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Far away mesh/texture problem


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I've been downloading various mods, then the construction set to try my hand a little... well i went to the 'world' edit bit: http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e249/spudedupp/Capture.jpg


And made a prototype lod from a random map i did, not realising i was actually altering/adding files to the game.


but when i played the game, i had something similar to this:


http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e249/spudedupp/mountains1.jpg, but with great non-solid and masses (the map i had accidentally made and generated).


So i went back onto the CS, and instead generated a completely flat LOD (the base, starting one when you go onto the world-tamriel-edit-option.


But now, i have this occuring :blink: :








It appears that the immediate area is loading, (i think its called the close LOD mesh or texture, or something like that?) but the far-away one isn't


any views and any HELP is much appreciated- this is really killing my oblivion experience :(

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how would i check if i have distant rendering activated?


I uninstalled the CS to see if that would do anything, but i'll quickly reinstall it now and get some screenshots


thanks for the rapid reply :blush:


Heres the screenshot of the LOD i generated


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if the distant LOD folder is udner meshes or textures, then i must have deleted it.


I have:

"Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\Textures\LandscapeLOD\Generated"


"\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Landscape\LOD"


folders though


do you knwo if i could find any copies (preferably vanilla) of this folder online anywhere?

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so i have to redraw the entire landscape for cyrodill :mellow:?


(withot meaning to sound rude, you do understand I only want the vanilla map- and had no intention of creating anything else?)

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i think you should reinstall cyrodill but i think you should do THIS..., delete the mod what may have caused this what you did, that would be the main reasion, so go on your data files and delete the mod what you saved when you edited the land because the lod is in the bsa's so you cant of accerdently deleted the lod unless you deleted the lod with it but that would many otherthings would be missing. like by looking at the pics the lod is still working fine just delete the mod what you made by addident because this should not be happening unless a mod is doing it or there is a problem with the game. when you delete the mod and if it is still like this delete oblivionj form your pc and reinstall it, this should sort out the problem, this happened to me along time ago as well, just delete the mod and it should be back to normal unless there is a bigger problem.
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I'm quite sure its not a mod, because it started happening after about 10 normal 'times' of playing oblivion (i.e. playing it one day, exiting, coming back on and loading it up to paly again, then exit etc) - with no new mods installed.


And in my data files, i don't have a 'distantLOD' folder anywhere


I'm kind of adverse to uninstalling and reinstalling too... i've got so many mods and such a good game going i wouldn't want to risk losing it


thanks for your advice anyway :)

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