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Summons and zombie sounds?


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I have a custom summon based on Arniel's Shade, and I want to stop her from making zombie noises when idle. She Shouts, however, and it's integral to the character so removing the voice entirely is unfortunately not an option. Is there any way I can do this?

EDIT: I've noticed the combat dialogue is a bit different to what I'd expect from the FemaleEvenToned voicetype. Basically I want the summon to have combat dialogue like any other NPC ('Never should have come here', reactions to being hit, etc), and no zombie idle sounds - I'd imagine these two issues are related.

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  • 9 months later...

I just spent a whole day trying to figure this out, and I nailed it.


There exists a default dialogue quest called DialogueGenericCommanded. In it, there is a condition that checks whether an NPC is being controlled.


This dialogue has a higher priority than DialogueGeneric, which would give you the responses you'd like to have for almost all voice types.


The Solution:

1) In the Creation Kit, open your actor.

2) Goto the Keywords tab.

3) Right click and select 'New'.

4) Make up a unique keyword that only your actor(s) will have.

5) Open the DialogueGeneric quest form.

6) Under Quest Data (first tab), add a new condition for "HasKeyword" [Your Keyword] == 1, with the OR option selected. <----- Extremely Important.


Save, close, test and debug from there.


Sorry to necro a thread, but I couldn't find the answer either. Someone is googling this, and hopefully we can help.


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  • 5 years later...

Sorry to necro this thread again but it came up high on my Google search and the solution here is pretty ideal. Many thanks sboddy82, I'm sure you just saved me at least a day.


There was one more step I found necessary, which was to open the quest "DialogueGenericCommanded," and in the same way, add the condition "HasKeyword" [Your Keyword] == 0 with the AND specifier. To be clear, in both the quests, "HasKeyword" was at the top of the conditions list.


This has your summoned actors speaking normally and not saying "uhhhh....."

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