registered with WorkshopParent (Can not assign settlers or provisioners)
[11/19/2020 - 06:53:48PM] SKK_WUTestWorkshopKeywordsScript,[workshopscript < (150E2D0B)>],[Cell <TMCommunity02 (15005F43)>],ERROR WorkshopWorkbenchTypeSettlement keyword workshop is not registered with WorkshopParent
[11/19/2020 - 06:53:50PM] Log closed

So I suppose it's the quest but everything is set up as it should be. The other settlement in this Worldspace works just fine


Just copied the quest from the functioning workshop (and changed the location) yet nothing. What really bums me out is the non-working map marker.


I used a debug script that told me that I the game still recognizes that the cells are attached to the "MySettlementLocation"

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Arer you using a seperate quest / instance of WorkshopAddLocationsScript for each of the workshops, or are you using story manager to conditionally fill WorkshopsCollection or are you using a custom mechanism ?


Under WorldData\Location\TheLocationName, In the Location Ref Types list check there is a MapMarkerRefType and WorkshopRefType associated to the location.

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I used AddLocations. Originally three seperate quests with different rankings


However now even after disabling 2 of 3 and using the third that originally always worked the same issue occurs here (With the Map Marker Name mismatch. Even with a clean save.


I looked at F04Edit and all the workbenches and else is part of the World Location.

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When having a custom worldspace you obviously need to create a WorldLocation and a WorldEncounterZone that links to it, but:

Don't set an addional Encounter Zone for your Worldspace (Though DLC04 does that)




It will move all your locationreferences to the World Location

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