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Interacting system


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Now we (most) all know about the fable series. I think it would be great to have a mod that will give us a separate dialogue on the left side of the screen. It will allow us to choose what kind of interaction you will make with the npcs depending on the relationship with the npcs. Some of you might not know this, but every npc (only the ones who don't attack on sight) has their own scale about how much the like you. The scale is from -1 to 4. 0 if the don't think anything if yyou. Want proof? Install, I think Midas magic mod, I forgot. But it has an illusion skill that will show their relationship with yyou. I would love it if someone made this mod, it will be a lot of work, but I'm sure it will be on youtube and in the top files.
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I'm guessing you mean a little bar which tells the player how well they relate to an NPC. This isn't quite as necessary for skyrim as you can't really improve your relationship with an NPC by dancing with them (ugh... fable 3 dances).


However, I'm sure it would be quite possible.

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Can we hold hands, too?


Seriously, I loved that part. /sarcasm


In all seriousness, I wouldn't be surprised if someone took the time to make this - as it doesn't sound too improbable - but if you want something to sate you for now, try Player Headtracking, as your relationship with NPCs affects how your character's face reacts when tracking them, from big awkward smiles to nasty sneers.

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