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Heightmap Autopaint


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Has anyone succesfully used this feature and if yes, with what program?


I can't get the specifications to run in CS2, even with the .DDS plugin enabled.



Also does anyone know how to auto-replace the Default land Textures in a worldspace?

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I use texconv.exe from Microsoft's github repository of DirectTex in this URL: https://github.com/microsoft/DirectXTex/releases

to convert my textures to the appropriate format and size.


It's a command line utility, you can check the valid arguments by running it without arguments.


I used it for painting the whole world space, so I used the land and water heightmaps to paint the two main textures, land heightmap for the land texture and water heightmap for the sea bed texture.

You can export those heightmap textures in World->World LOD.


To convert them to the proper format and size I use the following batch script (must be saved into the same folder than texconv.exe), on which I drop the heightmap texture:



@echo off
.\texconv.exe -w 353 -h 353 -y -m 1 -f R8G8B8A8_UNORM -ft DDS %1

PS: you must set the -w and -h parameters to the proper weight and height given by the autopaint dialogue after entering the cells. If I recall correctly, if you introduce the cells for the whole worldspace it should match the size of the exported heightmap.


PS2: Note that elric contains a copy of texconv.exe, but it doesn't have the same arguments than the one at github, I guess because is an older version, so it wont work with my script.

Edited by DieFeM
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