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SkyUI and SKSE


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Im new to modding SSE on the pc and i have correctly installed the latest version of SKSE which is: Current SE build


I go to download SkyUI, the latest version on the nexus mod pad. I do this through vortex and i get a problem report. It says that my SKSE is outdated and i need to fix that. But on the website Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE) (silverlock.org) the SSE is as mentioned. Im unsure if it is okay for me to download an older version of SkyUI and use that or if im just being silly.


Help would be appriciated.

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It *should be fine. I use the latest SkyUI (5.2SE) with SKSE64 v2.0.17

I only have SKSE64 2019 version which is on the website and every time ive loaded the latest version of SkyUI which for me is SkyUI1_5_1. I cant see the 2017 version of SKSE nor can i see SkyUI 5.2 SE...

Edited by SlotheeMcCoffee
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Make sure you are getting / using the correct version of your mods for the version of the game you are using. Skyrim Legendary Edition (original) and Skyrim Special Edition each have their own dedicated sections for mod hosting.

SkyUI for SSE: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/12604?tab=files

SkyUI for SLE: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/3863?tab=files

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  • 1 month later...

I'm having the same issue. getskseversion verifies script extender is properly installed. SkyUI is most recent version. Continues to give error message that UI will not work with the cript extender. Anyone have any insight?

Edited by dpsmagur
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I'm having the same issue. getskseversion verifies script extender is properly installed. SkyUI is most recent version. Continues to give error message that UI will not work with the cript extender. Anyone have any insight?

Same problem. Downloaded everything, still the same thing.

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FWIW, Some people with certain mods need to use 2.0.17. For instance, I recently read that people who use the popular SexLab framework need to use SKSE64 2.0.17, although I can't authoritatively state that to "be the case". I'm just parroting something I read in passing.


Although, anecdotally speaking, I can confirm I have SL installed and whether or not the post I read is true, I *do need to use 2.0.17 (2.0.19 won't even open the main menu)


IFF you find that nothing else will fix your issue, and you want to consider trying 2.0.17 instead of 2.0.19, 2.0.17 can be downloaded from the silverlock.org site via the "archived builds link, ~five lines down on the page at https://skse.silverlock.org/

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  • 2 weeks later...



I was facing this problem recently too. I could check the version of SKSE via console so I assumed that I got it working fine. However, after a while I noticed the problem: I had miscopied the .pex files in to the Data folder only. You are supposed to copy it into Data>Scripts. This fixed the problem for me. On a side note, I am using SKSE64 2.019 and SkyUI 5.2. Now things are working for me. I hope this helps you too!


Have a nice day! :happy:



Edited by MissKuukeys
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