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New "Black Knight" Enemy


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This starts out as a really strange but kinda cool bug


I was on the mission where you save saadia and kill kematu, and so i did. However, when i killed him (through a decap death anim), i immediately moved on to the other warriors. However, having killed a few of them, i realised the NOW HEADLESS kematu was still attacking me with his dual falchions. I couldnt seem to kill him, as he had no hp bar, but after awhile, my companion, Fenrir the Frost Wolf (bug might have had something to do with him) finally killed him.


Then it got me thinking. Wouldnt it be cool if there were enemies in the game designed to only be killed by decapitations, but after that, continued fighting? Either for a certain duration or until you depleted his now-invisible health bar again. Perhaps it could appear in the form of crazed warriors roaming around Skyrim in Ebony armor, scripted to only have decapitation death animations on him? Theyll just be standing there on the road, and the moment you go near him, he screams YOU SHALL NOT PASS and starts attacking you.When you decap him, he doesnt die, but just continues attacking you, headless.


Is there a possibility of doing such a thing?

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