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Underpowered enemies and allies (needs to be fixed via mod)


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I played through the game many times and I noticed that many enemies of certain types who should be major ass kickers are about as tough as a stuffed bunny and this I think needs to be changed.


1. Mages

The problem: Too damn weak, a single mage has no chance of even taking down Ogren even and he is just a a drunken dwarf warrior, so why should he be able to take down people who have so much power at their finger tips that they have to be locked away in a tower?

The Solution: Make spells actually do some real damage! or add in new spells that really pack a punch and give them to all npc mages. (also maybe even turn 1 or 2 of your reinforcements from the circle into an arcane warrior or something, just anything to make them less pointless to use there)


2. Werewolves

The problem: They are pretty much a joke in combat, they are all muscle and claws plus shouldnt they have a regenerating health bar? I mean what was the last time you read or watched something about werewolves where they did not heal very quickly?

The Solution: Increase their strength, constitution and add in health regen so fighting them would not be childsplay for warriors and rogues even. Plus then in the final battle they would actually become useful!


3. Blood Mages

The problem: A very low level Jowan took down a total of 3 templars and one enchanter with a single spell yet the higher level blood mages you encounter seem about as deadly as a kitten.

The solution: Stronger Blood magic spells! and have them take less health to use.


Now that is it for the allies that need better base stats or spells now for another complaint about your allies this time in Redcliffe.

If you do all you can to help them out then you still end up with the Knights kicking ass but the militia getting slaughtered.

So why not allow the PC to give them better weapons and armor from his/her own inventory to help in battle? I cant see any reason they should not allow you to give them some enchanted weapons you found that are too weak for your party but infinitely better than the crap the militia uses.


Oh and for the battle of Denerim. instead of giving items to the people in your camp which only increases your xp, remove the xp giving from that and instead make it so you can just give them whatever equipment you want and for them to actually use it! Dont need that staff now that you are an Arcane Warrior? Give it to the representitive of the mages for him to give to one of your allies for the final fight. Dont need that fire damage rune? give it to the dwarves and they will put it in to one of their weapons. See? I mean really even if you disagree with some of the stuff I said, this part should have been how the game was made.

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