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My game crashes randomly, rather often


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Alright so I have a few mods, and My game crashes rather often. I used some info and common sense for the load order but it still crashes. What's the thing you can use to get a good load order / detect conflicts? I think it ,might've been with wyre bash(Which I have no idea how to use) currently I am using OBMM and OBSE.


Any help is appreciated because I hate having to load from auto saves when I often crash after fast traveling, etc...

My Load Order:



UOPS Additional Changes.esp
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp
USIPS Additional Changes.esp
Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch.esp
UOP Vampire Aging & Face Fix.esp
Knights - Unofficial Patch.esp
Quest Award Leveller.esp
Quest Award Leveller - Knights of the Nine.esp
Display Stats.esp



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Has Happened while selling items, fast travel loading screens, riding around on my horse(Leads me to believe it's random)


Edit: Just crashed 2 times in a row trying to Sell Dar - Mars Diary (0 Goldd)

Edited by Racr1425
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Crashing is a 'feature' of the modded game. That said you don't really have a very large load list, so you shouldn't have frequent crashes (and realize the definition of 'frequent' will vary from person to person).


My own load list is considerably longer than yours, but is mostly clothing/armor and house mods. I easily get a few hours gameplay without crashes. My trick is to avoid a few things that stress the game's ability to remain stable.


Number one is don't quicksave. It's a known corrupter of save files. Use either save from the Esc menu or named saves using the console. Never overwrite saves (save to a new slot or with sequential names). When your saves folder gets between a hundred and two hundred saves either delete older saves you don't want to keep or move older saves to a folder outside of your saves folder.


There are times that game scripts can get messed up and trigger a crash at a certain cell transition (the Bruma statue is a classic example). Many of those types of crashes can be solved by avoiding that cell for more than three days (not the Bruma statue however). You can also use the 'coc center' and wait 72 hours plus a bit trick (takes you right out of the game world and allows all cells to reset).


Personally I save every hour or hour and a half and once every few hours I save and exit to the desktop. If I want to continue playing I load that save and continue. That gives the game a chance to restart with a 'clean slate' (loads Oblivion.esm and your mods, modified by game progress that is recorded in that save). If you are running with a machine that is a bit borderline as far as memory is concerned it may help.


You could try leaving zero value item you don't want to keep in the game's respawning containers.

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...When your saves folder gets between a hundred and two hundred saves either delete older saves you don't want to keep or move older saves to a folder outside of your saves folder...

Lmao, I have over 850 saves .... maybe I should start deleting some..



Personally I save every hour or hour and a half and once every few hours I save and exit to the desktop. If I want to continue playing I load that save and continue. That gives the game a chance to restart with a 'clean slate' (loads Oblivion.esm and your mods, modified by game progress that is recorded in that save). If you are running with a machine that is a bit borderline as far as memory is concerned it may help.

I'm kinda addicted to saving because I never wanna redo anything, I save very often usually.



Thanks for the info kind sir.

Edited by Racr1425
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Saving often using either manual saves from the Esc menu or named saves won't cause any problems. Once you prune your save folder down to 100 or less saves you'll notice much smoother menu opening and game loading.

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Saving often using either manual saves from the Esc menu or named saves won't cause any problems. Once you prune your save folder down to 100 or less saves you'll notice much smoother menu opening and game loading.

hmm sounds like something i'll try then...

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