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Israel's actions


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Sigh.... Pictures tell it all..


Very disappointing that America supports Israel gov's. actions. But then again we supported Georgia's (not state) actions against South Ossetia that occured in 2008...

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That's the thing. Pictures do NOT tell all. Pictures can be used toward many ends. Sometimes, a few good pictures is all it takes to short circuit rational thought. Israel had an entirely different set of actions in mind before Hamas overthrew the Abbas government in Gaza and started stirring up trouble by, first and foremost, BREAKING THE CEASEFIRE.


They initiated hostilities. They cannot now cry foul and say they are being persecuted because they are not.

They are being prosecuted.


When all is relatively peaceful, and a cease fire is in effect, what sane, rational person or entity would break it? Especially when they are outgunned and outclassed on the battlefield? (Which they also ensured would be their friend's and neighbor's, homes, by the way.)

Their only strategy is holding on long enough to generate enough pictures to tug at enough heartstrings to hopefully create a backlash against Israel.


Hamas had the power to ensure those pictures would never have been possible.

They also had the power to ensure their possibility.

Guess which path they chose?


I know I'm beating a herd of dead horses here... I don't even know why I bother, really.

I quit.


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abbas government? a bunch of thugs put in place by the us... no one voted for this idiot who just stirred uproar all the time he had any power...


what sane person would break a ceasefire? those that are payed to do so...

anyway what kind of ceasefire was that? bulldozers still destroyed settlements, snipers still shot children and helicopters still fired rockets all the time...


apart from that could you plz stop saying israel is defending itself? from what? its people? after the annexation of palestine israel became the ruling power and thus has to carry some responsibility as a ruling power aswell... sorry if i dont see any sanity in a ruling power killing off half the population...


and dont tell me you wouldnt grab the next best weapon and kill the person thats trying to kill your children...


what you say is the reason israel invades the last few native reservations is the same reason hitler used to start his killing spree...


ya hamas had the chance to not have these pictures come to existance by doing a mass suicide or a mass exodus into syria... good options indeed... any "sane" person would rather fight to the death in such a situation


@unholy shadow

i think you clearly misunderstand somin here... israel is indeed doing a shitload of crap and one cant argue that yet noone in this thread ever attacked gilgamesh (former prideassasin) for defending israels cruelty but for his remarks about peoples worth of life... what he spoke out was more of a general slur against all of life and also the other posters in a manner barely suiting a 12yr old hells angel on extacy, not supporting the thread in any way but only trolling it full of hate... read the TOS you signed upon joining the forum and youll see he broke it...

actually he broke it again by making a second account... but as he didnt start his hatecapades again yet i think one can overlook that so far...



the south ossetia conflict is a totally different one imo with the civil population suffering cause two super powers wanted that place to have for their own... just good russia was faster than the us or we would still have war there... this way we only have the usual rape, murder, extortion and people vanishing... but definately not on a scale as it happens in palestine...

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abbas government? a bunch of thugs put in place by the us... no one voted for this idiot who just stirred uproar all the time he had any power...




@unholy shadow

i think you clearly misunderstand somin here... israel is indeed doing a shitload of crap and one cant argue that yet noone in this thread ever attacked gilgamesh (former prideassasin) for defending israels cruelty but for his remarks about peoples worth of life... what he spoke out was more of a general slur against all of life and also the other posters in a manner barely suiting a 12yr old hells angel on extacy, not supporting the thread in any way but only trolling it full of hate... read the TOS you signed upon joining the forum and youll see he broke it...

Okay. You baited me. Bravo.

My last word on the whole thing: general slur? Manner barely suiting a 12 year old Hell's Angel on extacy? I haven't slurred any of the posters in this topic. Well, I did call one guy slow, and edited it out, and apologized. That was the extent of it though.


I stated my ambivalence prior to making the statements you reference. It wasn't based on hate. In order to hate, you have to care. It was a general dismissal of life, and the importance silly humans attach to it. Again. My opinion. Doesn't make it true.

