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Bring fame and infamy back! I explain why


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When I get to a new city in Skyrim, people are always the same about me, they never say something like "It´s the dragonborn of legend" or something like that. People look you exactly the same.

There have to be rumors about an adventurer who helps people whenever he can, the dragonborn of legend that is working to save the world, etc...


At least I would like that Fame or Infamy count for something, I don´t know why Bethesda didn´t add it on the first place :/

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something like that would be pretty good. It would require voice acting and it'd be pretty hard for some to match the NPCs voices. I guess they could mix and match words the NPCs say or something though.

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Technology are a bit medieval so communication technology are a bit undeveloped. They appear to have invented the printing press but seriously, very few people actually know how you look like. This is lampshaded by Ralof the Stormcloak. Save him from Helgen and he will, when you ask about Ulfric realise that not many people know how he looks like, aside from some imperial wanted posters.

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