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Fook2 and DLC wont work


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playing through the MQ and once i activated the purifier i could not continue even though i had done a game yesterday all the way through and was able to play the broken steel DLC and continue on. The only thing that I can think of is the install of FOOK2 last ngiht. Here is my load order and I am patched to 1.7 as well as using the multi core fix.


FOOK2 - Main.ESM
FOOK2 - [DIK] DLC Improvement Kit.ESM
Auto Aim Fix v1.1.esp
Location 1 (Megaton-V101).esp
Vault 89 (player home) V1-35.esp
FOOK2 - Main.esp
FOOK2 - [DIK] DLC Improvement Kit.esp
FOOK2 - Main - Ironsights.esp
FemalePowerArmor - Vanilla.esp

Total active plugins: 29
Total plugins: 35


EDIT: I turned off all mods and attempted to access the DLC, and it worked, created a save in the citadel to start Broken Steel, exit, enable FOOK2, boot and FOOK2 is not loading. Also loading a save from before the end of the MQ loads FOOK2 just fine but there are no options for the broken steel DLC (Not sure if intended or not) when pressing "O", all other DLC's but point look out which just loops when i hit ok.

Edited by raven6906
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What version of FOOK2? If FOOK2 1.2 Open Beta, where are the hotfixes? Can not continue how (does it go through the ending slides or does it freeze up)?


There is no option to force start the Broken Steel DLC for Refurbish DLC with FOOK2 1.2 Open Beta because it is always started and the Point Lookout force start option is broken.

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I believe i installed the hot fixes after i posted last night,


FOOK2 - Main.ESM
FOOK2 - [DIK] DLC Improvement Kit.ESM
Remove That Glove.esp
Auto Aim Fix v1.1.esp
Location 1 (Megaton-V101).esp
Vault 89 (player home) V1-35.esp
FOOK2 - Main.esp
FOOK2 - [DIK] DLC Improvement Kit.esp
FOOK2 - Main - Ironsights.esp
FemalePowerArmor - Vanilla.esp
FOOK2 - DIK [Hotfix].esp
FOOK2 - Main [Hotfix].esp

Total active plugins: 33
Total plugins: 38

Still not loading BS

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From the discussions for Free Play After MQ, it will break Broken Steel. Since you have Broken Steel loaded, why do you have the Free Play mod? The purpose of Broken Steel is to continue play after the main quest. The Free Play mod breaks the ending

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<p>I have free play MQ disabled and it was not even installed the first play through.</p>

<p>Edit: just uninstlled free play and it still wont let me continue. Just rolls to credits and back to main menu.</p>

Edited by raven6906
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<p>I have free play MQ disabled and it was not even installed the first play through.</p>

<p>Edit: just uninstlled free play and it still wont let me continue. Just rolls to credits and back to main menu.</p>

Download this and run it. http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/1086


and the update for that here: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3574938/fomm-0.13.21-fixed.zip

  1. install all listed here
  2. update fomm with the zip archive, overwrite all
  3. open fomm, select help, and update it's template from boss.
  4. close fomm and reopen it, select sort / auto sort. and close fomm.
  5. run GFWL disabled. move dlc's from the hidden catch as you may have them caught up in there. exit.
  6. open fomm, use the tweak installer "Fake Live dll" function. close fomm, reopen fomm and resort now.
  7. run the game and test things out.

Games For Windows Live is known to prevent such as you posted here.


Any saved games showing these symptoms are to be dismissed and deleted as they will no longer work as intended due to GFWL code trapped in them.

By now, that saved game is corrupted anyway.


I really hope this takes care of this issue.



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Move "FOOK2 - Main - Ironsights.esp" above "FOOK2 - [DIK] DLC Improvement Kit.esp" *OR* remove the EndingBinksScript [sCPT:00068A9E] override from "FOOK2 - Main - Ironsights.esp". The override is a copy from FOOK2 Main instead of FOOK2 DIK. Why it and a ton of extra stuff from FOOK2 are in that plugin? I dunno.

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I have yet to try anything yet, but I am wondering if its possible that because I downloaded this save from somewhere else (I did not want to go through the starting crap again, save put me right as you leave the vault) if that could be a problem?



EDIT: I booted up a new game and i used player.rewardxp 1000000 (One million XP points) and it leveled me to 30 so BS has to be installed and working. I will bump this if I have trouble when i reach the end of the MQ again.


EDIT 2: Could this be related to Phalanx in the FOOK2 mod? Still working my way to the end should have results here in a few hours.

Edited by raven6906
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Move "FOOK2 - Main - Ironsights.esp" above "FOOK2 - [DIK] DLC Improvement Kit.esp" *OR* remove the EndingBinksScript [sCPT:00068A9E] override from "FOOK2 - Main - Ironsights.esp". The override is a copy from FOOK2 Main instead of FOOK2 DIK. Why it and a ton of extra stuff from FOOK2 are in that plugin? I dunno.


Moved and testing........

in the mean time, any one know how to do the upgrades in the black hole to get robots/secretary?

waiting for end cinematic....

and success. thank you.

Edited by raven6906
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