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Any tips on "worldbuilding" within the (size) restrictions of FO4 worldspaces?

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Good evening everybody!


Does anybody have any tips on "worldbuilding" for custom FO4 worldspaces?

Because the maximum size of worldspaces is rather limiting if you want to make anything bigger then a small island ...

(That's why my current "custom worldspace" is a small island, one of the reasons at least ...)


Does anybody have any ideas / suggestions on how to make the worldspaces seem "plausible" and "realistic" despite beeing only very "small"?



How to "keep the player" inside the "playable area" without seemingly random "You cannot go this way" messages?

I always hated that!

The game tells me "you can't go this way" despite the landcape beeing nice and "walkable".

When you have something like a small island, it is obvious! The surrounding water is what "organically limits" the "playable area".

Or if you have a mountain area you can use steep slopes, collapsed tunnels, ... to "keep the player inside the playable area" without seeming "artificial".


How to "connect" multiple worldspaces organically / how to split an area up into multiple worldspaces?

I once thought about making two worldspaces that were connected via a tunnel (load screen) and seperated by a large (unclimbable) mountain ridge.

On one side you would have a large desert and on the other side of the mountains there would be dense forests and more "civilized" areas with small towns and such ...


How do I get my brain to stop thinking about creating epic large worlds that clearly aren't possible in FO4?

This is a bit "offtopic" and I don't think anybody can actually help me with this.

But it is really annoying that I constantly get excited about creating huge worldspaces despite me knowing that that clearly isn't possible in FO4!

And it kind of makes the whole "working on custom worldspace stuff" a bit dissapointing and after a while I start to feel like "what's the point, it's going to be weird and restrictive anyway ..."



If anybody has any inputs on this topic, let me know here!

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