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Prequel Jedi Robes


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I roleplay my character as a Jedi but the current robes out there are not what I am looking for at all. I've been searching for a mod for a while and I've even attempted to create one but I am not experienced enough to do so. I understand if no one would like to do it, but I'd figure that I would ask. I found a mod that would work well but it is for Oldrim and I cannot seem to find the file anywhere.


Here is the mod:



Good Jedi robes to create would be Obi-Wan Kenobi's, Qui-Gon Jinn's, Anakin Skywalker's (Episode II and III), Mace Windu's. One thing that would also be cool would be to have a variant with the Jedi Cloaks as well. Thanks!

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