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Female Dragonborn Armor


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So, I've been looking for a good set of armor for a female Nord warrior I've been planning on creating. Haven't found a whole lot that really fits what I'm looking for, but I found this awesome cosplay picture earlier that would be perfect! I'd make it myself, but I have the artistic skills of a dumb infant. It looks like it could just be a retexture of the basic studded armor from the promotional images and videos and whatnot, so may not have to make a whole new armor set from scratch. I really like the Imperial dragon symbol on the chest.


Here's a pic of the costume/armor. Also, I use the CBBE Slim body replacer, so if it could work with that, that would be awesome. Anyone willing to give this armor a shot? I always feel awkward requesting full mods like this lol, but I just fell in love with the simple and lore-friendly design when I saw this. It would be majorly appreciated! :smile:

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