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Israel's actions


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well I think Phalestinians hate israel because they are killing their families, children etc. and it's forcing them out of their homeland Just for buying a percentage of the land, and israel Should hate phalestinians Because they fight back, hate them and won't quit the damn fight.
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Note: I have not read any of the older posts on this thread and am only replying to the topic title.


Though I am not well-learned in much concerning the Israeli war, I am only replying to recent statistics that I have seen. The last time I was thoroughly updated on the kill count was on Sunday the 11th, in which the Palestinian deaths reached the mid 800's, and the Israeli deaths was in the teens (13 or 14, something like that). Plus thousands on the Palestinian side injured or near death. With this in mind, and knowing the Israel has far better and more advanced weaponry than the Palestinians, and their claim to ONLY be targeting Hamas bases, how is it that they are killing all these civilians? Are their soldiers poorly trained? Or maybe these women, children, even babies and toddlers are Hamas soldiers as well? Seems highly unlikely.


And lets think about the Hamas side as well. Do they honestly think that shooting their little firecrackers at the Israelis are going to inflict any harm at all? 15 Dead, hmmmm, their methods are highly effective...(sarcasm intended.) With such fruitless efforts, there seems to be more to the picture here. It may just be me, but it would appear that Israel is somehow affiliated with Hamas, paying them or threatening them, or by some other means convincing them to attack Israel. That would give Israel an excuse to retaliate. Either way, both Hamas and Israel are doing their part to ensure that no peace ever reach the area. Both clearly are ignoring the UN's plea to cease fire. I don't want to be pessimistic, but I fear that peace will be elusive in the area long after everyone on either side are dead, either by war or by murder.

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Note: I have not read any of the older posts on this thread and am only replying to the topic title.



And lets think about the Hamas side as well. Do they honestly think that shooting their little firecrackers at the Israelis are going to inflict any harm at all? 15 Dead, hmmmm, their methods are highly effective...(sarcasm intended.) With such fruitless efforts, there seems to be more to the picture here. It may just be me, but it would appear that Israel is somehow affiliated with Hamas



some what true Israel did call for the formation of Hamas as political party to counter Yasser Arafat and have free election. When Hamas was elected in as the head of state, Israel cried about that also every political party has zealots that make the party look bad. That is very general comment, I am sure other will comment I just do not have time for long post on that matter. Lets just talk about the modern Israeli conflict, much deeper than most think.

Was Pres. Truman right for his action to support the founding of Israel, not know of the harm that would be fall the American people? I would say no.... We have chatted about the issue before on the topic of Israel on another forum here.


I am out time but I will be back to finish this... expect for a long post my knowledge of history will come out ones again... I should have history professor...

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Why many people want to put Jewish and Israel at one side.


Jews are living in the Arab Region and were treated very well at the same time they were suffering in other places in the world.


Arab people know very well the difference between Judaism and Zionism.


Not all Jews support Israel. Take that for example: http://nkusa.org


Israel was created by terrorist Zionist organizations like: Haganah, Irgun and Lehi.


and about the partition plan of 1947, this is map showing the two states:





so why the Israelis took more, because of the war, is that means they can take more.


According to Zionists ideology: Israel is the land from the River of Egypt to the great Euphrates River which means that Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, and Egypt are also considered as parts from Israel.


Many people call Israel: the State that always expand.


about Hamas, many people said that Hamas's goal is to destroy Israel, so what Israel did in Gaza in the Last 22 days, I think that Gaza was destroyed.


3000 Palestinian Christians are living in Gaza Strip, 34 of them were killed by the Israeli air strikes in the last war on Gaza.


I think that we have to take a look to the events and know who is really suffering in that region. The Occupier or the people under occupation.

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With all the facts you've posted, it makes the conflict rather moot, doesn't it?

And I agree with you that it's not the jews that is the key point. It's zionism.

Any "ism" is bad for relations, in that there is no other "way". There is no flexibility between either side.

Israel is not completely Zionist either. The Arab world is prepared to accept and recognize Israel if it can hammer out something, ANYTHING that would recognize Palestine as an autonomous state.

The problem with this is Hamas blocking every effort, and Zionist settlers fanning flames. The more level headed Fathah and Kadima parties were making progress.

Sadly, Likud seems to be making a comeback (thanks to Hamas' aggression), and the skullduggery has already begun in preparation for Ehud Olmert's downfall.


This is the war that doesn't end/

Yes it goes on and on my friend/

Some people started fighting it/

Not knowing what it was/

And they'll continue fighting it/

Forever just because/

This is the war that doesn't end/

Yes it goes on and on my friend...

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The problem with this is Hamas blocking every effort, and Zionist settlers fanning flames. The more level headed Fathah and Kadima parties were making progress.

Sadly, Likud seems to be making a comeback (thanks to Hamas' aggression), and the skullduggery has already begun in preparation for Ehud Olmert's downfall.

It's a bit of a see-saw isn't it?

Which is why I can understand you not being partial to any side of this conflict.


In any case, the see-saw aspect of this might mean that it won't end until the universe crunches.

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