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Israel's actions


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dunno but i guess you have some serious personel issues i dont wanna even know of...

and actually i think it would be good if you redid some years of shool...

just to point out one thing: the hague convention is thought for "wars" - that conflict is not defined as a war but as an insurgence and thus deserves no hague treatement, and this does not come from the palesties but the israelis and their supporting UN buddies (contemporary example can be seen in the lebanon incurrsion last year... or 2 yrs ago - which was classed not as war again)

apart from that noone on this planet still gives a damn about conventions... banned ammo, banned chemicals, banned bombs, banned mines... all produced, distributed and used by our oh so honorable nations of the "civilized west"




;) like you... good points there but not all is right...


1st judaism wasnt so different from other religions at the time... take zochorastrianism (or however its spelled lol) - its basicly the religion spread out through the whole persian empire till alexander the mighty mad and is the fundamental base of all later monotheistic religions including judaism (apart maybe from the even earlier worship of Ra in egypt)


and as you rightfully say all 3 main religions follow the same god... sadly only islam accepts other believers of "the book" as m(a/u)sr(e/i) (egyptian, muslim, believer - no vocals in arab thus in brackets) whereas the other two older ones shun their counterparts as blasphemie even tho they all say the same... so i can only assume that the leaders of these religions didnt want peace and harmony but strived for power... and examples like the one i mentioned where moses kills half his people cause theyre having fun and seem to fall for the old and free gods just support that fact (not theory...)


and here we are... its is NOT about religion... religion has always been a tool and will always be, a tool to unite and controle cattle... was replaced in modern times by money using the corrupt banking system invented in babylon and seen to work just aswell or even better than religion...


buddhism is the only religion is see fit for mankind as it says goodbye to prejeduce and all that control freakness


as to the holocoust, yes it sounds harsch and nasty - but thats what it is or was... just remind yourself of all the false flag operations to achieve a goal... 911 was just one of the latest and to me there is no doubt that many influencial jews knew about the holocoust and greedily supported it like the rothshild banks for example

its a basic ruling method deriving from times even before machiavelli... if you dont like somin and want it gone but lack the support, well make it look worse... whats easier than to join that side and support it to do even worse?


you cant compare a huge building like the vatican with a whole nation... really... they dont even have a tank let alone a fighter jet...


i give a damn bout spellcheckers to be honest lol

and well i also know quite some people with different believes than me... (not every rpg players is an eremit idiot you know)



Well...as I dont recall calling you an idiot I would say I know that. And I am certainly am not....however as to my joke about the spell checker..I am a horrib speller but it is honestly difficult to take one seriously when you have to decipher half the words.


As for my mention of religion....what is so different about the development of the Judaic mind-set was that in these times relgiious outlook was completely seperate from all other things..The Jews were the first to have a moral outlook on every aspect of life as through their religion.(unlike say the Greeks who seperated law and morality) they were also the 1st to emphasize that all people and life was of value and that not only were the rich and powerful worth something. It is this that is most prevalent in our socienty...even if it is not always practiced.

And not this is not a religious debate but you can not discuss the actions of either side without that contecxt as I assume that you know.


And you can compare the Vatican....they need not a tank to have power and influence. Maybe it is not the same as it was long ago when all rule came from the Catholic Church but it is powerful just the same.


And Islam does view the Jewish and Christian traditons with respect, but believes that the Word of God has becine corrupt and that Islam is the true and unaltered word of God. So it isnt as if everyone gets a free ride here. Also unlike both Christianity and Islam the Jews no longer "missionize" tohers (ie convert) so I would saytheir acceptance is a more non-evasive one. I have never has a Jew at my door but have had missionaries from both other religions there.


However as I stated before...if peace is truely wanted we and all other sides need to stop pointing fingers about who has what rights, whose fault things are, etc. Both sides need to be treated with equal severirty and other Nations must insist that all this fighting is unacceptable and back this up. neither of these countries could live without outside commerce. However I doubt this will happen. And if left on thier own they will NOT stop fighting.


Unless you live there every day I do not think you can know the truth about what happens. I know the US give a decidedly pro-Israeli spin to things. I assume other countries face this as well.


However as you say this isnt a religious discussion..you can not debate this out of that context..and you can not look at the reasons these people continue to fight without seeing that their beliefs are at the very center of this.


And looking through many of these post...(and I am not saying you Jaysus_ there is a great deal of hatred being shown toward both these groups of people. Much more that in may other debabte threads I have seen. To say let them alone to sort it out is not something that is helpful..but also thinking that the powers int he world have allt he solutions is also incorrect. The way to peace is for these people to see they can live together and still have thier beliefs and faith intact.



