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BNB and type 3 artifacts and compromised mesh/poly frame?Have no idea


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I have been trying to get the BNB and type 3 armor replacement to work in conjunction with each other and most of the time it works but I get no noticeable animation change for the Player Character model and also on a lot of the Npc models there are incredibly messed up errors, I just started a couple of days ago and I can get most things to work and the invalidation archive thing works most of the time will this require a slow manual installation or is it just a confliction of the mods I have going on at the same time???

Please help...thnx.

Edited by Mark3don3
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Guess the people that made the mods didn't really take the time to actually adjust it all kind of just nudged the model of the Player character...

So do I have to do this for every Npc in the game that is female because I am assuming that since it effects the female characters that the error will pop up more than often than not...

Of is it something that was over looked y the mod maker???

Any way thanks for your help and I guess I now get to mod a mod...

Thank you for answering my question...

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BNB skeleton has no problem working with type 3 or any other armor that uses the standard skeleton. The BNB skeleton has all the same bones as the standard skeleton but adds Lbreast and Rbreast. Problems occur when you use an armor that has the 2 additional bones and you don't have the BNB skeleton (or the combatibility skeleton). The picture you posted looks exactly that; the armor has the 2 extra bones but you do not have the correct skeleton. Install this skeleton: http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/45229

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To add BNB to any armor:

1. Open the armor in 3ds max and select "import skeleton" (or blender) -- make sure you you locate the compatibility skeleton in the same location as you launch max from, in my case desktop.

2. Delete the skin modifier and bsdismemberment modifier from the armor.

3. Import/merge the BNB body.

4. Copy the skin modifier from the BNB body and paste to the new armor.

5. Rebuild a new bsdismemberment.

6. Export as nif making sure you you select "remove unused bones".

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