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game crashes at start

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Hi guys,

i have a problem, my games crashes everytime i want to start it.

i am pretty sure it has somethin to do with my mods.

and a scnd problem is that i dont have any dlc i only have vanilla fnv

pls help me.



i already had this problem two days ago when i installed it, with other mods. when i disabled some it only crashed when i started a game (load or new game) but atleast i got to the main menu. so i decided to load new vegas new, deletet all mods and this list contents now only manual loaded mods. it was a lot of work and i dont mind when some of them dont function, but pls the game should running atleast with some of them.



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edit2: so i finally found the mods which are crashing my game. it was eve, dunno why i deletet it from plugin list, i dont need it though projekt nevada spice of life the game is now crashing only when i start a game, not anymore when i start fnv with spice of life i have the problem that even when i installed the necassary mods like type3 armor and roberts etc it still crashes my game. dunno what i have to do more... with prjekt nevada i dont know whats up with why it crashes my game http://s14.directupload.net/images/130307/7pwk6duh.png and a scnd problem is that, even i installed type 3 armor, it doesnt show up on the plugin list http://s14.directupload.net/images/130307/zr36jn2o.png

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ok last update from me:

after a lot of hours of loadlist sorting installing and deinstalling mods i know that for sure:

ui mods suck cuz nevada doesnt work with them. i finally got this fkin game runnin after a lot of hours^^ but mcm and uhud isnt compatible with my nevada for some reason.

it means i can play (finally) with installed nearly every mod i had on my list, but when i go to the cybernetic surgers doctor he says me that cybernetic wont work cuz i dont have mcm. and i cant visit/look

and when i installe/activate mcm or uhud the game crashes by loading a savegame/starting a new game.

i tried to find anything what would solve this prob but didnt find anything.

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but tried both, when its runnin its runnin when not its not


since i couldnt play what i wanted yesterday i bought today the rest of all dlcs and installed them, but still have the same problem


i deinstalled again all of the mods and deletet them and downloaded them from scrap, now i only have vanilla+dlcs

then i installed PN and NVCE, i tried the bunch of compatibilty patches from the modders but i have still the same problem.


i gues i am doing somethin completely wrong



...ok well now i deactivatetd all mods to see which mod is actually cousing this probs. it isnt either nvec or pn. the game just dont start with a clean modfile.

i guess i deinstall it completely and clean out everything what has to do with it and reinstall it again. so gimme some time... :(

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