Well What Lisnpuppy is right, you cant take out religion out of the equation, since Jerusalem is the only place where three major religions stand side by side... You cant take out religion out of the equation because fear of the unknown is a great source of power, and the raw root of power lies in Jerusalem... The one religion ruling there will have a massive influence over the world... Because there is an entity called God, wheter you believe or not, many people believe and fear God... and fear of God is a strong motivator, think of Hashishin, the assassin guild... so possessing a powerful relic of God is an important thing...


as for leaving them alone, I agree that they can not sort it out by themselves... I remember Israel giving back a little piece of land, they can not succed against terrorism, but the arabs can not drive out Israel since they are backed by the US... so a powerful international organisation shoul try to sort things out, but this is definitely not UN... They only watch as people die and suffer...

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And you, PrideAssassin, are BANNED. Racial, homophobic or gender slurs are not welcome here. You have caused enough trouble.




*To the rest: this is a DEBATE, not a flame-fest. Keep it that way or it will be locked and more bannings will occur. You may not agree with what is said, but that is the whole point. I will only take action if you folks start insulting each other and fanning flames - as this one did.


AS (moderator)


I've apologized for a huge miscommuniction privately, now I will do so publicy.

Ignorance is no excuse, and you can infer what you wish. I honestly did not know the word was a slur. And that is the truth.





Pronunciation: \ˈpüf, ˈpu̇f\

Function: interjection

Date: 1824

used to express disdain or dismissal or to suggest instantaneous occurrence


That was the context I intended, and I had no idea it meant what it means. It was in reference to my professors, and not toward any poster on this board.


It has been removed from my lexicon, now that I know.


Michlo, again, I apologize for offending you. It definately won't happen again. Whether I stay banned (lol) or not.


Moderators, ban this account if you wish, I'm not here to cause trouble, but if you feel I'm more trouble than I'm worth, then I'll abide by your wishes.

You have a great modding community that I aspire to learn from and contribute to.

I would appreciate my old account back, since I have a file uploaded under that name that I want to update. But seeing as you're not here to please me, but to keep the peace, I'm doubting that will happen

I can promise not to further rile your community, it's up to you whether or not you believe I'm sincere. If you want to reinstate me with 2 strikes I'd be thrilled, even though it was an honest miscommunication.


So, once again, apologies are in order to Michlo, the moderators (for having to put up with me), and anyone else I may have offended. One way or the other, it won't happen again.


I tend to get riled easily, and have extreme views (especially with regard to human rights and death), so I'll just stay away from debates, yes? Hopefully a compromise can be found.


Y'all have a good day.




FYI, he did indeed send me an apology and I replied with my acceptance of it. I had never seen or heard of the other meaning of the word so fair's fair I suppose.



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its more like what the us did to the natives in the reservations... put em in a conecntration camp and do all you can to exterminate them


its atm a 1 to 1 translation of the holocaust... just that they dont kill nazis as a revenge but innocent arabs (ya they did their own bad deeds in the past like the enslavement of half of africa but that doesnt matter for this question)


its not like the palestinian people would all agree to send rockets into istrael... these are some fanatics probably even sponsored by israel themselves to get a reason to occupy that piece of land further... but it wont be long until the whole situation totally escalates and everyone there will start to become a murderous beast...




and i state it again... its not about god or religion! religion is just a tool used similiar to money but not the reason... and if some people really think the israelis are fighting allah and the palestinians jayhova then they need better education and news media. its a plain fight for survival on one side and supremacy on the other (not even the hamas says stuff like "we need to fight for islam" even tho statistically muslims are the religion whose people are the number 1 victims in numbers in armed struggles around the globe), both undermined and controled by global strategic interests of a few like the rothshild family


(its not about nations anymore since napoleaon lost... its about power of a few money spinners/ families - WW1 was just a family internal feud for example abused by the banking system once again to gain more power - same for WW2 where the only ones who profitted from all that crap the banks were again... and not banks in general but those few - today we can say that banks are the same as our governments or why are all laws and political debates centered around the totally useless product these banks produce and control? jefferson said yet that democracy is screwed once the power of the current leaves governmental hands... and it did ----- thats the meaning of "money is the religion of our times" not that it replaced it as a spiritual hold but as a tool to rule --- marx puts it clearer saying "religion is the opium of the people" whereas religion can be replaced by money nowerdays)

(money is also much more powerful since youll die if you have none... you wont simply die without religion)

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When you possess the religious artifacts or places, it grants you a great power... That is why they are fighting for, power, not religion or pleasing Allah or God or whatever the name is... Religion is still a great source of power especially among the islamic countries... the 3rd world countries are still influenced by religion... There are more mosques in Turkey then banks :D or schools or universities... Of course some people are profiting from this war, I will not deny that but the main conflict is about the religion and the power that it brings... If religion wasnt that powerful, we wouldnt know any crusades right? As Saladin says in movie kingdom of heaven, you know Orlando Bloom asks what is the value of Jerusalem, Saladin answers "nothing... and everything..." that is really it... never underestimate the power of religion, you see in iran, iraq, syria, many muslim countries are ruled with the Sheria... they dont know secularism...


