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A humble request

dragon awakened

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Likely the wrong place to go for this information but after countless searches I'm forced to ask for help. I have been looking for multiple follower mods and the only ones I have found are either discontinued or have been moved to other sites. Would someone please point me toward a good, functional multiple followers mod that is compatable with the NMM. Not looking for a larger group than 5 plus myself. I thank you and apologize in advance for any offenses here.


Thank you for your time

Dragon Awakened

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There's also the lesser known Extensible Follower Framework mod.


I recommend AFT, as it's always treated me well and has a ton of customization, especially with its latest update. However, the most popular has always been UFO and has better compatibility with Convenient Horses. AFT and UFO each use dialogue for setting changes, while EFF pulls up a menu box. None have implemented MCM support yet. Each have their own separate issues and eccentricities to suffer, so go with the one you like best and that matches your play style.

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