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Start a new game with an old character?


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Hi guys, I've been trying to access my Honest Hearts DLC during my modded playthrough, but it crashes as soon as I convince the caravan master to go (therefore crashing upon world transition). After messing with my load order I've determined which mod causes the crash, but after disabling it the game crashes while loading from the main menu instead. Simply put, I can't play HH.


I'm looking for a way to start a new game while retaining my levels, equipment and quest status. This way I can start the game where I left off with a different set of mods which doesn't break HH? Has anyone done this before? Is there a utility that does this? I'm a programmer but I haven't experienced FNV's scripting language and API - I'm convinced that this is possible but I'm not in a position to do so myself.


Posting in general because I'm not asking for help with my crash, but rather a separate possibility. Thanks for any suggestions!

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Do you have any mods install? If yes, you can uncheck them on the launcher datafiles. Get to Zion, savenquit, recheck them, load, savenplay.


If no, you should try few tricks: enter it while draw weapon, enter it while sneak, before the last slide end, esc to pause screen and let it finish speaking, then esc back to the game. I always have trouble with entering/exiting an expansion: HH, DM, and OWB.

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