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Changing settings with a file?


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Hi all,


Just wondering how I go about making console codes be set when the game launches, I'm assuming this is done with a bin file or something?


Basically I just want to be able to set the jump height and fall damage, without having to set them via the console every time I play, as I'm closing and launching Skyrim constantly to test -- it's becoming rather annoying.



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I prefer Skyrim Speeds it comes with small application where you can easily modify movement speed for NPC,Horse,Werewolf even bow drawn..


for console, you can just use bat file with simple name, and ingame open your console and write down "bat x" (x is the name of your file) ..how ? just create .txt that contain simple command such as :


player.setgs fJumpHeightMin X ( X is the amount that you want, 100 is default)

player.setav speedmult X ( X is the amount that you want, 100 is default)


do note, there is a difference between .setgs, .setav or .modav. setgs is for temporary, .setav/modav is likely will stick into your save from what i remember.


edit : ups forgot to mention one thing. you need to put that text file in your data folder.

Edited by ebony_ivory
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