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Help I can not teleport at all except through the mages guild! Every time I triy to use any teleporting magic a message comes up and says teleportion magic dose not work here!


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No it will not let me teleport and I do have tribunal and blood moon.

The only thing I can think of is that multi mark mod that I downloaded but besides that

its the only thing I can think of.

If you think of anything else please let me know.

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LOL!!! I also had this problem with multimark, and I also made as lengthy post about fixing it. First of all, I highly recommend *NOT* using this mod, as this totally screws up any teleportation within the game, since the author used some bad hacks to get it working. For example, you might not even see the ending of the game!


Here's the post about this problem:


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Multimark does not break the main quest any more than an unpatched version of Tribunal -- if anybody is wondering why our French friend made the rather alarmist claim of Multimark breaking the main quest, it is because it involves teleportation, and thus has a slight chance of a bug where it would have teleportation enabled in certain areas where it shouldn't be.


If one were to come across such a bug -- a bug which, I might add, I have never experienced or seen any proof of in this excellent plugin -- he would have to not only be stupid enough to use teleportation at the relatively small "window of oppurtunity" that this presents, but he would also need to completely ignore the dozens of threads concerning this provlem as it related to unpatched versions of Tribunal.


MultiMark is safe. It is hexedited, and thus you should never attempt to edit it using a high-level editor, but it is safe. There is no danger of it wreaking absolute havok on all portions of the main quest -- there is only an unconfirmed possibility of having the main quest's ending delayed until you get help, which is found quickly and all too easily.


Additionally, in that post that he linked to, his problems were solved by a single console command. Not only that, but there still remains the possibility of his problems not being caused by MultiMark at all -- and if they were caused by MultiMark, it was likely because of an unclean uninstallation.

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I am sorry I didn't mean to offend anyody but in any case the promblem has seemed to work it self out the message sill appears but I can teleport now. I am sure I still need to do some thing the tech support people told me it was a promblem they couldn't fix after I emailed them my saved game so I guess I am just stuck with the message.


Thank you for help guys if there is anything I can do to help with your game let me know..

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