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Several Mods aren't showing up


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I've installed several mods for Skyrim using the Nexus Mod Manager, like the Olivia Wilde companion, Dibellas compulsion spell, sexy Lydia replacer, nude and jiggly mod, Calientes female body mod, etc, but most of them don't show up in the game. Sure, I see the improvement of nude females, but I noticed no change in Lydia, I can't find Olivia Wilde where she's supposed to be, and Dibellas compulsion spell can't be bought where I was told it can be bought. The Nexus Mod Manager says these mods are installed and I even looked in the Elder Scrolls Skyrim file directory to find the files there (there could be a required one missing). I have no idea why these mods won't show up in the game. Please help!

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Absolutely nothing changed after installing update I even deactivated and reactivated some of the mods in the Nexus Mod Manager to see if they would show up afterwards. Still, no Olivia Wilde, no sexy Lydia, and no Dibellas compulsion spell. Why won't these mods show up in the game?

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I've heard that NMM sometimes acts up and doesn't properly install mods. You can either:


a) Reinstall NMM

b) Install these mods manually


I recommend trying reinstallation first, as installing mods manually can be risky and difficult to undo. You might also try updating NMM if you already hadn't.

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I already updated NMM to it's latest version of 0.44.0, so I don't think I need to reinstall it. I also looked in the folders where the mods are and the folders where I installed Skyrim and they are all there.


As for where I got this game... not Steam. That's all I'm willing to say.

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Is NMM installing the mods in the folder where you've installed Skyrim? It's probably auto-set to install them in a Steam folder. I bet you it's made such a folder thinking that the game's there.


And frankly, I'm not entirely inclined to help you, seeing as how a) I don't know about installing outside of Steam, and b) you're not willing to support this game legally. I'm sure you'll figure it out, but you can expect these issues to pop up again if you run with an illegal copy.

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