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FO3 Crashes just before the "Please Stand By" screen


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huh. i just figured out... my brother got a new TV for christmas and plugged it in, so he can use both his monitor AND the TV on his computer... could THIS be the reason?!

if you playing fallout3 and watching TV too.. it could. what program that you use to watching TV? try to uninsatall it,

if it doenst make changes.i assume that your problem still on your mods..

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forget about TV, that not related with your problem I think, the problem only when you use TV program that using codec..

Fallout3.exe when starting up is load all in data folders(mods, textures, meshes, etc) and fallout save folder..

using mod with no master can causing crash during start up..and also wrong versions of masterfile (i got string message from fallout3.exe, could be related with your problem)


One or more plugins could not find the correct versions of the master files they depend on. Errors may occur during load or game play.


if still having that problem, you need to post your load order..

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You said, your games crash after installing DLC..from your post above

2 days ago, everything was fine, but from yesterday on, it crashes everytime i try to play, before the "Please Wait" screen appears.

so 2 days before getting this problem, i assume that your game working fine even installing DLC, right??, but what program did you install before crashing..have you changed anything in your system?? if only TV, simple just unplug it then try to playing the game..

you should post error message, if remember. also you can try to upgrade windows live or disable it, as this is common problem...

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