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Change Outfit Hotkey


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I'd like to see a mod which would enable the player to quickly change outfits via hotkey(s). It's a real chore selecting and re-selecting the most appropriate outfit from the permanently expanding list of wardrobe items I'm carrying.


I've often initiated a trade only to realize in mid-negotiation that I wasn't wearing my Barter apparel. While this may not be an issue mid-game, with caps a'plenty, it's definitely worthwhile the first few levels when every cap counts.


Ideally, the mod would allow players to configure a few basic apparels - including corresponding weapons, if appropriate - from their inventory (i.e. for negotiation, stealth, combat, barter, repair, etc.) and change into them on-the-fly via a hotkey.



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Yes, I know, but I was referring to players who'd like to change more than merely their topcoat for each specific situation.


For example, my "Negotiation" garb is usually a Dirty Pre-War Business Suit, Shady Hat, Lucky's Shades and Scoped .44 Magnum. The ability to slip into or out of that apparel, or any other collection of gear, via a simple keytouch would be a real time and life-saver.


Besides, I've already wired all of my normal hotkeys with weapons and chems, and prefer to keep them configured as they are.

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There was definitely a way to do this with scripting in Oblivion, so I assume there would be a way to do this in Fallout as well. It may involve having a weightless "fake" item with a script attached that equips all the other items associated with that outfit. I believe the Oblivion version had a menu appear when using the outfit that would allow you to specify what items are associated with the outfit.
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