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Kajeet/weres Overhauled


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Working on a mod that takes several stand alone mods and merges them into one super esp along with some of my own additions. Wanted to post my notes and get thoughts on anything else the community feels i should add to really make them perfect


Have at you


Kajeet Fixed mod:

Combines several mods for better beast Race/Unarmed play

Khajiit Claws Fix

- http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/22909 1.0 by Yetu

Companions Inner Circle Changes by LLX

- This mods sets the default armor for Skoor, Alea the Huntress and Vijar and his brother to all use Wolf Armor, Skoor as a unarmed fighter gets the juggernaut Perk and Heavy Armor unarmed bonus.

All their eyes were turned yollow and they were given Sense of Smell and Adaptive Nigh Eyes

I also changed Alela Hunting bow to a Dragon Bone Bow.

Upcomming Changes:

Add a “wolf bow” a full Wolf equipment set to their inventories for example a Wolf Sword instead of the Skyforge Steel Great Sword, Wolf Shield, etc. As well as let them use the open hand claw swipe of Kajeet form unarmed attacks.

Adaptive Night Eyes

- Blue Grey Tint-Brighter - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/17438 v1.03 by estioarem

*APPROVED* La Femme Lycana Female Werewolf Body

- http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/7169 1.0.7 by madcat221

Khajiit Sense of Smell v2 http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/22283 by edg3k

- Adds a scent ability (similar to detect life) to werewolves and Khajiit

Mods to Incorporate:

Leveled Unarmed Damage

Turn companions into Werewolves

Werecats for Kajeet

WereLizards for Argonians

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