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Slow Download


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I get around 10 MB/s max around the web and steam. Nexus mods has been limiting me to 2 MB/s and under for a while now. Speed tests indicate as much with a 80mbps connection.

Under site settings, changing from cdn to Chicago does not improve either.


I know simultaneous connections is considered poor etiquette, and this was just a test. With wget or aria2c I'm indeed getting 10 MB/s. With MO2, and a quite a few browsers (fresh and no addons) and I'm still getting 2 MB/s
So this seems like there is some limited number of connections for browsers and mod utilities like mo2?


  • Country: US
  • ISP: Verizon
  • Test download speeds:
  1. Amsterdam 600 KB/s
  2. Prague 500 KB/s
  3. LA 700 KB/s
  4. Chicago 1,700 KB/s
  5. Miami 1,400 KB/s
  6. Singapore 200 KB/s
  • Your download link:
  1. Under 20 MB
  2. Over 500 MB
  • TraceRoute:
Tracing route to files.nexus-cdn.com []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

  1    <1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms
  2     6 ms     7 ms     7 ms  unn-185-246-209-245.datapacket.com []

Trace complete.
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From your edit it sounds like you're able to increase the download speed by upping the download threads (this is an option in Vortex).


I can't see anything on our end that would be causing your speeds to be poor, it's possible there's a bad connection along the route or something along the chain is limiting your speed.

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I was not aware it was an option in Vortex. That's good to know. I have been stubbornly sticking with MO for years, nothing wrong with Vortex.


I move a lot of files between a few locations and nexusmods was the first time i noticed a drop in speed. There has been a lot of outages in the area due to weather so I guess there could be some issue down the line somewhere.

Regardless. Will keep and eye on it. Thanks again.



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I was not aware it was an option in Vortex. That's good to know. I have been stubbornly sticking with MO for years, nothing wrong with Vortex.


I move a lot of files between a few locations and nexusmods was the first time i noticed a drop in speed. There has been a lot of outages in the area due to weather so I guess there could be some issue down the line somewhere.


Regardless. Will keep and eye on it. Thanks again.




If it improves (or gets worse) please let us know, if you remember :)

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  • 3 weeks later...


Was racking my brain trying to think of all the silly places Microsoft has network configurations and settings. I remembered netsh interface.

TLDR I ran the following and from what I could see was far from default settings.

netsh interface tcp show global

So I did the following

netsh interface tcp reset

Now everything is working as intended. The silly thing is I don't remember messing with that at all (most who do should know its probably placebo).


Hope this helps anyone else... and happy holiday!

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