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Lakeview Extended - Mod cleaning


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Hello, ive worked a long time on my mod Lakeview Extended but some people seem to experience CTD or other problems that make the mod unsuitable for use for them.

Now while I love modding in the creation kit, I know almost nothing about mod cleaning.

If someboddy out there would be so kind to check my mod and tell me what errors are in it and how I can fix those, Id really appreciate it.

Most problems started after version 3.00 when I lowered alot of terrain to place the wall and changed all navmeshes in those exterior cells as well, before that it was relative stable.


So far all I do with tes5edit is make deleted items disabled and remove references which are the exact same as in a masterfile.

Also navmeshes are placed with double layers, meaning I drag the original way down and place my own navmesh on the ground instead.

but still after taking these precautions my mod causes problems, I need help badly !

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi, I personally love the look of your mod and thought it was amazing, although as i loaded i encountered a few problems. Yesterday i installed your mod and the walls weren't there, the little fish shack by the pool was missing, and the water wasn't in the pool (nowhere to be found). Other than that everything seemed to be in order. Also i did experience a CTD when markfordelete'ing the anvil outside for the workbench and grindstone. Also the fish hatchery and grain mill did not appear. Maybe this isn't all your mods fault, maybe i did something wrong, if you could help that would be great! thanks.


P.S. if the mod comes with npcs, they arent there, neither is the shack.

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yeah snakeeye, you should really comment on my mods page because I wasnt even tracking this topic anymore.

Last version I made everything purchasable through the steward, but many people complained and nagged about it so now I put version 3.06 and rolled it back to everything being available from the start, just redownload the mod and it should all show up.

Except for the guards, they still need to be bought from the steward, but only install my mod when your house is completely finished already.

Also I never said to use markfordelete on the anvil, only the carpenters workbench, chest and drafting table, since its only those items that somehow get stored into your own savegame and they will not move, even if my mod says so, but know once you do that you cannot restore those items and if you try another mod that requires you to use them once more you will be unable to.

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