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Mod for Cover


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If you notice, in vanilla Fallout body parts that are partially concealed by cover of some kind will have a lower chance to hit, or even a zero chance to hit if completely concealed. Use VATS the next time you have a Raider behind sandbags or something, and you'll see how it works. The same mechanic applies to the player.
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@furtim: yes thats true but he was looking for a cover system like Gears of War or Mass Effect where your character literally takes cover behind objects and you can shoot out from around them.


example using gears of war:



In Mass Effect you can take cover on any wall and fire out from behind it.


in GOW you can take cover on pretty much anything and fire out aiming or blindfire. both are shown in that image.


i'll admit i'd LOVE to have this in fallout. it would be great and go with the gears mod i'm working on but i just don't think it's possible.

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Can't you kids just duck behind a brick wall like the rest of us? What possible use is it to randomly spray ammo out from whatever you're hiding behind? All you're going to do is waste ammo and maybe break your wrist. Just sit behind a brick wall like a normal person and live with the disappointment.
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It would require a game engine rewrite. There are things in the world that you can crouch behind and use as cover, there is no need for the character to "attach" themselves to cover. I also never saw this method as efficient as you can easily get stuck moving between two points of cover trying to get free of it and move.
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there are easy ways to get out of cover. in gears it isn't as easy because the game is about cover.


Mass effect handed it very well though by just moving backwards you left cover.


Personally i think fallout would work great with a cover system but i do understand your guys reasoning for not liking it. I was the same way before i played gears and mass effect but since then i love the cover system. would work great if you play fallout in third person as well.

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