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Hello there... need of help


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Hello, how r u guys? i am in need of desperate help about bug fixes and i am stuck in dead money forever ever heard about no intercom response at the end of hiest of centuries's quest in the vault? after the no response from intercom message i can't be able to move... i am stuck there forever i tried everything even the previos clean save (where u have to get ur first companion "Dog")

here are some screen shots guys please help me. I beg u guys



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So you can't move at all? Maybe what you could do is the setstage command. BACK UP UR SAVE FIRST. The enter in the in game console: player.setstage 01000FC1 100 - that will cmplete the quest. Idk if it will get you out of being stuck, try it and report back :)


I haven't played through it yet, still modding the Mojave so i don't know that bug explicitly but maybe that command will fix your problem.

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First, your load order is wrong.
FalloutNV.esm (allways first)
DeadMoney.esm (DLC is allways 2nd)
then your official esms
then your other esms
then esps
You don't need player., just "setstage xx000fc1 100"

Edited by DizzasterJuice
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oh yea got it thanks i just did it and it worked just a little issue left now... how da hell do i get the intercom to work.. i mean i never killed elijah or talked in that vault.. and how do i get my stollen items at the start of the quest?

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In the beginning did you tcl through the forcefield? if so you'll have to go back and talk to the first terminal before you enter the vault. I haven't played Dead Money in a long time but I do remember that tcl-cheat through the forcefield breaks the ending.

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OOOO ... there is one bad mistake....at the start of dead money i was so confused in finding keys to unlock doors so.... thats why i got annoyed and wanted to get rid of it as fast as i could so i used "movetoqt"and tried to finish these quests. my bad should have used walkthroughs. ah anyways thanks for the info bro

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LOL. I couldn't believe that LO. You will have to make a clean save and redo dead money, deactivate it, open game, save without it, then reactivate, then play again.

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