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stat problem - please help!


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recently i noticed this problem, and i simply cannot explain it.


sometimes, when i am fighting, my stats will wildly fluctuate. my speed, in particular, will drop by 100 points or more, and then shoot back up. with my levelling mod, this is HUGE< AS i routinely have 150+ speed, and have to reload my game. this happens when i level up during an encounter, or any time my stat is being penalized.


a similar problem occurs with strength, but i have never directly seen my STR Suffer a penalty. my speed, however, often display as "-55" or something preposterous. then it will increase again, and i have no idea why either happens, but it appears to be related to suffering damage. that is, i have never seen it happen outside of combat.


i can provide a mod list if someone would tell me how. given how astoundingly rare replies are on this forum, however, i guess that my game is permanently and irretrievably damaged, and i should forever abandon my hopes of playing the elder scrolls. but if anyone does know what is wrong, or has any ideas, i would be extremely grateful to hear.


i do have Deadly Reflexes, but disabling it did nothing at all. i tried disabling my auto-levelling mod, but all that did was stop my stats from increasing by huge amounts, it did nothing to prevent the weird stat penalties that stated it all. i also have FCOM installed, and it has been running flawlessly, but i wonder if it doesnt have some combat script or something that is ruining everything for me


edit: found out where the neg speed was coming from. well, i know what action causes it. walking backwards. however, i dont know what mod causes that. i know for a fact i read something someWHERE about one of the FCOM mods doing that, but it looks like this game-breaking feature is permanent, cannot be disabled or removed.

Edited by Elizinator
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UPDATE: the bug is very very explicit. it applies about a -100 penalty to my speed when i am running backwards. and i believe it to be originating from an FCOM mod. that ought to be enough that i can identify it and destroy that part of the mod. i cant believe that people include messy damn scripts like that without disclosing them still . . .

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There is also a mod that affects your speed when running backwards (called No Running Backwards if memory serves).

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