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What mod gives the females the skimpy armor/leotard armor and how do I revert the armor back to normal?


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Installed a few mods and not sure what mod is doing this. All the battle armor for females are like skimpy and stuff. I'm trying to have a somewhat vanilla experience. What mod do I have installed that's causing this? Anyway to keep the mod but revert the armor back to normal?


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Could be leftover armour meshes from a skimpy armour replacer you didn't uninstall properly.


Replacers often change the vanilla mesh to something else. So they could still be "active" even if you thought that you uninstalled/deactivated them.


Got to your .../Skyrim SE folder.

Now navigate to



Check if there are lots of files with "vanilla" sounding names. If so, make a backup first. Then try what happens if you delete those meshes.

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you can install more informative console and click on lydia or one of the affected NPCs, see which mod has last edited her. if it does not provide a clue, take the armor and drop it on the ground and see which mod has last edited it perhaps. or even look for the filename of the armor's mesh after clicking on it thru console and search your computer for the file name. look for any directories which may contain it. and track it back to a mod. the windows tool called Everything by voidtool is extremely useful for very quickly searching your entire PC. like, entire. i cannot live without her

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