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More - Wispmothers


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Hello i would like a mod that will add more wispmothers to the game, they are one of my favorite creatures but i've found them like 5 times on the game and i've been playing skyrim from the day of it is release, so yeah more wispmothers and possible and hires retexture too that will be nice aswell. Thank you for your time.




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Problem with Wismothers is that they are usually "ambushing" player, and I think it's awesome effect.
But it can't be used everywhere.
However, I too, remember seeing them maybe in three places, and I've played around 800-900 hours.
(Pale lady, one at MG questline, and one near some dwemer ruins)

Directly injecting them in leveled lists wouldn't be as good as hand-placing them (and wisps) to some locations. For example, most of the ancient nordic graveyards would be good locations for them.

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There are 10 used in the entire game, one is in the wareshouseambushes (resource cell, not playable), one inside Labirinthian, and one is locked up in blackreach. So 7 dotted around skyrim (not counting the pale lady). I've found four while playing - the weirdest coming out of a well in the middle of nowhere in the fall forest area with no prior warning. They're also tied to a levelgate so won't appear until lvl 15.


So yeah, Skyrim could use some more wispmothers. I'm kind of tied up right now but if nobody else has picked it up in a few weeks I'll have a go at placing some more in interesting locations. Maybe even add a little quest and some backstory - the book The Wispmother found ingame offers some interesting hooks.

Edited by acidzebra
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I think I've only encountered two in the hundreds of hours I've poured into Skyrim. To me, running into one is kind of a fangirl-giggle-squeal moment because of their rarity. I'd like to see more, definitely, but I kinda value their scarcity.

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