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Confusion about NVSE and4GB.exe work together...(compatibility)


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Hi to all ! I want to install some enhanced visual mods like :new texture pack(did you suggest the small pack anyway??),nevada skies poco bueno textures and so on...

Watching gophers video, he suggest to install (and running the game with it)the 4 gb executable(i think the name is not exactly that but i'm sure that all of you knows what i'm talking about).


Many of most popular mods needs the NVSE (that i launch via NMM or FOMOD),that means that if i want to heavily mod my gam i MUST have it..but in his videos ,Gopher suggest to use the 4GB.exe and to use it to allow FNV use 4 giga of virtual memory to avoid continuous crash and have a more performing game experience.

the questions are:


1-are they compatible?(cause i think in steam forum i founded a link to a version of 4GB comp.with NVSE,considering that the link in Silverlock .org is broken!)


2-if they are compatible, wich of those i must use to run my game(i mean ,if i run FNV with the 4GB.exe , does the game recognize the FNSE installed,to be able to use the mods that NEEDS the FNSE??)


3- is there a way to launch(with all FNSE and 4GB)the game via NMM(i use that to launch and configure my mods)


I'sorry for my english ,i'm ITALIAN :confused: . I hope that someone can help with that cause wandering on web i found aLOT of people confused about using together those essential tools.



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jim_uk ,thanks for the link!i-....but tellme if i did right:

1i extracted the whole 7z file and copied on desktop a shortcut of 4gb.exe...then double clicked on it....it loaded the game correctly and i have all my mods active even without launching the game with NMM.....is that all to have the 4g active?

i mean launching with the 4gb exe ,NVSE is active with all mods?is that right? (do i need to extract the 7z files in my game directory or not??)

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