I could have worded it better, at the very least.

Strike me down for being new, but I brought the attitude and dark humor I use among friends. I suppose I should have made friends before deploying it.

At any rate, I've already apologized for any offense.

I definately won't be frequenting this particular section of the forum again. (rejoice!) lol

You have a good evenin' now, y'hear?

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dude i personally have nothing against some words like "poof" or whatever i found it much more angering that you generally supposed everybody should just get bombed or somin... that was my main point of annoyance... nothing against dark humor but it didnt sound like humor as it is a valid point that probably the world would be better if 90% of its inhabitants would be dead... yet it needs reasoning other than "they deserve it cause theyre dumb"

and also these people are still beings, good or bad but the only one to judge about their life's worth is imo nature or god or whatever you people call it...

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dude i personally have nothing against some words like "poof" or whatever i found it much more angering that you generally supposed everybody should just get bombed or somin... that was my main point of annoyance... nothing against dark humor but it didnt sound like humor as it is a valid point that probably the world would be better if 90% of its inhabitants would be dead... yet it needs reasoning other than "they deserve it cause theyre dumb"

and also these people are still beings, good or bad but the only one to judge about their life's worth is imo nature or god or whatever you people call it...


I never singled them out as stupid...

Of course, everyone is "dumb", just in different areas, and under different circumstances.


I never said anyone "deserved" anything.

I never even said Hamas deserves the pounding it's getting. The Palistenian civillians anyway, but that's a byproduct of Hamas' tactics and Israel's massive offensive. I did say Israel over-reached. Everyone knew that was going to happen though. Hamas knew it when they overthrew the Abbas regime in Gaza.


I said it would solve the problem.

If it can even be said to be a problem.

Great things can be tempered in the intense heat of conflict.


Clarity isn't my strong suit when typing, and damnit, here I am again.

haha See ya.

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First of all, if anyone thinks that violence will end the conflict between israel and arabs, go and read some history, they are fighting for decades, even isreal fought a war against all arabs, syria, iran iraq etc etc (should be 6 days war or something dont know what it is called in english) and arabs failed miserably... a few years back israel gave up some land in order to ensure stability, so they cant just overpower one another... But other muslim countries do not interefere yet, that might be a sign that everyone is sick and tired of Hamas and want to get rid of it... But israel really blow this out of proportion, fighting a war is one thing, mass murder is another thing...
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I agree that the Hamas are being prosecuted. But I don't think this "prosecution" is fair in terms of its impact.


Let's look at the big picture. It's no wonder Hamas was overbearing in what they did. Did you see the picture which michlo posted? Living under Israeli occupation is miserable. It's no wonder hardliners like Hamas would keep on fighting despite peace talks and cease fire. On the other side of the fence, there's also hardline zionists who would be more than happy to bulldoze Palestine, including Gaza.


Although this might not be a one to one comparison, isn't Hamas a bit like Irgun?

Irgun was branded as terrorists by the British and look at where it lead to now.


Anyhow, I think this conflict looks almost like it has no neutral ground.

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dear lord rothshild,


if people did argue like we do here back before ww2 we wouldnt have that problem...

what the israelis do is plain fascism combined with imperialistic grand power thinking... just listen to their political debates... they regulary call for the complete anhiliation and devestation of palestine and all arab countries, or what low lifes the arabs are using words the nazis used to describe them, this comes not only from low profile hardcore fanatics but also the very top of their gov... disgusting...

so for the bankins systems sake lets lead a preemptive strike against israel... lots of treasure to be gaimed and we can look good in the news... just needs UN backing which well get once we tell the powerful ruiling elite of israel that they will be safe and get idaho as a new base of operations...

the arabs would even support us like they did in WW1 and we could cheat on them again this time giving the place to the mmmh... the mormons? or how about the bin laden family?


sincerely yours

mr barfour


twisted world sigh...

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