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need a security camera script please


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To actually see it inside the terminal would be impossible. I think the next best thing would be to make it appear like you were watching the security camera.

Have the terminal option execute the command ForceTerminalBack to exit the terminal and add a token item to the player's inventory. The item will immediately run a scrip. Here's what I'm thinking:

scn SecurityCameraScript

begin OnAdd

	ApplyImageSpaceModifier SecurityCameraISFX
	player.MoveTo SecurityCameraONRef


begin GameMode

	if GetNumKeysPressed || GetNumMouseButtonsPressed
		RemoveImageSpaceModifier SecurityCameraISFX
		player.MoveTo SecurityCameraOFFRef


Basically, what it does is move the player to the room where the camera is placed, forces 1st person view and clears the HUD. As soon as you hit any key, it resets and moves the player back to where the terminal is.


SecurityCameraISFX - Create a nice ImageSpace Modifier to make it appear more believable.

SecurityCameraONRef - A XMarkerHeading static object, placed where the camera is. Position/rotate it so that when the player is placed at it, his POV will capture what the camera should display.

SecurityCameraOFFRef - A generic XMarker static object, placed by the terminal.

GetNumKeysPressed/GetNumMouseButtonsPressed - Both are NVSE functions.

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That sounds like the best solution to me. The Gamebryo engine is pretty primitive. Combined with the fact there's no way to dynamically save and update textures on items in the way required to make cameras, it means what you had probably wanted to do is impossible. There are a few tricks that can be done to get "moving" images in Fallout, see Razorwire's Portable Gadgets for a demonstration of that.

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I know that it is not possible to do this, just asked because some people might think this.

Normally if you are disabling the movement flag by using disableplayercontrols 1 should prevent you from getting attacked by enemies.


But it is possible to detect actors in front of the camera, the easiest way would be to create static trigger for a static camera, or if you want it more real, it would also be possible to do it with an animated camera and moving trigger.


Just let me know if you want some of this stuff.

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