But whatever reason they are fighting for, land, money, god, power, the death toll rises and people suffer... UN needs to act fast, if they can... :D

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When you possess the religious artifacts or places, it grants you a great power... That is why they are fighting for, power, not religion or pleasing Allah or God or whatever the name is... Religion is still a great source of power especially among the islamic countries... the 3rd world countries are still influenced by religion... There are more mosques in Turkey then banks :D or schools or universities... Of course some people are profiting from this war, I will not deny that but the main conflict is about the religion and the power that it brings... If religion wasnt that powerful, we wouldnt know any crusades right? As Saladin says in movie kingdom of heaven, you know Orlando Bloom asks what is the value of Jerusalem, Saladin answers "nothing... and everything..." that is really it... never underestimate the power of religion, you see in iran, iraq, syria, many muslim countries are ruled with the Sheria... they dont know secularism...


But whatever reason they are fighting for, land, money, god, power, the death toll rises and people suffer... UN needs to act fast, if they can... :D

Iraq is (was) secular. Only in the power vacuum caused by the fall of Saddam Hussein has Islam risen to prominence in that nation.

Israel was on track to recognize a Palestine State, then Hamas took over snd did everything they could to prevent that from occuring. Israel has outlined a peace agreement.

1) Stop shelling Israel.

2) Do not rearm when the troops withdraw. (Hamas, not Palestine)

It is up to Hamas to accept.

Hamas states they are approaching victory. With an insane view like that (They are taking 100-1 losses) how do you deal with them? They have staged attacks from southern Lebanon in an effort to draw Hezbollah into the conflict, but were not successful. They will not work with Egypt.


"In Egypt, efforts to broker a cease-fire were complicated by bickering inside Hamas, the Egyptian official said. The official said that Hamas representatives in Gaza were eager for a cease-fire, but were being blocked because political decisions were being made by the group’s leadership in Damascus, Syria.


“Hamas is in a very difficult position,” the Egyptian official said. “On the ground, their militants are not doing as good a job, not matching their rhetoric. But politically, they have been totally taken over by their sponsors.


“The guys inside are holding their ground, but they don’t want to continue the confrontation,” the official said. Egypt talks to Hamas but is not eager to see the radical Islamic group succeed in running a small statelet next door."



The end to this is in Hamas' hands. They could have worked toward peace, but they chose a different route. Now they reap what they have sown.


Just be glad Olmert is at the helm, and not Benjamin Nentanyahu. That guy is a serious thorn in everyone's side, and has zero respect for any notions of Palestinian statehood. Hopefully things get back on track. It's up to Hamas to stand up and wage peace.

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Well obviously hamas didnt think that israel would retaliate that hard that is for sure... In the end hamas has no choice or they will be wiped up, since israel's intention is to topple Hamas...


Yea Iraq was secular, in fact Iran was secular before the coup... cant remember the name or the date sorry...

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Well obviously hamas didnt think that israel would retaliate that hard that is for sure... In the end hamas has no choice or they will be wiped up, since israel's intention is to topple Hamas...


Yea Iraq was secular, in fact Iran was secular before the coup... cant remember the name or the date sorry...

That is Israel's problem. They blow everything out of proportion.

It's Hamas intention to topple Israel, but they do not have the power or the support. I think they knew the reaction that would come, because Israel has a well set precedent for just massively obliterating anything they percieve to be a threat. I think Hamas' aim was to draw Israel in and play the victim, to try and gain sympathy for their cause. It's working.

Hamas is just as much at fault as Israel in this mess. If there were Palestinian statehood, what would they do? If the Arabs accepted Israel as neighbors, Hamas would be out of business.


If Israel and the Arab world pooled their talent and resources, the Middle East would become a one hell of a powerhouse.

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I would recommend no further responses to the so-called PrideAssassin.


At this point he is clearly trolling to stir up trouble and / or has no concern for anybody or their feelings (especially including all the people who have died in this atrocity).


Since I opened this topic with "who else is sick of Israel" he clearly has no reason to even be in this thread.

I realize this post is kinda old, but I wanted to say something. How come he had no reason to be in the thread? Is the thread supposed to be some sort of anti-Israel thread, with only people against Israel posting in it? People have a right to defend their opinion, you know.

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