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How to add links and images to comments


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UPDATE EDIT: This entire thread is now deprecated in favor of the following link, which contains all of the information and more. For those who are not familiar with the markup language used on the nexus, it is: BBCode.


Here's a handy text/BBCode/HTML converter I found AFTER I knew to search the forums for BBCode... http://www.ecardmax.com/hoteditor/#




I have been googling and searching this site for an hour and I have yet to find any resource to tell me how to add an image or a link to a comment. Either it doesn't exist or is too hard too find. By way of some nice people, I have discovered this is how to add an image to a post (remove the spaces):

[img ] http://url.of.image [ /img]

I would now also like to know the magical formula for adding a hotlink to a post as well. It would be nice if HTML worked or if say, the handy dandy toolbar I see above me were available when commenting.

Thanks in advance for helping a noob.

EDIT: this just in - from more helpful people (faeriexdecay, EtemSoru), again remove all spaces:

[ url = http://blahblah.org]Link Name[ /url ]

Edited by sevencardz
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Thanks again korun, I guess what I meant to ask was how do you embed a video into a comment? For example, I have seen youtube videos posted right in comments and you can play them right on the page without following an external link. Thanks!

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