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Oblivion crash on load

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Hi, I got Oblivion on Steam about a year ago and worked very well for about 14 hours. When I tried to play it a couple of months later it crashed when I got to the title screen/as it was loading the save file. What do I do to fix this? I play on a Win 7 64bit laptop, if that helps any. I don't use any mods, I think I played on Low quality, and I got probably over halfway in the storyline.



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Could be Windows updates have thrown a wrench into the works. Try renaming your Oblivion.ini (found in Users\[username]\Documents\My Games\Oblivion NOT Oblivion_default.ini found in your game's Oblivion folder). Change the name to Oblivionini.old and then restart the game as far as the menu. Exit the game and restart it. You may need to reset your video options, as the game doesn't do a good job of recognizing hardware that hadn't been invented the last time the game was updated by Bethesda. If that gets you fixed up you can either save the renamed Oblivionini.old (in case you have some customized ini setting for example) or delete the renamed file once you have confirmed that all is well.

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I don't use Steam myself but I believe you can re-download the games you own through Steam. You could try re-installing the game. If you decide to try that have a look through Bben46's wiki article Oblivion reinstall procedure for some pointers on doing it right. Don't miss the link near the top of the page about moving your Steam install location, and don't skip the registry cleaning step.

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