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Question on combat


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Ive had morrowind since it came out but was into other things at the time. Now that I have free time Ive been amazed at how great this game is. My question is this.


I have a long sword.... for combat, I notice if I move a certian way I swing different and if i hold it down longer It seems like I do more damage?


Is this true?


How does this work?


Are there different combanations(sp) to the attacks to make them hit better?


Are some attacks stronger then the others or does it just affect your chance to hit?


Does running around and straffing and then hitting or (jousting) matter at all?


Any other combat tips you can give?


Thanks =))

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Ok there are three kinds of attacks, thrust;slash; and chop, it depends on the weapon which one is the best. like for a spear it is thrust(obviously) And when you hold the attack button longer you pull your weapon back and it does the full damage it is capable of. I hope this helps, it helps in the game a lot. Good luck
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Alexander left out a detail inexplaining the attack system in morrowind. Under the options menu, you can toggle "Use Best attack" or..."dont use best aattack" i guess. When you have UBA mode on, its like Alexander said. Its different for each type of weapon. But, when the UBA mode is off, you we're correct in saying that= if you move to the left or the right before you attack- the atack will be slash

if you move forward before you attack-thrust

if you do not move at all, it becomes slash.

I'd reccomend that you keep use best attack mode on, just becasue you will do maximum damage. I know it seems a bit dull but its worth it. Think about it: stabbing someone with a war hammer... :huh:

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Have only been playing about a month now - but on my third character and have "completed" the main Quest.


There are two variables and three styles to combat. The variables are your Strength and the range of damage for the weapon. The higher your strength, the closer you can get to doing the maximum that weapon can do. The weapon variable is for a quick stroke versus putting your full weight into it.


By holding down the fire button, you are putting more and more of your body weight and strength into the stroke - which of course leaves you open for a return strike by the enemy. If you just do a quick click, you will do the least possible damage with the quickest strike. Hold down the button until the yellow bar is all the way over, and you will do the maximum you can for that stroke.


The next one is tricky, and I am still getting the feel for it. The styles are Chop, Slash and Thrust. Your weapon is rated with a variable damage range for each - but HOW to select which one is the tricky part. It appears to be a function of your RANGE from the enemy - get in REAL close, you will chop - middle range, slash and just within range thrust. Each weapon has a different range, of course, so a spear will be able to Thrust a hell of a lot farther than a tanto!


You CAN set the option to only use the best attack - which means whichever one does the most damage as listed.


For you experts out there - the real challenge is finding the range where a Halberd changes from a Thrust to a Slash ........


Edit - while I was typing the above comment was made - makes more sense now. No move - Chop. Move Forward- Thrust. Strafe - Slash.

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Hold down the button until the yellow bar is all the way over, and you will do the maximum you can for that stroke.


Yellow bar? I've played for almost a year. I've seen no yellow bar, besides the one representing the enemy's health.


There really isn't much to combat. Hold down and you'll get a stronger attack, quick thrusts give you more chances to make your enemy stagger back (but less attack obviously), range is a fun tool to use with spears especially. You can hit any enemy before they even reach you (besides other spear-wielders). Just run backwards and thrust. Eventually you can use this tactic and never get hit.


I think it's kind of pointless to try and learn the three attacks. They aren't going to get you any where. The best way is to toggle the always-use-best-attack button, which has been previously mentioned. If you don't toggle this button on, how can you kill someone while moving with an axe when you can only thrust when you move? How can enemies take you seriously when the only effective way to use a spear is to move back and forward constantly?


My Verdict: Always-use-best-attack On.

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I think he meant the green bar. Aka, fatigue. But it doesn't affect damage AFAIK, it affects accuracy. The less the fatigue bar is filled, the less chance you have to hit.
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